16 research outputs found

    Melanoma - risk factors and prevention strategies

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    Introductions and purpose: Melanoma is a malignant skin cancer, characterized by a very high rate of increase in the number of cases. The aim of this study is to analyze the key modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors associated with the development of melanoma and to discuss existing prevention strategies.  Materials and methods: A literature review was conducted using the "PubMed" database with the keywords "melanoma", "melanoma risk factors", "melanoma primary prevention" and  “melanoma secondary prevention”. State of knowledge: Melanoma risk factors can be divided into two groups: modifiable and non-modifiable. The main modifiable factor is UV radiation. Non-modifiable risk factors include: genetic factors, phenotypic characteristics, age, gender, and the presence of melanocytic nevi. UV radiation is responsible for the incidence of 60-70% of melanomas. Reducing exposure to risk factors is crucial in primary prevention, while self-examination and medical examination are important in secondary prevention. Summary: Despite the very high rate of increase in the number of cases, morbidity and mortality associated with melanoma can be effectively reduced by adhering to the principles of primary and secondary prevention. Patient education is crucial to reduce exposure to modifiable factors and increase vigilance against new skin lesions

    Prostate cancer - risk factors and prevention strategies

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    Introduction and purpose: Prostate cancer is the second most frequent malignancy in men worldwide. The aim of this study is to analyze the key modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors associated with the development of prostate cancer and to discuss existing prevention strategies. Materials and methods: A literature review was conducted using the "PubMed" database with the keywords "prostate cancer", "prostate cancer risk factors", "prostate cancer prevention”. State of knowledge: Prostate cancer risk factors can be divided into two groups: modifiable and non-modifiable. Modifiable risk factors include: diet, infections and alcohol use. Non-modifiable risk factors include: age, race, genetic factors, and family history. Chemoprevention plays an important role in the prevention of prostate cancer. Summary: Despite the fact that prostate cancer remains a significant challenge for current medicine, the development of preventive methods in recent years gives hope for reducing mortality associated with the disease. Research is still being conducted to identify prostate cancer risk factors and to improve methods of primary and secondary prevention

    Childhood obesity - risk factors and prevention strategies

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    Introduction and purpose: Obesity is one of the most serious health challenges in modern society. Over the last 40 years, the number of obese school-age children has increased tenfold. This not only has significant consequences for physical health, but also affects psychosocial aspects and the quality of life of the young generation. The aim of this study is to conduct a comprehensive review of the literature on obesity among children and adolescents, focused on identifying the main risk factors and analyzing effective forms of prevention. Materials and methods: A review of the literature available in the "PubMed" database and books was conducted. The search was performed by using the following keywords: "childhood obesity", "childhood obesity risk factors", “childhood obesity prevention” State of knowledge: The risk factors for obesity in children and adolescents include genetic factors, endocrine diseases, improper diet, low physical activity, low socioeconomic status, stress, psychological factors, short sleep time, medications, hypothalamic obesity and H. pylori. As part of the prevention of obesity in children and adolescents, it is recommended to develop appropriate habits in children and adolescents. The influence of parents on health behaviors in children is important. Top-down activities such as health campaigns and legal regulations also have a significant impact. Summary: Due to research conducted over the years, awareness of obesity risk factors has increased. To effectively prevent this disease, an integrated approach is necessary, taking into account both education and changes in the social environment. Implementing these strategies requires cooperation at local, regional, national and international levels

