23 research outputs found

    Community healing and the role of pastoral care of the ill and suffering in Africa

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    The extended family (community) in Africa plays a crucial role in the process of healing. However, while the role of the community is invaluable, many scholars overlook its other side. This article argues for a critical consideration of the healing role of the community in Africa and offers a critique of African community healing in the light of pastoral healing. Pastoral healing as a spiritual and faith perspective is juxtaposed with the healing process within African traditional communities. Since these two communities operate from different perspectives, in many cases they are competing forces in the process of healing – a difference that aggravates pain. This article thus carefully describes the process of healing both within a faith community (with its acts of β€œkoinonia”) and the African traditional community, and concludes by proposing a healthy integration of these systems

    Effects of cage fish culture on water quality and selected biological communities in northern Lake Victoria, Uganda

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    Growing of fish in cages is currently practiced in Uganda and was first introduced in northern Lake Victoria in 2010. An environment monitoring study was undertaken at Source of the Nile, a private cage fish farm, in Napoleon gulf, northern Lake Victoria. In-situ measurements of key environmental (temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH and conductivity) and biological (algae, zooplankton, macro-benthos) variables were made at three transects: Transect 1- the site with fish cages (WC); transect 2- upstream of the fish cages (USC-control) and Transect 3- downstream of the cages (DSC). Upstream and Downstream sites were located approximately 1.0 km from the fish cages. Environment parameters varied spatially and temporally but were generally within safe ranges for freshwater habitats. Higher concentrations of SRP (0.015-0.112 Mg/L) occurred at USC during February, September and at DSC in November; NO2-N (0.217- 0.042 mg/L) at USC and DSC in February and November; NH4-N (0.0054- 0.065 Mg/L) at WC and DSC in February, May and November. Algal bio-volumes were significantly higher at WC (F (2,780)=4.619; P=0.010). Zooplankton species numbers were consistently lower at WC with a significant difference compared to the control site (P=0.032). Macro-benthos abundance was consistently higher at the site with cages where mollusks and low-oxygen and pollution-tolerant chironomids were the dominant group. Higher algal biomass, concentration of low-oxygen/pollution-tolerant macro-benthos and depressed zooplankton diversity at WC suggested impacts from the fish cages on aquatic biota

    Report of the baseline survey undertaken on the Chinese cage site in Napoleon Gulf, Northern Lake Victoria, 12 March 2012

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    The government of the People's Republic of China through a 2007 agreement with the Government of the Republic of Uganda, has establishment of an Agricultural Technology Demonstration Center (ATDC). The first phase covering the building of aquaculture infrastructure at Kajjansi ARDC is complete and the second operation phase has started in which facilities for cage culture have been set up in the Napoleon gulf, northern Lake Victoria near Jinja. The cage facility is aimed at boosting fish farming within the lake as a diversification to the traditional pond fish culture technology. NaFIRRI scientists as well as Chinese experts undertook a baseline survey in the chosen cage site on 12 March 2012. The survey covered determination of water depth, water transparency, measurement of selected physical-chemical parameters (temperature,dissolved oxygen, conductivity and pH; determination of the nutrient status and study of algae, invertebrate and fish communities at the site. Materials and methodologies used in the survey were based on the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) of NaFIRRI. The study area was divided into three study sites. Site 1 (upstream) was at 8.9 metre depth while site 2 (proposed cage site) and site 3 (downstream) were 6 and 4.3 metres deep respectively. Water transparency was lowest at site 1 (1.58 m) and highest at site 3 (1.64 m). Dissolved oxygen at the three sites ranged from 6.0 to 8 mg/I. Water temperature profiles fluctuated within narrow limits between 26.5 and 27.5 DC. Measurements of pH were between 7 (neutral) and 8 (alkaline) while electrical conductivity was between 98 and 101 uS/em. These observed physical-chemical parameters at the study site were considered suitable for cage fish rearing purposes. Nitrite-nitrogen levels varied within narrow limits from 0.043 to 0.0453 mgtl. Similarly, Ammonia-nitrogen varied between 0.015 and 0.0185 mg/1. Soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) level was highest at site 3 (O.012mgll) compared to that at sites 1 and 2 (0.009mgll). Total suspended solids (TSS) were higher at site 1 (83.3mgll), thereafter decreasing to lower levels at sites 2 (24.8mgtl) and 3 (19.8mgl) respectively. The nutrient level results observed here all fall below the maximum permissible limits by NEMA and therefore the site is recommended for cage culture The algal community was constituted by four major groups: Blue greens,Greens, Cryptophytes, and Diatoms with blue greens as the common and dominant group. High algal biomass (19944961 ugtL) of the dominant blue green algae was observed at site 1 compared site 2 and 3 (58655.2 & 27487. 7 ugtL) respectively. Occurrence of toxicin producing algae: microsytis and cylindrospermopsis in the proposed cage area was considered to be of not much significance as their concentrations were below harmful levels. However, monitoring their presence, biomass and seasonality will be critical in order to follow when and where they occur and at what time of the year for ease of management of the cage

