26 research outputs found

    Flexibatteriosi da Tenacibaculum maritimum sierotipo O3 in pesce capone (Chelidonichthys lucerna L.) d’allevamento: prima segnalazione in Italia. First report of Tenacibaculum maritimum serotype O3 infecton in cultured tub gurnard (Chelidonichthys lucerna) in Italy.

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    The present study describes the first isolation of Tenacibaculum maritimum from tub gurnard (Chelidonichthys lucernus L.), cultured in Italy. After 3 days shipment from one fish farm to our laboratory facilities, a group of 20 tub gurnard showed eroded mouth, rotten fins and severe skin ulcerative lesions. Mortality reached 90% of the population in 9 days. Traditional bacteriological and PCR analysis allowed the identification of the causative agent as T. maritimum. Serological characterization of the isolate demonstrated that it belongs to serotype O3. Histopathological examination showed severe skin necrosis, dermis congestion associated with eterophilic and macrophagic infiltration. Immunohistochemical analysis, using specific polyclonal antiserum against T. maritimum serotype O3, allowed the visualization of numerous positively stained macrophagic cells. The high mortality observed during the outbreak leads to consider the T. maritimum as a potential risk for the culture of tub gurnard

    Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles (ZnO-NPs) Suppress Fertility by Activating Autophagy, Apoptosis, and Oxidative Stress in the Developing Oocytes of Female Zebrafish

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    In vertebrates, the core mechanisms that control gametogenesis are largely multiple, complex, successive, and orchestrated by intrinsic and extrinsic factors. However, age, health status, and hormonal activity are important factors for good fertility; other intangible intracellular molecular mechanisms that manage oocyte development are still unclear. The present study was designed to elucidate the ultrastructure changes in the ovary in response to its exposure to zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO-NPs) and to explore the role of autophagy and apoptosis during egg maturation and ovulation on the fertility of female zebrafish. In our study, ZnO-NPs could induce cytotoxicity in the maturing oocyte by activating autophagy and apoptosis in a caspase-dependent manner and could induce oxidative stress by generating reactive oxygen species (ROS) that elevated the mutated ovarian tP53 protein. Simultaneously, necroptosis developed, mimicking the features of apoptosis and necrosis. Collectively, ZnO-NPs created a suitable necrotic environment that led to follicular developmental retardation that altered oocyte ovulation and reduced fecundity of female zebrafish

    Spontaneous intestinal adenocarcinoma in a Blue Gularis Fundulopanchax sjostedti: an immunohistochemical studY

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    A spontaneous intestinal adenocarcinoma in a 3-year-old blue gularis Fundulopanchax sjostedti with a history of swelling of the trunk and anorexia is described. At necropsy, there was a large, firm, irregular mass originated from the intestine and distending the abdominal cavity. Histologically the intestinal mass showed proliferation of neoplastic epithelial cells arranged in irregularly shaped islands and dense sheets with papillotubular ingrowths. Immunohistochemically the neoplastic cells expressed cytokeratin AE1/AE3, PCNA and interestingly the mutant p53 protein. On the basis of the histopathological and immunohistochemical features, an intestinal adenocarcinoma was diagnosed. The expression of the mutant p53 protein in tumour cells may demonstrate its role in neoplastic transformation of enterocytes as observed in human cancers

    Granular cell tumour affecting the left vocal cord in a dog.

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    Granular cell tumours (GCTs) have been described in human vocal cords, but not in those of the dog. A single polyp in the left vocal cord, associated with laryngeal oedema and monolateral hyperplasia of the tonsil, was observed endoscopically in a 6-year-old male dog. Cytologically, the mass was characterized by well-defined polygonal cells, with granular cytoplasm and an eccentric nucleus. Histologically, the mass showed sheets of globoid to polygonal cells, filled with numerous diastase-resistant, periodic acid-Schiff-positive granules, and scanty stroma. Ultrastructurally, the granules were represented by heterogeneous lysosomes of variable size, suggesting a diagnosis of GCT. As reported in man, hyperplasia of the laryngeal and tonsillar epithelium and the presence of foci of pearl-like epithelial cells, mimicking invasive squamous cell carcinoma, were observed. Immunohistochemical examination revealed labelling of neoplastic cells for S-100 protein, CD68, collagen IV, and, focally, for glial fibrillary acidic protein, neuron-specific enolase and vimentin. These findings suggested a Schwann cell origin of the GCT

    Macrophage function in dogs with histiocytic colitis

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    Histiocytic ulcerative colitis (HUC) is a progressive inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) that occurs predominantly in boxer dogs. The lesions are characterized by mixed inflammatory cell infiltration dominated by PAS-positive macrophages and suggesting a defective immune regulation. Colonic biopsies were obtained from 10 boxer dogs: five with HUC and five unaffected dogs. Serial sections were analyzed for macrophage NFkB expression and apoptotic index. Blood monocytes isolated from peripheral blood by the Bøyum method were cultured overnight in medium containing PMA, LPS or MD.The ability of non- and PMA-stimulated macrophages to reduce nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) was estimated. LPS- or MD-stimulated macrophages were analyzed by RT-PCR for amplification of genes encoding the cytokines TNF-a , IFN-g, TGF-b, IL-1b, IL-4 and IL-12. Elevated NFkB activity was observed in intestinal epithelial cells and macrophages in mucosal tissue from dogs with HUC. A high percentage of these macrophages were apoptotic. The capacity of non- and PMA-stimulated monocytes from dogs with HUC to reduce NBT was significantly decreased relative to controls. Macrophages from dogs with HUC exhibited a different pattern of cytokine gene expression in response to LPS and MDP stimulation, with low levels of IFN-g and elevated TGF-b/IL-4 mRNA. The high rate of apoptosis in macrophages from dogs with HUC suggests an increased susceptibility to bacterial products. This differential sensitivity was supported by the results of the NBT tests and by the cytokine gene expression profile of cells from dogs withHUC

    First reports of flexibacteriosis in farmed tub gurnard (Chelidonichthys lucerna L.) and wild turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) in Italy.

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    Two episodes of flexibacteriosis caused by T. maritimum were diagnosed in wild turbot and farmed tub gurnard in Italy. The two different cases occurred in the facilities of Universtiy of Camerino during reproduction trials. A group of 10 adult turbot showed haemorrhagic, frayed fins and eroded mouth two weeks after capture from the North Adriatic Sea. The disease was controlled by antibiotic therapy. A group of 20 tub gurnard showed eroded mouth, rotten fins and severe skin ulcerative lesions, after 3 days of transportations from a fish farm to our laboratory facilities. Mortality reached 90% of the population within 9 days. Traditional bacteriological and PCR analysis of the isolates in the two episodes allowed the identification of the causative agent as Tenacibaculum maritimum. Serological characterization of the isolates demonstrated that they belonged to serotype O3. Histopathological examination showed severe skin necrosis, dermis congestion associated with heterophilic and macrophagic infiltration. Immunohistochemical analysis of skin tissue, using specific polyclonal antibody against T. maritimum serotype O3, allowed the visualisation of positive stained macrophages. These cases, which constitute the first descriptions of flexibacterioris in cultured tub gurnard and wild turbot in Italy, leads to consider T. maritimum as a potential risk for the future Italian culture of these two fish species