    Fertility Preservation Strategies in Cancer Patients: A Comprehensive Review

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    Introduction and purpose. Preserving fertility is crucial for cancer patients, aligning with advancements in oncology. As survival rates improve, addressing treatment-related late effects gains importance. Many young patients, aware of therapy toxicity, consider future conception chances, impacting treatment decisions. With a trend toward delayed childbirth and a growing population facing unplanned family planning disruptions, the demand for fertility preservation is expected to rise. This paper provides a brief review of available methods for preserving fertility in cancer patients.   State of knowledge. Freezing semen in liquid nitrogen vapor is a standard method for preserving reproductive potential in male cancer patients. Shielding during total-body radiation limits testicular volume reduction, indicating less damage to the germinal epithelium. Hormone suppression treatments are not protective in male cancer patients. Oocyte and embryo cryopreservation are considered secure methods before anticancer treatments, with oocyte cryopreservation being preferred for post-pubertal women. Ovarian tissue cryopreservation remains an alternative method without preliminary treatment, suitable when time is insufficient for ovarian stimulation. Ovarian transposition beyond the intended radiation area, performed laparoscopically, can retain ovarian function. GnRH agonist administration before and during chemotherapy aims to minimize the likelihood of premature ovarian insufficiency.   Summary. Advancements in fertility preservation for cancer patients, ranging from traditional cryopreservation to innovative methods like ovarian tissue preservation, highlight a commitment to empowering individuals facing cancer diagnoses. Ongoing research expands possibilities, ensuring a diverse range of strategies that offer tangible and hopeful prospects at the intersection of cancer and reproductive health

    An apple a day keeps the doctor away? - a review of health benefits of apples

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    Introduction and purpose: Apples are a widely consumed fruit globally and are known to be a great source of nutrition. Studies have shown that apples contain high levels of antioxidants, dietary fiber, and vitamins that contribute to numerous health benefits. This paper aims to provide a comprehensive review of the impact of apples on human health. State of knowledge: The paper reviews the current literature on the health benefits of apples, focusing on their impact on various health conditions such as cancer, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and obesity. Additionally, it examines the role of apples in improving intestinal, immune, and cognitive function. The paper also discusses the potential mechanisms by which apples exert their health benefits, such as high levels of flavonoids, polyphenols, and dietary fiber. Summary: In conclusion, the vast body of evidence reviewed in this paper supports the notion that consuming apples regularly can contribute to better health outcomes. They may help reduce the risk of chronic diseases, such as cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and diabetes, as well as promote healthy gut microbiota and immune function. Despite the controversy surrounding the use of pesticides in apple cultivation, the benefits of consuming apples outweigh the risks. Therefore, it is highly recommended to include apples as part of a balanced and nutritious diet to promote optimal health and wellbeing. As the saying goes, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away"

    Childhood obesity - risk factors and prevention strategies

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    Introduction and purpose: Obesity is one of the most serious health challenges in modern society. Over the last 40 years, the number of obese school-age children has increased tenfold. This not only has significant consequences for physical health, but also affects psychosocial aspects and the quality of life of the young generation. The aim of this study is to conduct a comprehensive review of the literature on obesity among children and adolescents, focused on identifying the main risk factors and analyzing effective forms of prevention. Materials and methods: A review of the literature available in the "PubMed" database and books was conducted. The search was performed by using the following keywords: "childhood obesity", "childhood obesity risk factors", “childhood obesity prevention” State of knowledge: The risk factors for obesity in children and adolescents include genetic factors, endocrine diseases, improper diet, low physical activity, low socioeconomic status, stress, psychological factors, short sleep time, medications, hypothalamic obesity and H. pylori. As part of the prevention of obesity in children and adolescents, it is recommended to develop appropriate habits in children and adolescents. The influence of parents on health behaviors in children is important. Top-down activities such as health campaigns and legal regulations also have a significant impact. Summary: Due to research conducted over the years, awareness of obesity risk factors has increased. To effectively prevent this disease, an integrated approach is necessary, taking into account both education and changes in the social environment. Implementing these strategies requires cooperation at local, regional, national and international levels

    Effects of red wine on cardiovascular diseases

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    Introduction and purpose: The purpose of this scientific paper is to review the current knowledge of the effects of red wine on human health, particularly with regard to cardiovascular disease.  State of Knowledge: Since the 1990s, red wine has gained its status as a health-promoting alcohol through the French Paradox - when drunk in moderate amounts, it protects against cardiovascular disease. The authors have collected scientific papers on the health effects of alcohol, red wine and resveratrol-a polyphenol that is the main component with health-promoting effects of wine. On their basis, they analyzed the assumptions of the positive effects of wine reaching inconclusive conclusions.  Summary: Despite the fact that both ethanol and resveratrol have a positive effect in in vitro studies, in population studies their effect is much less significant, either because the negative behavioral-health effects in the case of ethanol are omitted or the actual effective doses of resveratrol are omitted

