2,489 research outputs found

    Self Enforcing Voting in International Organizations

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    Some international organizations are governed by unanimity rule, some others by a majority system. Still others have moved from one system to the other over time. The existing voting models, which generally assume that decisions made by voting are perfectly enforceable, have a difficult time explaining the observed variation in governance mode, and in particular the widespread occurrence of the unanimity system. We present a model whose main departure from standard voting models is that there is no external enforcement mechanism: each country is sovereign and cannot be forced to follow the collective decision, or in other words, the voting system must be self-enforcing. The model yields unanimity as the optimal system for a wide range of parameters, and delivers rich predictions on the variation in the mode of governance, both across organizations and over time.

    Analysis of food supplement with unusual raspberry ketone content

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    In recent years food supplement market increased constantly, including slimming products and against obesity. The case of rasberry ketone (RK) is here reported. HPTLC and HPLC-DAD analyses on a marketed product containing raspberry juice evidenced an abnormal quantity of RK, not in accordance with the juice natural content. The reported data confirm the need of adequate controls on marketed food supplements and the necessity of a complete adherence between labelling and real constitution of the product. Practical Applications: Determining the natural origin and assuring the consumers' safety for raspberry-based food supplement

    Ipsilateral evaluation of the transverse sinus: Transcranial color-coded sonography approach in comparison with magnetic resonance venography

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    SummaryIntroductionThe ultrasound examination of intracranial venous structures by transcranial color-coded sonography (TCCS) is a validated and standardized application. Similarly some intracranial venous sinuses are known for their relatively low insonation rate, as straight sinus (SRS) and transverse sinus (TS), ranging from 35% to 73%. The relatively high frequency of hypoplasia of TS can partially take account for these data. The aim of this study is to evaluate the feasibility of this approach in a standard TCCS examination, in comparison with magnetic resonance (MR) findings by using the Virtual Navigator system.Patients and methodsThe standardized approach to the TS was a contralateral insonation, starting to the SRS plane and angulating downwards the probe. In this way it is possible to insonate the proximal segment of the contralateral TS. We proposed a new approach with an extreme downwards tilting and a slow opposite angulation of the probe for examining the ispilateral TS. Forty consecutive subjects were chosen among patients who underwent standard TCCS examinations at our lab and had a suitable temporal acoustic window, and a recently performed MR venography. The contralateral TS insonation rate was compared with the ipsilateral one.Results and discussionThe insonation rate was 61/80 (76.25%) for the contralateral TS and 75/80 (93.75%) for the ipsilateral approach. Two of 5 not detectable TS were aplasic in MR venography and the others were not identified by a poor acoustic window.ConclusionsThe ipsilateral approach could be associated to the contralateral standard study for insonating the TS

    Biological activity of ethanol extract from leaves of Rosmarinus eriocalyx

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    Aging or senescence is a complex and inevitable process, which is not only attributed to individual genetic variation but also to external factors such as environmental conditions, nutrition, alcohol, and diseases [1]. The most widely accepted theory, that have been proposed to explain aging, is the free radical theory [2]. Aging and related diseases result from accumulated oxidative damage to cell constituents and tissues caused by excessive exposure to free radicals. Antioxidants, which mediate the imbalance between intracellular antioxidant defenses and oxidative damage by reducing the reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels, are believe to be able to reduce stress-induced premature senescence or slow down replicative senescence [3]. Rosmarinus eriocalyx (Jord. & Fourr.) is an aromatic evergreen bush belonging to Lamiaceae family and endemic to Algeria, Morocco and Spain, where it is used as a condiment to flavor soup and meat and as a traditional remedy [4]. The plant volatile fraction is characterized by the monoterpene ketone camphor, whereas its ethanolic extracts are rich sources of phenolic acids and diterpenes such as rosmarinic acid, carnosic acid and carnosol that are the main responsible for the noteworthy antioxidant activity [5]. In this setting, we aimed to evaluate R. eriocalyx biological activity in order to propose the plant as an anti-aging agent. For this purpose, we determined the cytotoxic activity of polar extracts obtained from leaves, flowers, and stems of R. eriocalyx on human fibroblast and human tumor cell lines (A375, MDA-MB 231, and T98G) by MTT assay [6]. Results showed that the ethanolic extract of leaves resulted the most active against A375 human melanoma cell line (IC50 value of 17.8 µg/ml). The total phenolic content values reported for R. eriocalyx ethanolic and aqueous extracts showed slight differences and free radical scavenging activity was stronger for ethanolic extracts than aqueous ones. On this basis, we selected the R. eriocalyx ethanolic extract to determine the antioxidant activity on human fibroblast by measuring its ability to prevent oxidation in cells using a ROS fluorescent probe (DCFH-DA) [7]. Results showed a remarkable activity in preventing oxidation of cells induced by 2.2’-azobis -2-amidinopropane (ABAP). Afterwards, we tested the same extract on the H2O2-induced premature senescence in young fibroblast cells where -galactosidase (SA--gal) activity was used to measure cell senescence [8]. Preliminary data showed a reduction of H2O2 stress-induced premature senescence indicating the potential of R. eriocalyx leaf extract to be formulated as an anti-aging agent. References [1] N. Getoff. Anti-aging and aging factors in life. The role of free radicals. Radiat. Phys. Chem. 2007, 76,1577-1586. [2] D. Harman. Aging: a theory based on free radical and radiation chemistry. J. Gerontol. 1956, 11, 298-300. [3] D. Fusco, G. Colloca, M.R. Lo Monaco, M. Cesari. Effects of antioxidant supplementation on the aging process. Clin. Interv. Aging. 2007, 2, 377-387. [4] M.S. Bendeddouche, H. Benhassaini, Z. Hazem, A. Romane. Essential oil analysis and antibacterial activity of Rosmarinus tournefortii from Algeria. Nat. Prod. Commun. 2011, 6, 1511-1514. [5] H. Bendif, M. Boudjeniba, M. Djamel Miara, L. Biqiku, M. Bramucci, G. Caprioli, G. Lupidi, L. Quassinti, G. Sagratini, L.A. Vitali, S. Vittori, F. Maggi. Rosmarinus eriocalyx: An alternative to Rosmarinus officinalis as a source of antioxidant compounds. Food Chem. 2017, 218, 78-88. [6] L. Quassinti, G. Lupidi, F. Maggi, F. Papa, S. Vittori, A. Bianco, M. Bramucci . Antioxidant and antiproliferative activity of Hypericum hircinum L. subsp. majus (Aiton) N. Robson essential oil. Nat. Prod. Res. 2013, 27, 862-868. [7] K.L. Wolfe, R.H. Liu. Cellular antioxidant activity (CAA) assay for assessing antioxidants, foods, and dietary supplements. J. Agric. Food Chem. 2007, 55, 8896-8907. [8] D.J. Kurz, S. Decary, Y. Hong, J.D. Erusalimsky. Senescence-associated -galactosidase reflects an increase in lysosomal mass during replicative ageing of human endothelial cells. J. Cell Sci. 2000, 113, 3613–3622

