8 research outputs found

    A study to assess the effectiveness of Intradialytic stretching exercise on Muscle Cramps among patients undergoing Hemodialysis in Morris Mathias Hospital at Kanyakumari District

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    The study was undertaken to assess the effectiveness of Intradialytic Stretching Exercise on Muscle Cramps among patients undergoing Hemodialysis in Morris Mathias hospital, Nagercoil at Kanyakumari Dist. Objective The over all aim of the research was to assess the effect of intradialytic stretching exercise in reducing muscle cramp among hemodialysis patients Research Methodology The researcher adopted a quantitative approach with one group pre testpost test design. Sixty patients with muscle cramp were selected, by using convenience sampling technique. Pretest was done with modified ashworthscale.Intradialytic stretching exercise was given for 20 minutes.Immediately after Intradialytic Stretching Exercise posttest was done by checking the muscle cramp of the patient with the same modified ashworth scale. The collected data were analyzed based on the above mentioned objective using the descriptive and inferential statistics. Findings of the study The study identified that the Intradialytic stretching exercise was effective in reducing muscle cramp among hemodialysis patients.It was found that there was a significant reduction of muscle cramp among hemodialysis patients after Intradialytic stretching exercise. The ‘paired t’ value was found to be 30.34,df=59,P<0.05. Conclusion From the results of the study it is concluded that rendering Intradialytic stretching exercise to hemodialysis patients was effective in reducing Muscle Cramps

    Regime of Superfast Atomic Transport and Related Processes in Titanium Alloy Modified by ion Implantation and Cyclic Thermal Treatment

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    In this work we study the formation of a relatively thick TiO2 layer on the surface of Ti-6Al-4V alloy after ion-thermal treatment (IThT). A stoichiometric composition closed to the TiO2 layer, its depth, and local oxidation anisotropy were detected by micro-RBS. Anisotropic oxidation observed at some local areas near the SIMS craters. In this work, a possible mechanism of the oxide layer formation and thermal stability of spherical inclusions size will be discussed in connection with the superfast 18O implant migration and it dissolution at elevated temperatures. It supposed that dielectric spherical inclusions compose from the particles of about few of tenth nanometers in grain size

    Proton Beam Writing Device Based on Electrostatic Accelerator for 3D Micro- and Nano-Structure Fabrication

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