17 research outputs found

    The Post-Cinematic Turn

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    Beta spectrum of unique first-forbidden decays as a novel test for fundamental symmetries

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    Within the Standard Model, the weak interaction of quarks and leptons is characterized by certain symmetry properties, such as maximal breaking of parity and favored helicity. These are related to the V−A structure of the weak interaction. These characteristics were discovered by studying correlations in the directions of the outgoing leptons in nuclear beta decays. Presently, correlation measurements in nuclear beta decays are intensively studied to probe for signatures for deviations from these couplings, which are an indication of Beyond Standard Model physics. We show that the structure of the energy spectrum of emitted electrons in unique first-forbidden β-decays is sensitive to the symmetries of the weak interaction, and thus can be used as a novel probe of physics beyond the standard model. Furthermore, the energy spectrum gives constraints both in the case of right and left couplings of the new beyond standard model currents. We show that a measurement with modest energy resolution of ≈20 keV is expected to lead to new constraints on beyond the standard model interactions with tensor couplings

    Seasonal fluctuations in phosphorus loss by leaching from a grassland soil

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    Phosphorus losses from soils have been reported to impair the water quality, resulting in deaths of fish and other marine animals, and can harm human health. The objective of this study was to determine the seasonal distribution of P forms and losses in leachate collected from intact soil monoliths (70-cm depth, 50-cm diam.) of a Lismore stony silt loam soil (fine-loamy, mixed, superactive, frigid Aquic Cumulic Hapludoll) during a 2-yr period. The experiment included different combinations of mineral P fertilizer at 45 or 90 kg P ha⁻¹ yr⁻¹ and/or farm dairy effluent (FDE) at 200 or 400 kg N ha⁻¹ yr⁻¹, which contained 41 to 95 kg P ha⁻¹ yr⁻¹. Amounts and forms of P in leachate collected during the irrigation (IR; November–April) and nonirrigation (NIR; May–October) seasons were compared. Results showed that P losses were higher in particulate forms (mainly particulate unreactive phosphorus, PUP) during the IR seasons. This may be because of regular inputs of high intensity flood IR (92 mm per application), which increased the dislocation of particles in the soil profile, thereby resulting in higher PUP losses. On the other hand, the amount of natural rainfall was much lower (usually <20 mm per event) during the NIR seasons that resulted in less dislocation of particles compared with the IR seasons; hence, lower P losses as PUP but higher losses as dissolved unreactive phosphorus (DUP). Variation in P losses during the different seasons suggest the need to develop mitigation strategies that should focus on reducing DUP losses during the NIR and PUP losses during the IR season