    Morphological, Histochemical and Phytochemical Investigation of the genus Hypericum of the Central Italy

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    American Journey 1949-50 Bruno Morassutti

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    Bruno Morassutti (1920-2008), tre anni dopo aver conseguito la laurea allo Iuav, nel febbraio del 1949 parte per gli Stati Uniti alla volta di Taliesin: un programma di apprendistato presso le due residenze di studio di Frank Llyod Wright. La permanenza a Taliesin East nel Wisconsin dura da maggio a settembre 1949. Da ottobre dello stesso anno a marzo dell’anno successivo il giovane architetto segue la comunità wrightiana a Taliesin West in Arizona. Come racconta lo stesso Morassutti, questa esperienza stimola in lui una spiccata tendenza a guardare avanti, ridimensionando le nozioni legate al passato storico. Durante il soggiorno Morassutti prende visione diretta e fotografa opere di Wright nei vari periodi della sua attività con una fotocamera caricata a pellicola positiva a colori. Il reportage ricopre, con poche immagini, anche opere di altri architetti presenti sul territorio americano in quegli anni. Anche se la fotografia d’architettura a colori è agli esordi, il risultato di questa preziosa ricognizione fotografica consiste in circa quattrocento diapositive, che durante proiezioni allo Iuav e in molte altre Università italiane consentiranno agli studenti di architettura di arricchire la propria conoscenza di Wright. Anche Carlo Scarpa ne farà oggetto di lezioni e riflessioni trattenendole in un prestito definitivo. Fra le importanti “ricadute” dell’esperienza di Morassutti a Taliesin e dell’incontro con il Maestro non si può non mettere in evidenza il ruolo che queste immagini hanno avuto nella stampa architettonica italiana, citando il numero 227 di Casabella dedicato a Wright in occasione della sua scomparsa, Domus 305 con il reportage sulla costruzione dei laboratori Johnson Wax, Domus 356 con il necrologio di Wright dello stesso Morassutti

    Essential oil composition of Hypericum ‘Hidcote’

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    Phytochemical and antioxidant analysis of eight Hypericum taxa from Central Italy

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    Hypertension-induced posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome as the presentation of progressive bilateral renal artery stenosis

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    SummaryPosterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome (PRES) is characterized clinically by headache, altered mental status, visual loss, and seizures. PRES is associated with neuroradiological findings characterized by white matter abnormalities, predominantly in the parieto-occipital regions of the brain. PRES is most often described in cases of hypertensive encephalopathy, eclampsia, renal failure, and immunosuppressive or anticancer therapy. We report a case of PRES associated with severe hypertension in the setting of a progressive renovascular hypertension from bilateral atherosclerotic renal artery stenosis. The pathogenesis of PRES is discussed and the importance of a prompt diagnosis and treatment is emphasized

    The withdrawal from oncogenetic counselling and testing for hereditary and familial breast and ovarian cancer. A descriptive study of an Italian sample

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Oncogenetic counselling is seldom followed through, even when individuals are eligible according to the test criteria. The basic variables which influence the decision to undergo the genetic counselling process are: risk perception, expected benefit or limitations of genetic testing, general psychological distress or cancer-specific distress, lack of trust in one's emotional reactions when faced with negative events, expected level of family support and communications within the family. The aim of this study was to describe the psychosocial variables of an Italian sample that forgoes genetic counselling.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>From May 2002 to December 2006 a psychological questionnaire was sent out to one hundred and six subjects, who freely requested a first genetic informative consultation, and never asked to have a second visit and the family tree drawn up in order to inquire about their eligibility for genetic testing. Statistical analysis was performed by Pearson chi-square test, t-test and Spearman RHO coefficient.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The survey presents a lack of emotional cohesion and structured roles and rules within the family system and a positive correlation between the number of children, anxiety and risk perception. The main reasons for giving up on counselling were a sense that testing was a waste of time and the inability to emotionally handle the negative consequences of the test outcome. The subjects who maintained that test and an early diagnosis were a "waste of time" experienced more anxiety.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The study revealed the importance to ac knowledging the whole persona and their family system as well as provide information highlighting usefulness of early diagnosis.</p