72 research outputs found


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    Cilj rada je ustanoviti utjecaj isplaćenih proračunskih potpora (proizvodnih poticaja) na vrijednost proizvodnje i samodostatnost ekonomski najvažnijih proizvoda u poljoprivrednom sektoru. Provedena je vremenska i strukturna analiza ovih parametara u razdoblju od 1998. do 2008. godine i ustanovljena povezanost visine isplaćenih potpora i osnovnih proizvodnih i ekonomskih rezultata poljoprivredne proizvodnje. U istraživanju polazimo od pretpostavke da se povećani iznosi isplaćenih potpora u poljoprivrednom sektoru nisu osobito snažno odrazili na povećanje proizvodnje, njenu veću vrijednost i samodostatnost. Državne potpore u Hrvatskoj su prošle kroz određene zakonske reforme tijekom analiziranog razdoblja, na što je najviše utjecala prilagodba hrvatskog zakonodavstva legislativi Europske unije. Upravo se u čestim promjenama kriterija u isplati potpora može pronaći dio obrazloženja zašto je njihov utjecaj na proizvodne rezultate slab. Rezultati istraživanja potvrđuju kako se trendovi u isplaćenim potporama ne poklapaju s trendovima koje pokazuju vrijednost proizvodnje i samodostatnost, a velike oscilacije su zabilježene u strukturi isplaćenih potpora tijekom analiziranog razdoblja.The aim is to determine the impact of disbursed budget support (production subsidies) on production value and self-sufficiency of economically important products in agricultural sector. We conducted a time series and structural analysis of these parameters during the period from 1998 to 2008 and connection was established between the level of paid production subsidies and the basic production and economic results of agricultural production. The research is based on the assumption that the increase of paid subsidies in the agricultural sector had no particularly strong impact on production increase, such as increase of its value and self-sufficiency. State subsidies in Croatia have gone through certain legal reforms during the analyzed period, which is most affected by the adjustment of Croatian Legislation with European Union legislation. Just in these frequent changes of criteria in the payment of subsidies we may find some of the reasons why their impact on the performance was weak. The research results confirm that the trends in paid subsidies did not match with trends that show the value of production and self-sufficiency. Large fluctuations were recorded in the structure of paid support during the analyzed period

    Potencijalni utjecaj Zajedničke poljoprivredne politike na hrvatski mljekarski sektor - rezultati modela

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    Milk in terms of production value has the second biggest share in Croatian agricultural sector in 2013 (CBS, 2014). It could be speculated that after the abolition of quotas in the European Union, the declining trend in domestic production will continue and that exposure to free European market will significantly affect the competitiveness of domestic production. The aim of this paper is to analyse the prospects of Croatian dairy industry (sector) under certain conditions of the EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and to present projections simulated with the help of partial equilibrium model AGMEMOD. The main model inputs are policy and macroeconomic variables, supply-use balances of agro-food products and producer prices. The Baseline projections has shown that in 2025 in line with the CAP implementation there might be a decrease of dairy cows number by 33 %, the raw milk price by 14 % and the collected cow’s milk amount by 13 % compared to the five-year average of 2008-2012. The positive effect was noted in productivity, according to the simulation, with an increase by 25 %, which consequently may lead to increased deliveries to dairies for about 17 %. Therefore preliminary results show that accounting for milk processing the dairy sector in Croatia might obtain a favourable situation by 2025. Taking into account the EU market situation, there is an opportunity to increase milk processing given the current level of prices in the EU market and global markets, and taking into account the abolition of milk quotas. Also, the results suggest, according to the experience of other states, that the utilization of funds of 1st and 2nd pillar of the CAP (utilization measures across projects) in order to improve the production structure and efficiency will play an important role.Mlijeko je proizvod koji u kontekstu vrijednosti poljoprivredne proizvodnje udjelom zauzima drugo mjesto (DZS, 2013). Očekuje se da će se nakon ukidanja kvota u Europskoj uniji, trend smanjenja domaće proizvodnje nastaviti i da će izloženost slobodnom europskom tržištu znatno utjecati na konkurentnost domaće proizvodnje. Cilj rada je analizirati perspektivu hrvatske mliječne industrije (sektora) pod određenim uvjetima politike unutar Europske unije te predstaviti projekcije simulirane uz pomoć ekonometrijskog AGMEMOD modela parcijalne ravnoteže. Ulazni podaci modela su političke i makroekonomske varijable, proizvodno potrošne bilance proizvoda, proizvođačke cijene te udio masti i bjelančevina u mliječnim proizvodima. Polazni scenarij (primjena Zajedničke poljoprivredne politike od 2013.) pokazao je da će se do 2025. godine smanjiti broj mliječnih krava (za 33 %), cijena sirovog mlijeka (za 14 %) i količina prikupljenog kravljeg mlijeka (za 13 %) u odnosu na četverogodišnji prosjek 2008/2012. Prema simulaciji, pozitivan efekt zabilježen je u produktivnosti, s povećanjem od 25 %, što posljedično može dovesti do povećanja isporuke mljekarama za oko 17 %. Preliminarni rezultati Polaznog scenarija pokazuju povoljnu situaciju za hrvatski mljekarski sektor do 2025. godine u skladu s prilikama na tržištu EU, s mogućnošću povećanja proizvodnje obzirom na sadašnju razinu cijena na tržištu EU i svjetskim tržištima, uzimajući u obzir ukidanje mliječnih kvota. Također, rezultati navode na zaključak, prema iskustvima drugih članica, da će iskorištenje sredstava I. i II. stupa ZPP-a (iskorištavanja mjera preko projekata) u smislu poboljšanja proizvodnje, strukture i učinkovitost igrati najvažniju ulogu


