956 research outputs found

    Effect of MBT on landfill behavior: an Italian case study

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    Proportion of thick versus thin melanomas as a benchmarking tool

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    Background: The ratio of benign moles excised for each malignant melanoma diagnosed (number-needed-to-excise (NNE)) is a metric used to express the efficiency of diagnostic accuracy of melanoma. The literature suggests a progressive effort to reduce the NNE, thus raising concerns about missing early melanoma because the NNE does not capture the most significant outcome for melanoma prognosis, which is linked to the Breslow thickness. A lower NNE could reduce health costs related to melanoma diagnosis only if doing so does not increase the proportion of thicker melanomas. Objectives: The diagnostic performance by two tertiary referral centres using the NNE and proportion of thick (Breslow thickness > 1 mm) versus thin (Breslow thickness ≤ 1 mm) excised melanoma (thick/thin ratio: TTR) was compared to determine if a lower NNE is associated with a greater proportion of thicker melanoma. Combining TTR with NNE allows a better estimate of the effectiveness in melanoma diagnosis, assessing both the overall cost for a given pool of excised melanomas and costs due to unnecessary nevi excision at a particular dermatology centre. Methods: Demographic data and Breslow thickness of excised melanoma were extracted from patient histologic records at two referral centres for melanoma (Parma Dermatology Unit and Ravenna and Meldola Skin Cancer Unit, Istituto Scientifico Romagnolo per lo Studio e la Cura dei Tumori. IRCCS (IRST)) on all skin tumours excised between 2002 and 2011 and diagnosed as melanoma or melanocytic nevus. NNE and TTR were calculated and compared among the considered variables. Logistic regression was used to assess the contribution of each variable in predicting a higher TTR. Results: Data from 16,738 excised lesions were analysed. The IRST Unit reported a mean NNE of 4.6, whereas the Parma Unit excised 10.6 nevi for each melanoma. No statistically significant differences existed in the mean (IRST Unit, 0.56 ± 0.89 mm; Parma Unit, 1.07 ± 2.2 mm) and median (range) Breslow thickness (IRST Unit, 0.4 (9) mm; Parma Unit 0.4 (30) mm). The TTR between centres was significantly different (Parma Unit, 24%; IRST Unit, 12%; p < 0.001). Based on logistic regression, the diagnosing centre was the most powerful factor in determining a thickness of >1 mm among diagnosed melanomas (OR = 1.8; 95% CI, 1.2–2.7; p < 0.01), with all other factors being equal. The NNE decreased at both centres from younger-to-older patients, whereas the TTR increased simultaneously; however, the increase in TTR was non-significantly related to NNE reduction after adjusting for confounders (age, gender, and localization). Conclusions: A better diagnostic performance is capable of reducing the NNE and TTR, i.e., unnecessary excisions of melanocytic nevi can be reduced without increasing the risk of overlooking melanomas. The TTR, in addition to the NNE, allows stakeholders to better estimate the effectiveness in melanoma diagnosis because both overall costs for a given pool of excised melanomas and costs due for unnecessary nevi excision at a particular dermatology centre can be compared

    Calodium hepaticum (Nematoda: Capillaridae) in a red fox (Vulpes vulpes) in Italy with scanning electron microscopy of the eggs

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    Calodium hepaticum (Bancroft, 1893) Moravec, 1982 (syn. Capillaria hepatica) is a cosmopolitan capillariid nematode, infecting mainly rodents and occasionally other mammals, including humans. Reports of C. hepaticum in canids are rare and the present one is, to the best of our knowledge, the first reported case in a red fox (Vulpes vulpes Linnaeus) in Italy. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) examination of the eggs of C. hepaticum allowed a precise description of the egg morphology, which is one of the most relevant specific characteristics of capillariid nematodes. The egg shell showed a fibrous beam-like network which differs from that of the eggs of closely related trichinelloid species. This characteristic can be useful especially in case of spurious infection, when misdiagnosis among different trichinelloids species can occur

    Intestinal helminths of red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) in north-west Italy

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    SummaryA total of 180 foxes (Vulpes vulpes) from an area scarcely investigated of north-west Italy, were examined for intestinal helminths using sedimentation and counting technique (SCT). Faecal samples were submitted to centrifugation with 50 % zinc sulphate used as flotation solution.No fox was found completely negative for intestinal helminths. The most frequently identified nematodes were Uncinaria stenocephala (70.0 %), Molineus legerae (27.2 %), Toxocara canis (26.7 %), Toxascaris leonina (25.6 %), Trichuris vulpis (21.1 %), Aonchotheca putorii (8.9 %), Pterygodermatites affinis (5.6 %). Genus Mesocestoides (81.7 %), family Dilepididae (29.4 %) and Taenia spp. (8.3 %) were the most prevalent cestodes. All foxes were negative for E. multilocularis and E. granulosus. In two foxes trematodes belonging to the family Plagiorchidae were found.The study highlighted that foxes are hosts of intestinal helminths of veterinary and medical importance which may be transmitted to dogs and humans

    Occurrence of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency in patients with advanced neuroendocrine tumors treated with somatostatin analogs

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    Background: Although exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI) has been described in patients with neuroendocrine neoplasia (NEN) treated with somatostatin analogs (SSAs), its role in the therapeutic management of these patients is not well established. Aim: To determine the frequency of EPI in patients with NEN long-term treated with SSAs. Methods: This is a prospective single-center study evaluating 35 patients treated with SSAs for >12 months due to unresectable/advanced nonpancreatic well-differentiated NEN. Clinical evaluation, biochemical parameters, and fecal elastases 1 (FE-1) were assessed to diagnose EPI. Results: A total of 7 patients (20%) had EPI, given the presence of abdominal symptoms and a median FE-1 value of 180 mcg/g stool (150–198). No patient had severe EPI, defined as FE-1 < 100 mcg/g stool. Elevated glycated Hb levels were a significant predictor for developing EPI (OR 4.81, p = 0.01). No significant difference in terms of duration of SSA treatment was observed between patients with or without EPI diagnosed (84 months and 72 months, respectively; p = 0.950). Conclusions: Mild-moderate EPI is a relatively common condition in patients receiving long-term treatment with SSAs. Specific clinical and biochemical evaluations, including FE-1, should be planned in these patients to diagnose this relevant condition early, which may deteriorate quality of life and cause malnutrition