    Technical report on the environmental monitoring of the cage area at the Source of the Nile (SON) Fish Farm for quarter 2: April-June 2011

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    Source of the Nile Fish farm (SON) is located at Bugungu area in Napoleon Gulf, northern Lake Victoria. The proprietors of the farm requested for technical assistance of NaFIRRI to undertake regular environment monitoring of the cage site as is mandatory under the NEMA conditions. Thus, NAFIRRI undertakes quarterly environment surveys in the cage area covering selected physical-chemical factors i.e. water column depth, water transparency, water column temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH and conductivity; nutrient status, algal and invertebrate communities (zooplankton and macro-benthos) as well as fish community. The first environmental survey was undertaken in February 2011. Results/observations made during the second quarter (April-June 2011) field survey are presented in this technical report along with a scientific interpretation and discussion of the results with reference to possible impacts of the cage facilities on the water environment and the different aquatic biota in and around the cages including natural fish communities

    Technical report on the environmental monitoring of the cage area at the Source of the Nile (SON) Fish Farm for quarter 4: October-December 2011

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    Source of the Nile Fish farm (SON) is located at Bugungu area in Napoleon Gulf, northern Lake Victoria. The proprietors of the farm requested for technical assistance of NaFIRRI to undertake regular environment monitoring of the cage site as is mandatory under the NEMA conditions. As the SON is a key collaborator/client of the institute, NAFIRRI agreed to undertake the assignment subject to facilitation by the client. The institute agreed to conduct quarterly surveys of key environmental parameters at the site including selected physical-chemical and biological factors, nutrient status, column depth, water transparency and sedimentation. Samples and field measurements were to be taken at 3 sites: within and/or close to the fish cages (WIC), upstream (USC) and downstream (DSC) of the cages. The first environmental monitoring survey was undertaken in February 2011; the second in May 2011 and the third in September 2011. The surveys cover physical-chemical parameters, nutrient status, invertebrate and fish communities. The present report presents field observations made for the fourth quarter survey undertaken in November 2011 and provides a scientific interpretation and discussion of the results with reference to possible impacts of the cage facilities to the water environment and the different aquatic biota at and around the cage site including natural fish communities

    Technical report on the environmental monitoring of the cage area at the Source of the Nile (SON) Fish Farm for quarter 3: July-September 2011

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    Source of the Nile Fish farm (SON) is located at Bugungu area in Napoleon Gulf, northern Lake Victoria. The proprietors of the farm requested for technical assistance of NaFIRRI to undertake regular environment monitoring of the cage site as is mandatory under the NEMA conditions. NAFIRRI agreed to undertake quarterly environment surveys in the cage area covering selected physical-chemical factors Like water column depth, water transparency, water column temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH and conductivity; nutrient status, algal and invertebrate communities (microinvertebrates/zooplankton and macro-invertebrates/macro-benthos) as well as fish community. The first quarter survey was undertaken in February 2011; the second in May 2011 and the third quarter survey, which is the subject of this report, in September 2011. Results/observations made are presented in this technical report along with a scientific interpretation and discussion of the results with reference to possible impacts of the cage facilities to the water environment and aq-uatic biota, including the natural fish community at and around the cage site

    Technical report on the environmental monitoring of the cage area at the Source of the Nile (SON) Fish Farm for quarter 1: January-March 2015

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    Source of the Nile (SON) fish farm is located at Bugungu in Napoleon Gulf, northern Lake Victoria. The proprietors of the farm have a collaborative arrangement with NaFIRRI, a lead agency in fisheries research and innovations, to undertake quarterly environment monitoring surveys at the farm. The agreed areas for monitoring are: selected physico-chemical parameters (i.e. temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, conductivity, secchi depth); total suspended solids (TSS); nutrient status; BOD5) and biological parameters (i.e. algae, zooplankton, macro-benthos and fish). Water and biological samples as well as field measurements were taken at 3 sites: within the fish cage rows (WIC/experimental), upstream (USC/control) and downstream (DSC) of the fish cages. The key research question was: Does fish cage operations have impacts on the water quality and aquatic biota in and around the SON cage fish farm? The environment monitoring surveys were projected to cover a full calendar year (i.e. from January to December). The first surveys were undertaken in 2011 and have continued on an annual basis since then. The present report presents field observations made for the fourth quarter survey undertaken in November 2014 and provides a scientific interpretation and discussion of the results with reference to possible impacts of the cage facilities to the water environment and the different aquatic biota in and around the fish cage site