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    U radu se analizira Hrvatska ukupna vanjskotrgovinska razmjena poljoprivredno-prehrambenih proizvoda za razdoblje od 2000. do 2010. godine, a po proizvodima i uvozno-izvoznim odredištima za razdoblje od 2005. do 2010. Poljoprivredno-prehrambeni sektor sudjeluje s 9,7% u ukupnoj vanjskotrgovinskoj razmjeni Hrvatske (prosjek 2000/10. godina), manje u uvozu (9,1%) nego u izvozu (10,9%). U istom razdoblju Republika Hrvatska ima deficit kod poljoprivredno-prehrambenih proizvoda i to između 280 milijuna dolara u 2000. i 1.225 milijuna dolara u 2008. godini. Pokrivenost uvoza izvozom kod poljoprivredno-prehrambenih proizvoda je nešto povoljnija (58,7%) u odnosu na ukupnu vanjskotrgovinsku razmjenu (48,9%). Najznačajniji izvozni proizvodi su šećer od šećerne repe i trske, cigare i cigarete od duhana te čokolada, a uvozni prehrambeni proizvodi-ostali, svježe svinjsko meso te živa goveda. Najviše poljoprivredno-prehrambenih proizvoda (oko trećine ukupnog) izvozimo u Bosnu i Hercegovinu, a najviše uvozimo iz Njemačke (11,8%) i Italije (11,6%). Hrvatskoj su bitna tržišta okruženja te s Bosnom i Hercegovinom, Crnom Gorom, Slovenijom i Srbijom ima pozitivnu vanjskotrgovinsku bilancu kod poljoprivredno-prehrambenih proizvoda, a negativnu s Makedonijom.In this article total Croatian foreign trade of agricultural and food products is analyzed for the period from 2000 to 2010. Also analyzed one by products and the import-export destinations for the period from 2005 to 2010. Agricultural and food sector participates with 9.7% in total Croatian foreign trade exchange (average 2000/10), but less in import (9.1%) than in export (10.9%). During the same period the Croatian agricultural and food sector was in deficit between 280 million USD in 2000 and 1.225 million USD in 2008. The coverage of import by export of agricultural and food products was somewhat better (58.7%) compared to total foreign trade exchange (48.9%). The most important export products were sugar from sugar beet and sugar cane, cigars and cigarettes and chocolate, and imported agricultural and food products were others, such as fresh pork and cattle. Most agricultural and food products (about a third of the total) were exported to Bosnia and Herzegovina, and most were imported from Germany (11.8%) and Italy (11.6%). Neighbouring markets are very important for Croatia and there is a positive foreign trade balance in agricultural and food products exchange with Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Slovenia and Serbia, negative only with Macedonia

    Analysis of the success of the students in agroeconomic studies at the Faculty of Agriculture in Zagreb