    Experimental Pseudomonas anguilliseptica infection in turbot Psetta maxima (L.): a histopathological and immunohistochemical study

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    Experimental infection with Pseudomonas anguilliseptica was performed both by intraperitoneal (i.p.) and bath route on juvenile turbot (Psetta maxima) in order to evaluate the pathology induced. Turbot was found to be sensitive to i.p. challenge (1.7×106 CFU/fish) but no to bath exposure. The i.p. challenge induced septicaemic infection and mortality. Externally, moribund fish showed distended abdomen and pale areas at day 9. The gross pathological internal signs present were abundant ascitic fluid in the peritoneal cavity, pale and enlarged spleen, pale and friable liver, and congestive and dilated gut with yellowish exudates. On histopathological examination, bacterial invasion was common in all the tissues studied but the most prominent pathological changes were observed in gut, spleen and kidney after 7 day with features of necrosis. The immunohistochemical findings support the widespread localization of the bacteria after the i.p. injection since the P. anguilliseptica was detected in spleen from day 1 post injection, in liver, kidney and gut from day 4, in muscle from day 7 and in brain from day 9. The difficulties in infecting healthy fish by bath challenge can be explained by the opportunistic nature of this pathogen

    First recovery of bird acanthocephalan Sphaerirostris lanceoides in an Eurasian badger (Meles meles) in Italy

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    Esemplari di cistacanti parzialmente e completamente evertiti dell'acantocefalo Sphaerirostris lanceoides sono stati rilevati nell'intestino di 1 tra 5 tassi (Meles meles) raccolti in Italia e già deceduti al momento del loro ritrovamento. Questa è la prima segnalazione di S. lanceoides nel tasso

    Ancestry deconvolution and partial polygenic score can improve susceptibility predictions in recently admixed individuals

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    Polygenic Scores (PSs) describe the genetic component of an individual’s quantitative phenotype or their susceptibility to diseases with a genetic basis. Currently, PSs rely on population-dependent contributions of many associated alleles, with limited applicability to understudied populations and recently admixed individuals. Here we introduce a combination of local ancestry deconvolution and partial PS computation to account for the population-specific nature of the association signals in individuals with admixed ancestry. We demonstrate partial PS to be a proxy for the total PS and that a portion of the genome is enough to improve susceptibility predictions for the traits we test. By combining partial PSs from different populations, we are able to improve trait predictability in admixed individuals with some European ancestry. These results may extend the applicability of PSs to subjects with a complex history of admixture, where current methods cannot be applied

    Phytochemical profiling, antibacterial and antioxidant properties of Crocus sativus flower: A comparison between tepals and stigmas

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    Several studies have demonstrated that stigmas of Crocus sativus contain several bioactive compounds with potential health-promoting properties. However, during the processing of stigmas, large amounts of floral bio-residues are normally discarded as by-products. In this study, using untargeted metabolomics, the comprehensive phytochemical composition of C. sativus stigma and tepals was investigated. Moreover, the antibacterial and anti-biofilm properties of the extracts of C. sativus stigmas and tepals were compared. The study was carried out using two methicillin-resistant staphylococcal reference strains (i.e., Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 43300 and Staphylococcus epidermidis ATCC 35984), representing important Gram-positive biofilm-forming human pathogens. The antibacterial properties were correlated with total polyphenol content, total terpenoid content, and in vitro antioxidant properties of tepals and stigmas. The results demonstrated that stigma and tepal extracts, at the sub-toxic concentrations, were able to interfere with biofilm formation by ATCC 43300 and ATCC 35984. Besides, the higher antibacterial activity of tepals than stigmas was associated with higher levels of phycompounds. Therefore, our results demonstrated that C. sativus stigmas and bio-residues, such as tepals, are potential antioxidant sources and good candidates as antibacterial agents to prevent biofilm formation. Taken together, these findings showed that C. sativus could be used as functional ingredient by the food and pharmaceutical industries

    Carotid artery disease: Novel pathophysiological mechanisms identified by gene-expression profiling of peripheral blood

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    AbstractObjectThe pathogenesis of carotid artery stenosis (CAS) as well as the mechanisms underlying the different localisation of the atherosclerotic lesions remains poorly understood. We used microarray technology to identify novel systemic mediators that could contribute to CAS pathogenesis.Moreover, we compared gene-expression profile of CAS with that of patients affected by abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA), previously published by our group.Methods and resultsBy global gene-expression profiling in a pool of 10 CAS patients and 10 matched controls, we found 82 genes differentially expressed. Validation study in pools used for profiling and replication study in larger numbers of CAS patients (n = 40) and controls (n = 40) of 14 genes by real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) confirmed microarray results. Fourteen out of 82 genes were similarly expressed in AAA patients. Gene ontology analysis identified a statistically significant enrichment in CAS of differentially expressed transcripts involved in immune response and oxygen transport. Whereas alteration of oxygen transport is a common tract of the two localisations, alteration of immune response in CAS and of lipid metabolic process in AAA represents distinctive tracts of the two atherosclerotic diseases.ConclusionsWe describe the systemic gene-expression profile of CAS, which provides an extensive list of potential molecular markers