    Fertility Preservation Strategies in Cancer Patients: A Comprehensive Review

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    Introduction and purpose. Preserving fertility is crucial for cancer patients, aligning with advancements in oncology. As survival rates improve, addressing treatment-related late effects gains importance. Many young patients, aware of therapy toxicity, consider future conception chances, impacting treatment decisions. With a trend toward delayed childbirth and a growing population facing unplanned family planning disruptions, the demand for fertility preservation is expected to rise. This paper provides a brief review of available methods for preserving fertility in cancer patients.   State of knowledge. Freezing semen in liquid nitrogen vapor is a standard method for preserving reproductive potential in male cancer patients. Shielding during total-body radiation limits testicular volume reduction, indicating less damage to the germinal epithelium. Hormone suppression treatments are not protective in male cancer patients. Oocyte and embryo cryopreservation are considered secure methods before anticancer treatments, with oocyte cryopreservation being preferred for post-pubertal women. Ovarian tissue cryopreservation remains an alternative method without preliminary treatment, suitable when time is insufficient for ovarian stimulation. Ovarian transposition beyond the intended radiation area, performed laparoscopically, can retain ovarian function. GnRH agonist administration before and during chemotherapy aims to minimize the likelihood of premature ovarian insufficiency.   Summary. Advancements in fertility preservation for cancer patients, ranging from traditional cryopreservation to innovative methods like ovarian tissue preservation, highlight a commitment to empowering individuals facing cancer diagnoses. Ongoing research expands possibilities, ensuring a diverse range of strategies that offer tangible and hopeful prospects at the intersection of cancer and reproductive health

    Anticancer properties of berberine - analysis of the latest reports

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      Introduction and purpose:  Berberine is a plant alkaloid that naturally occurs in the fruits of common barberry (Berberis vulgaris). This alkaloid has long been used in natural medicine. It exhibits a range of bioactivities, such as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic, anti-edema, and antimicrobial actions. Through the promising therapeutic effects of berberine in metabolic syndrome, as well as its impact on carcinogenesis, this compound is beginning to play a significant role in preventive medicine. Recently, particular attention has been paid to the anticancer properties of berberine, which are based on many biochemical pathways, particularly its pro-apoptotic and anti-inflammatory action. The study aimed to review the anticancer mechanisms of berberine and summarize them about individual cancers.   State of knowledge:  The article reviews the current literature on the anticancer properties of berberine for individual cancers, focusing primarily on its molecular mechanisms of action. In addition, the potential of berberine as a promising candidate forming the basis for drug production and its use in preventive medicine was analyzed.   Summary:  In summary, many studies have shown that berberine exhibits anticancer activity in many types of cancers, including breast, lung, stomach, liver, colorectal, ovarian, cervical, and prostate cancers. Berberine inhibits the growth of cancer cells, limits metastases, induces apoptosis, stimulates autophagy, and enhances the effectiveness of anticancer drugs. Despite its potential as a promising candidate for drug production, there are currently no approved pure berberine preparations for the treatment of specific ailments. Research on its effectiveness and safety is still ongoing

    An apple a day keeps the doctor away? - a review of health benefits of apples

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    Introduction and purpose: Apples are a widely consumed fruit globally and are known to be a great source of nutrition. Studies have shown that apples contain high levels of antioxidants, dietary fiber, and vitamins that contribute to numerous health benefits. This paper aims to provide a comprehensive review of the impact of apples on human health. State of knowledge: The paper reviews the current literature on the health benefits of apples, focusing on their impact on various health conditions such as cancer, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and obesity. Additionally, it examines the role of apples in improving intestinal, immune, and cognitive function. The paper also discusses the potential mechanisms by which apples exert their health benefits, such as high levels of flavonoids, polyphenols, and dietary fiber. Summary: In conclusion, the vast body of evidence reviewed in this paper supports the notion that consuming apples regularly can contribute to better health outcomes. They may help reduce the risk of chronic diseases, such as cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and diabetes, as well as promote healthy gut microbiota and immune function. Despite the controversy surrounding the use of pesticides in apple cultivation, the benefits of consuming apples outweigh the risks. Therefore, it is highly recommended to include apples as part of a balanced and nutritious diet to promote optimal health and wellbeing. As the saying goes, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away"