31 research outputs found

    HDAC Activity Is Required for Efficient Core Promoter Function at the Mouse Mammary Tumor Virus Promoter

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    Histone deacetylases (HDACs) have been shown to be required for basal or inducible transcription at a variety of genes by poorly understood mechanisms. We demonstrated previously that HDAC inhibition rapidly repressed transcription from the mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) promoter by a mechanism that does not require the binding of upstream transcription factors. In the current study, we find that HDACs work through the core promoter sequences of MMTV as well as those of several cellular genes to facilitate transcriptional initiation through deacetylation of nonhistone proteins

    Heterochromatin-Mediated Gene Silencing Facilitates the Diversification of Olfactory Neurons

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    An astounding property of the nervous system is its cellular diversity. This diversity, which was initially realized by morphological and electrophysiological differences, is ultimately produced by variations in gene-expression programs. In most cases, these variations are determined by external cues. However, a growing number of neuronal types have been identified in which inductive signals cannot explain the few but decisive transcriptional differences that cause cell diversification. Here, we show that heterochromatic silencing, which we find is governed by histone methyltransferases G9a (KMT1C) and GLP (KMT1D), is essential for stochastic and singular olfactory receptor (OR) expression. Deletion of G9a and GLP dramatically reduces the complexity of the OR transcriptome, resulting in transcriptional domination by a few ORs and loss of singularity in OR expression. Thus, our data suggest that, in addition to its previously known functions, heterochromatin creates an epigenetic platform that affords stochastic, mutually exclusive gene choices and promotes cellular diversity

    Soft X-Ray Tomography Reveals Gradual Chromatin Compaction and Reorganization during Neurogenesis In Vivo

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    SummaryThe realization that nuclear distribution of DNA, RNA, and proteins differs between cell types and developmental stages suggests that nuclear organization serves regulatory functions. Understanding the logic of nuclear architecture and how it contributes to differentiation and cell fate commitment remains challenging. Here, we use soft X-ray tomography (SXT) to image chromatin organization, distribution, and biophysical properties during neurogenesis in vivo. Our analyses reveal that chromatin with similar biophysical properties forms an elaborate connected network throughout the entire nucleus. Although this interconnectivity is present in every developmental stage, differentiation proceeds with concomitant increase in chromatin compaction and re-distribution of condensed chromatin toward the nuclear core. HP1β, but not nucleosome spacing or phasing, regulates chromatin rearrangements because it governs both the compaction of chromatin and its interactions with the nuclear envelope. Our experiments introduce SXT as a powerful imaging technology for nuclear architecture

    Revealing the Complexity of Breast Cancer by Next Generation Sequencing

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    Over the last few years the increasing usage of “-omic” platforms, supported by next-generation sequencing, in the analysis of breast cancer samples has tremendously advanced our understanding of the disease. New driver and passenger mutations, rare chromosomal rearrangements and other genomic aberrations identified by whole genome and exome sequencing are providing missing pieces of the genomic architecture of breast cancer. High resolution maps of breast cancer methylomes and sequencing of the miRNA microworld are beginning to paint the epigenomic landscape of the disease. Transcriptomic profiling is giving us a glimpse into the gene regulatory networks that govern the fate of the breast cancer cell. At the same time, integrative analysis of sequencing data confirms an extensive intertumor and intratumor heterogeneity and plasticity in breast cancer arguing for a new approach to the problem. In this review, we report on the latest findings on the molecular characterization of breast cancer using NGS technologies, and we discuss their potential implications for the improvement of existing therapies

    Regulation of Metabolic Plasticity in Cancer Stem Cells and Implications in Cancer Therapy

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    Cancer stem cells (CSCs), a subpopulation of tumor cells with self-renewal capacity, have been associated with tumor initiation, progression, and therapy resistance. While the bulk of tumor cells mainly use glycolysis for energy production, CSCs have gained attention for their ability to switch between glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation, depending on their energy needs and stimuli from their microenvironment. This metabolic plasticity is mediated by signaling pathways that are also implicated in the regulation of CSC properties, such as the Wnt/β-catenin, Notch, and Hippo networks. Two other stemness-associated processes, autophagy and hypoxia, seem to play a role in the metabolic switching of CSCs as well. Importantly, accumulating evidence has linked the metabolic plasticity of CSCs to their increased resistance to treatment. In this review, we summarize the metabolic signatures of CSCs and the pathways that regulate them; we especially highlight research data that demonstrate the metabolic adaptability of these cells and their role in stemness and therapy resistance. As the development of drug resistance is a major challenge for successful cancer treatment, the potential of specific elimination of CSCs through targeting their metabolism is of great interest and it is particularly examined