    Technical report on the environmental monitoring of the cage area at the Source of the Nile (SON) Cage Fish Farm for quarter 4: October-December 2015

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    Source of the Nile (SON) Cage Fish farm is located at Bugungu in Napoleon Gulf, northern Lake Victoria, near the headwaters of the River Nile. NaFIRRI has, through a Public-Private collaborative partnership with SON management, undertaken quarterly monitoring of the cage fish farm since 2011. The objective of the environment monitoring is to track possible environment and biological changes as a result of fish cage operations in the area. The agreed study areas cover selected physical-chemical parameters i.e. water depth, transparency, column temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH and conductivity; nutrient status; and biological parameters i.e. algae, zooplankton, macro-benthos and fish communities. The fourth quarter survey, which is the subject of this report was undertaken during December 2015. Results/observations made are presented in this technical report along with a scientific interpretation and discussion of the results with reference to possible impacts of the cage facilities to the water environment and aquatic biota. The present report presents field observations made for the fourth quarter survey undertaken in December 2015 and provides a scientific interpretation and discussion of the results with reference to possible impacts of the cage facilities to the water environment and the different aquatic biota in and around the fish cage site

    Technical report on the environmental monitoring of the cage area at the Source of the Nile (SON) Fish Farm for quarter 2: April-June 2015

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    Source of the Nile Fish farm (SON) is located at Bugungu area in Napoleon Gulf, northern Lake Victoria. The proprietors of the farm have a collaborative arrangement with NaFIRRI to undertake quarterly environment monitoring of the cage site as is mandatory under the NEMA conditions. The monitoring surveys cover selected physical-chemical factors i.e. water column depth, water transparency, water column temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH and conductivity; nutrient status, algal and invertebrate communities (micro-invertebrates/zooplankton and macroinvertebrates/ macro-benthos) as well as fish community. The second quarter survey for the calendar year 2015, which is the subject of this report, was undertaken in June 2015. Results/observations made are presented in this technical report along with a scientific interpretation and discussion of the results with reference to possible impacts of the cage facilities to the water environment and aquatic biota

    Technical report on the environmental monitoring of the cage area at the Source of the Nile (SON) Fish Farm for Quarter 4: October – December 2017