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    Cilj rada je prikazati stanje i trendove u uspješnosti visokoškolskog obrazovanja u području agrarne ekonomike na Agronomskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Na ovom visokom učilištu načela Bolonjske deklaracije primjenjuju se od 2005. godine. Tada je upisana prva generacija agrarnih ekonomista na preddiplomski studij Agrarna ekonomika koji traje šest semestara. Godine 2008. upisana je i prva generacija na diplomski studij Agrobiznis i ruralni razvitak u trajanju od četiri semestra. Podaci referade Agronomskog fakulteta obrađeni su pomoću SPSS (Statistical Program for Social Sciences 17.0) paketa, a za utvrđivanje povezanosti između varijabli korišten je χ² test. Varijable prema kojima se ocjenjivala uspješnost studiranja su: razina (vrsta) studija, akademska godina upisa studenata na studije, prosjeci ocjena položenih ispita na preddiplomskom i na diplomskom studiju, broj položenih ispita na studijima, broj prikupljenih ECTS bodova, srednjoškolsko obrazovanje po vrsti srednje škole, završeni preddiplomski studij, županija u kojoj je završena srednja škola i spol studenta. Istraživanjem raspoloživih podataka ustanovljeno je da je značajno više upisanih polaznika bilo ženskog spola, gimnazijskog srednjoškolskog obrazovanja i da su srednju školu završili na području Grada Zagreba i Zagrebačke županije. Prva tzv. „bolonjska generacija“ studenata pokazala se najuspješnijom u pokazateljima kao što su prosjek ocjena, broj položenih ispita i broj prikupljeni ECTS bodova, kako na preddiplomskom tako i na diplomskom studiju. Istraživanje je nadalje pokazalo da bolje rezultate na studiju postižu studenti ženskog spola, dok srednjoškolsko obrazovanje i županija odakle dolaze studenti ne pokazuju utjecaj na razinu uspješnosti. Studenti upisani na diplomski studij Agrobiznis i ruralni razvitak na Agronomskom fakultetu završili su stručni ili sveučilišni diplomski studij. S obzirom na preddiplomski studij koji su završili, studenti ne pokazuju manju ili veću razinu uspješnosti.The aim of this paper is to present the situation and trends in the performance of higher education in the field of agricultural economics at the University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture. At this University the principles of the Bologna declaration are implemented since 2005. That year the first generation of agricultural economists was admitted to undergraduate study named Agrarian Economics, which lasts for six semesters. Data were analyzed by using SPSS (Statistical Program for Social Sciences 17.0) package, and to determine the relationship between the variables the χ ² test was used. Variables according to which the success of the study was evaluated are: the level (type of) studies, an academic year of enrollment in the study, the average score on the exams at the undergraduate and graduate level, the number of exams passed at the studies, the number of accumulated ECTS points, secondary education by the type of the secondary school and the county in which the school was finished, completed undergraduate studies, and the gender of the students. In 2008 the first generation was admitted to the graduate studies named Agribusiness and Rural Development in the duration of four semesters. Analysis of the available data showed that significantly more registered students were female, with high school education and completed secondary school in the City of Zagreb and Zagreb County. The first so-called "Bologna-generation" students proved to be the most successful in indicators such as grade point average, number of examinations and the number of collected ECTS points, both at the undergraduate and graduate level. The research further showed that female students achieved better results, while secondary education, and counties where students came from did not show effect on the level of success. Students enrolled in the graduate study Agribusiness and Rural Development at the Faculty of Agriculture completed professional or university graduate program. With regard to completed undergraduate studies ,the students did not show a lower or higher level of success

    Srednjoročni razvoj tržišta žitarica u Republici Hrvatskoj – rezultati modela parcijalne ravnoteže

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    The aim of the paper is to simulate the future development of the Croatian cereals market using the method of AGEMEMOD partial equilibrium model. The results present the historical (2010-2016) and projected development (2016-2030) of the production and trade in wheat, corn, barley, oats and rye markets. Simulation results show an increase in productivity per hectare and surface stability with the exception of individual culture. Wheat production in the projection period, same as corn, recorded a production increase and change in the trade balance. Croatia remains a net exporter of corn and wheat. For barley, as a third important cereal, the model results show a constant level of production by 2030, but also a positive foreign trade balance til the end of the projection period. Oats and rye, as less significant grains, still retain the status of imported products at the Croatian market. Domestic prices follow the EU prices trends, but will generally remain at a lower level than the average EU price. Despite the price competitiveness in the EU market, the domestic cereal sector is facing problems. In the domestic cereal sector there is a trend of relatively cheap grain export on common market, with expensive final products and processed products import.Cilj rada je prikazati simulaciju razvoja tržišta žitarica korištenjem AGMEMOD modela parcijalne ravnoteže. Rezultati u radu prikazuju povijesni (2010-2016) i projicirani razvoj (2016.-2030) tržišta pšenice, kukuruza, ječma, zobi i raži. Rezultati projekcije prikazuju povećanje produktivnosti i stabilnost površina uz iznimke kod pojedinih kultura. Proizvodnja pšenice u razdoblju projekcije, kao i kukuruza, bilježi povećanje i promjenu vanjskotrgovinske bilance. Hrvatska i dalje ostaje neto izvoznica kukuruza i pšenice. Kod ječma, kao treće žitarice po važnosti, rezultati modela pokazuju stagnaciju razine proizvodnje do 2030., ali i pozitivnu vanjskotrgovinsku bilancu do kraja razdoblja projekcije. Zob i raž kao manje zastupljene žitarice i dalje zadržavaju status proizvoda koje će hrvatsko tržište uvoziti. Domaće cijene prate trendove cijena u EU, ali će uglavnom ostati na nižoj razini od prosječnih cijena na zajedničkom tržištu. Unatoč cjenovnoj konkurentnosti na tržištu EU, domaći sektor žitarica susreće se s problemima. U sektoru je prisutan trend izvoza relativno jeftine sirovine, uz uvoz skupih finalnih proizvoda i prerađevina tog sektora