    A Composite Intronic Element Directs Dynamic Binding of the Progesterone Receptor and GATA-2

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    The progesterone receptor (PR) plays a pivotal role in proper development and function of the mammary gland and has also been implicated in mammary tumorigenesis. PR is a ligand-activated transcription factor; however, relatively, little is known about its mechanisms of action at endogenous target promoters. The aim of our study was to identify a natural PR-responsive gene and investigate its transcriptional regulation in the mammary microenvironment. Our experiments revealed FKBP5 as a direct target of the PR, because it exhibited a rapid activation by progestin that was cycloheximide independent and correlated with recruitment of RNA polymerase II to the promoter. Site-directed mutagenesis and chromatin immunoprecipitation assays showed that progestin responsiveness is mediated through a composite element in the first intron, to which the PR binds concomitantly with GATA-2. Mutational analysis of the element revealed that the GATA-2 site is essential for progestin activation. Direct binding of PR to DNA contributes to the efficiency of activation but is not sufficient, suggesting that the receptor makes important protein-protein interactions as part of its mechanism of action at the FKBP5 promoter. Using chromatin immunoprecipitation assays we also determined that the intronic region is in communication with the promoter, probably via DNA looping. Time course analysis revealed a cyclical pattern of PR recruitment to the FKBP5 gene but a persistent recruitment to the mouse mammary tumor virus promoter, indicating that receptor cycling is a gene-specific phenomenon rather than a characteristic of the receptor itself. Our study offers new insight in the nature of PR-regulated transcription in mammary cancer cells

    Deep sequencing reveals new aspects of progesterone receptor signaling in breast cancer cells.

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    Despite the pleiotropic effects of the progesterone receptor in breast cancer, the molecular mechanisms in play remain largely unknown. To gain a global view of the PR-orchestrated networks, we used next-generation sequencing to determine the progestin-regulated transcriptome in T47D breast cancer cells. We identify a large number of PR target genes involved in critical cellular programs, such as regulation of transcription, apoptosis, cell motion and angiogenesis. Integration of the transcriptomic data with the PR-binding profiling of hormonally treated cells identifies numerous components of the small-GTPases signaling pathways as direct PR targets. Progestin-induced deregulation of the small GTPases may contribute to the PR's role in mammary tumorigenesis. Transcript expression analysis reveals significant expression changes of specific transcript variants in response to the extracellular hormonal stimulus. Using the NET1 gene as an example, we show that the PR can dictate alternative promoter usage leading to the upregulation of an isoform that may play a role in metastatic breast cancer. Future studies should aim to characterize these selectively regulated variants and evaluate their clinical utility in prognosis and targeted therapy of hormonally responsive breast tumors

    LSD1/KDM1A, a Gate-Keeper of Cancer Stemness and a Promising Therapeutic Target

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    A new exciting area in cancer research is the study of cancer stem cells (CSCs) and the translational implications for putative epigenetic therapies targeted against them. Accumulating evidence of the effects of epigenetic modulating agents has revealed their dramatic consequences on cellular reprogramming and, particularly, reversing cancer stemness characteristics, such as self-renewal and chemoresistance. Lysine specific demethylase 1 (LSD1/KDM1A) plays a well-established role in the normal hematopoietic and neuronal stem cells. Overexpression of LSD1 has been documented in a variety of cancers, where the enzyme is, usually, associated with the more aggressive types of the disease. Interestingly, recent studies have implicated LSD1 in the regulation of the pool of CSCs in different leukemias and solid tumors. However, the precise mechanisms that LSD1 uses to mediate its effects on cancer stemness are largely unknown. Herein, we review the literature on LSD1’s role in normal and cancer stem cells, highlighting the analogies of its mode of action in the two biological settings. Given its potential as a pharmacological target, we, also, discuss current advances in the design of novel therapeutic regimes in cancer that incorporate LSD1 inhibitors, as well as their future perspectives