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    The monitoring of water quality and biotic communities at Source of the Nile (SON) fish farm area, for quarter 4 (October – December) was undertaken in December 2017. The activity aimed at assessing possible changes in the water environment at SON cage area. The following parameters were assessed: water physico-chemicals and nutrients, algae, zooplankton, benthic macro invertebrates, and fish communities. Total depth was above 5.0 m (range: 5.63 – 9.74 m) at all sampled points and decreased towards the downstream of cages. Water transparency ranged from 1.26 – 1.48 in the cage area and 1.08 to 1.34 m away from the cages. Within the cage area, Dissolved Oxygen ranged from 5.7 – 6.4 mg/L at the surface, and 5.1 – 6.4 mg/L at the bottom, while in the non-cage areas, the range was 5.5 – 7.5 mg/L at the surface and 2.6 – 7.0 mg/L at the bottom. Temperature ranged from 27.0 – 28.0 o C at the surface and 25.5 – 27.5 o C at the bottom waters for all sites, and were within the optimal range (25 – 32 o C). pH in both surface and bottom waters was above 7.0 (range: 7.5 – 9.2) at all sites. Conductivity within cage area ranged from 100.5 – 102.6 ΞΌScm-1 in surface water and 101.8 – 112.1 ΞΌScm-1 in bottom water. In the non-cage areas conductivity ranged from 11.0 – 104.4 ΞΌScm-1 in surface water and 100.2 – 110.0 ΞΌScm-1 at the bottom. Ammonium nitrogen concentration during December was less than 0.02 mg/L at all sites (0.007 – 0.018 mg/L within the cage sites, and 0.012 – 0.019 mg/L in the non-cage sites). Nitrite nitrogen ranged from 0.002 – 0.169 mg/L in the cage area, and 0.003 – 0.057 mg/L in the non-cage areas. Similar to previous records of June and September 2017, nitrate nitrogen concentration generally increased towards the downstream site, being lowest at RPT (0.041 mg/L) and highest at DSC (0.204 mg/L). Soluble reactive phosphorus was less than 0.005 mg/L at all sites, and varied within narrow margin (range: 0.003 – 0.0048 mg/L in cage sites, and 0.0032 – 0.0047 mg/L in non-cage sites). The TP concentration ranged from 0.085 – 0.107 mg/L in the cages, and 0.090 – 0.118 mg/L in the non-cage sites and was higher than recorded in September (0.038 – 0.044 mg/L in the cages and 0.04 to 0.109 mg/L away from cages). Total nitrogen concentration was in the range of 0.138 – 0.553 mg/L within cage area and 0.421 – 0.513 mg/L in non-cage areas. The concentration of TSS ranged from 0.76 – 4.33 mg/L in the cage area and 0.57 – 2.76 mg/L in the non-cage areas. The phytoplankton community was composed of blue-green algae, green algae and diatoms, dominated by blue-green algae. The abundance of algae was higher in the non-cage areas (mean:7.20 Β± 2.14 mm3L-1, Range: 5.15 – 10.20 mm3L-1) than recorded in the cage areas (mean: 6.0 Β± 0.71 mm3L-1, Range: 5.30 – 6.98 mm3L-1), similar to observations of September 2017 (5.6 mm3L-1 in the non-cage sites). At all sampled points, blue-green algae contributed >70% of total abundance. Total zooplankton abundance ranged from 982,213 – 1,310,830 ind.m-2 in the non-cage sites, and 740,601 – 1,503,130 ind.m-2 in the cage areas. Similar to observations of September 2017, the upper cage site (WIC3 and WIC4) presented lower zooplankton abundance (mean: 788,954 Β± 68,381 ind.m-2) when compared to the lower cage site with mean abundance of 1,128,232 Β± 530,186 ind.m-2. Like in the previous sampling periods, copepods were the numerically dominant group (92.69 – 97.22 % of total zooplankton abundance) at all sampled points, with no major differences between cage and non-cage areas. The high abundance of copepods was attributed to the abundance of the juvenile stages (copepodites and Nauplius larvae) which contributed 83.72 – 92.78% of the total zooplankton abundance and this was mainly due to the Nauplius larvae (66.4 – 83.2 %). Cladocera relative abundance ranged from 0.32 – 3.98% while that of rotifers ranged from 1.55 – 3.74%. The macro-benthic community comprised molluscs, annelids and arthropods. Taxa richness ranged from 5 – 11 taxa in the cage area, and 7 – 9 taxa in the non-cage areas. The abundance of benthic invertebrates within the cage area ranged from 1,134 – 2,416 ind.m-2 and this was higher than previously recorded in September (294 – 1,415 ind.m-2). In the non-cage sites abundance was in the range of 420 – 3,992 ind.m-2. Oligochaete annelids which are reported to be very tolerant to pollution contributed 0 - 28 % of the abundance of benthos at cage sites and 3 - 20% at the non-cage sites. Diptera made the greatest contribution at almost all sites, with the percent abundance being higher in non-cage sites (40 – 86%) than what was recorded in the cage sites (37 – 82%). Chironomus spp. and Chaoborus sp. were the main contributors to the observed Diptera abundance at all sites. Six fish species, including haplochromines (Nkejje) as a single species group, were recorded in the vicinity of the cages during December 2017. Five fish species were recorded from upstream the cage site, four species from within cage area, and two species from downstream the cages. Overall mean catch rates were 1.8 fish/net/night and 148.6g/net/night compared to 1.7 fish/net/night and 175.4g/net/night recorded in September 2017. By weight, catch rates in December 2017 were highest upstream the cage site (312.1g/net/night) and also by numbers (3.1 fish/net/night). Four species of haplochromines were recorded in the vicinity of the cages during the survey of December 2017 compared to six species recorded in September 2017. The overall catch rate for the haplochromines, in December 2017 was 1.7fish/net/night and 27.5g/net/night compared to 3.4 fish/net/night and 62.3g/net/night recorded in the previous survey of September 2017. Among the fish species examined during December 2017 survey, most of the haplochromine cichlids (88.9%) were mature but only 50% breeding. Only one specimen of L. niloticus was mature and breeding. All S. afrofischeri and S. victoriae specimens examined were mature and in breeding condition while M. kannume was immature. The diet of fishes encountered comprised mostly of fish and insects, which are known natural foods of the fish species. Infection by fish parasites during the survey of December 2017 was not noticed in any fish recorded from the experimental gillnets. The overall observation on concentrations of nutrients, levels of physico-chemical variables, and biotic communities indicated minimal impact of cages on water quality. The farm should therefore continue adhering to the best environmentally sustainable aquaculture practices, especially continuing with fallowing or rotation of cages to allow resident organisms maintain their natural population densities, distribution and community structure in the area; reducing excess uneaten feed and other suspended materials which would impact on nutrient status and biota; as well as wise use of any chemicals in the area