    Ecological and integrated agricultural production in the water protection area of the City of Zagreb

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    Na vodozaštitnom području grada Zagreba zakonski je regulirana poljoprivredna proizvodnja pri čemu je na jednom dijelu potpuno zabranjena, na drugom je dozvoljena samo ekološka dok je na većem dijelu dozvoljena i ekološka i integrirana poljoprivredna proizvodnja. Za ovo područje je posebno pogodna ekološka proizvodnja i to prvenstveno zbog neposredne blizine velikog potrošačkog tržišta koje je više dohodovne izdašnosti. Blizina tržišta omogućuje i prodaju „od polja do stola“ pri čemu je to posebno pogodno za povrće i jagodičasto voće, ali ništa manje značajni su i viši iznosi potpore takvoj proizvodnji. U ovom istraživanju korišteni su rezultati ankete provedene na uzorku od 72 obiteljska poljoprivredna gospodarstva. Anketirani su pokazali zavidno poznavanje ekološke i integrirane proizvodnje te ih je značajan dio izrazio interes za ulazak u takav projekt.Agricultural production in the water protection area of the City of Zagreb is regulated by law, whereby it is completely prohibited in one part of the area, only ecological production is permitted in other parts while ecological and integrated agricultural production are both permitted in the largest part of the area. Ecological production is particularly appropriate for this area, primarily due to the proximity of a large consumer market generating higher financial returns. The proximity of the market is also conducive to farm-to-table sale, which is particularly suitable for vegetables and berries, but no less significant are the higher amounts of aid allocated to such production. The results of a survey conducted on a sample of 72 family farms were used in this study. Respondents showed great knowledge of ecological and integrated production and a significant number of them expressed interest in embarking on such a project


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    Hrvatska je zemlja duge tradicije proizvodnje grožđa i vina. U posljednjih desetak godina povećavaju se površine pod vinovom lozom te s time i proizvodnja vina. Unatoč tome, Hrvatska i dalje bilježi porast uvoza vina pri čemu je najveći dio uvoza iz zemalja okruženja. Neovisno o očekivanom pristupu Hrvatske Europskoj uniji, i dalje se očekuje povećanje prodaje stranih vina na hrvatskom tržištu, a liberalizacija tržišta potaknut će i izvoz hrvatskih vina kod kojih su glavni nedostaci neodgovarajući marketing te mala proizvodnja. Cilj rada je utvrditi stupanj samodostatnosti Republike Hrvatske za grožđe i vino za razdoblje od 2000. do 2010. godine te primjenom trenda izračunati samodostatnost u 2013. kao godini očekivanog ulaska Hrvatske u Europsku uniju. Rezultati istraživanja daju podlogu za kreatore poljoprivredne politike kod osmišljavanja mjera kojima je cilj povećanje stupnja samodostatnosti Hrvatske kod grožđa i vina.Croatia is a country with a long tradition of grape and wine production. In the last ten years, there has been on increase of the areas under vine, and also the increase of wine production. Despite this, Croatia has continued to increase wine imports most by from neighboring countries. Regardless of the expected Croatian accession to the European Union are increase of foreign wines sale is expected in Croatian market. But the market liberalization will encourage the Croatian wine export, where the main disadvantages are inadequate marketing and small production. The aim of this paper is to determine the Croatian sufficiency degree of grape and wine for the period from 2000 to 2010. Also by using the trend method to calculate the self-sufficiency in 2013, the year of expected Croatian accession to the European Union. The research results give the basis for agricultural policy makers in developing of measures, which will have the aim to increase the level of Croatian self-sufficiency in grape and wine quantity

    Conventional and/or Ecological Production of Vegetables: Different Scenarios

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    U radu se istražuju financijski aspekti proizvodnje rajčice, paprike, kupusa i salate kristalke u konvencionalnoj te ekološkoj proizvodnji uporabom modela kalkulacije pokrića varijabilnih troškova (engl. gross margin). Za ekološku proizvodnju koristili smo metodu simulacije promjenom otkupne cijene i/ili prinosa pojedinih kultura. Iako dobiveni dohodak kod pojedinih scenarija ukazuje na ekonomsku izdašnost ekološke proizvodnje, realno je za očekivati da bi takvi proizvodi trebali biti ponuđeni dohodovno jačim tržištima (inozemno) ili bi ih trebali koristiti za proizvodnju prerađevina.The paper studies the financial aspect of the production of tomato, pepper, cabbage and crisphead lettuce in conventional and ecological production with the use of the gross margin calculation model. The simulation method of altering purchase price and/or yield of certain cultures was used for ecological production. Although the obtained income in certain scenarios indicates the economic abundance of ecological production, it is quite realistic to expect that such products should be offered to stronger profitable markets (foreign) or used for the manufacturing of products

    Comparison of agri-food development in counties of northwestern Croatia

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    U radu je izrađen višekriterijski model usporedbe razvojnih sastavnica poljoprivredno-prehrambenog sektora na razini odabranih županija Republike Hrvatske. U tu je svrhu definirano tri kriterija i devet potkriterija pomoću kojih je usporedno vrednovan poljoprivredno-prehrambeni sektor Krapinsko-zagorske, Varaždinske i Zagrebačke županije. Prema uključenim kriterijima najbolje je rangirana Zagrebačka županija, prvenstveno zbog dobrih aktualnih sektorskih pokazatelja, dok je najslabije ocijenjena Krapinsko-zagorska županija koja zaostaje prema svim korištenim kriterijima vrednovanja. Višekriterijsko rangiranje u ovom se slučaju pokazalo kao učinkovita metoda koja omogućuje dobivanje jedinstvene sintetizirane ocjene modelskih alternativa temeljem pojedinačnih usporednih ocjena.In this paper authors determined multi-criteria model for comparison of agri-food sector at the level of Croatian counties. For this purpose, three criteria and nine sub-criteria were used by which the agri-food sector of Krapina-Zagorje County, Varaždin County and Zagreb County were evaluated. The best ranked is Zagreb County, primarily due to good sectoral indicators, while the lowest grade was assigned to Krapina-Zagorje County, which is lagging behind others according to majority criteria of evaluation. Multi-criteria ranking in this paper proved to be an effective method that obtains unique synthesized assessment of alternatives based on the individual comparative rating


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    Cilj rada je ustanoviti utjecaj isplaćenih proračunskih potpora (proizvodnih poticaja) na vrijednost proizvodnje i samodostatnost ekonomski najvažnijih proizvoda u poljoprivrednom sektoru. Provedena je vremenska i strukturna analiza ovih parametara u razdoblju od 1998. do 2008. godine i ustanovljena povezanost visine isplaćenih potpora i osnovnih proizvodnih i ekonomskih rezultata poljoprivredne proizvodnje. U istraživanju polazimo od pretpostavke da se povećani iznosi isplaćenih potpora u poljoprivrednom sektoru nisu osobito snažno odrazili na povećanje proizvodnje, njenu veću vrijednost i samodostatnost. Državne potpore u Hrvatskoj su prošle kroz određene zakonske reforme tijekom analiziranog razdoblja, na što je najviše utjecala prilagodba hrvatskog zakonodavstva legislativi Europske unije. Upravo se u čestim promjenama kriterija u isplati potpora može pronaći dio obrazloženja zašto je njihov utjecaj na proizvodne rezultate slab. Rezultati istraživanja potvrđuju kako se trendovi u isplaćenim potporama ne poklapaju s trendovima koje pokazuju vrijednost proizvodnje i samodostatnost, a velike oscilacije su zabilježene u strukturi isplaćenih potpora tijekom analiziranog razdoblja.The aim is to determine the impact of disbursed budget support (production subsidies) on production value and self-sufficiency of economically important products in agricultural sector. We conducted a time series and structural analysis of these parameters during the period from 1998 to 2008 and connection was established between the level of paid production subsidies and the basic production and economic results of agricultural production. The research is based on the assumption that the increase of paid subsidies in the agricultural sector had no particularly strong impact on production increase, such as increase of its value and self-sufficiency. State subsidies in Croatia have gone through certain legal reforms during the analyzed period, which is most affected by the adjustment of Croatian Legislation with European Union legislation. Just in these frequent changes of criteria in the payment of subsidies we may find some of the reasons why their impact on the performance was weak. The research results confirm that the trends in paid subsidies did not match with trends that show the value of production and self-sufficiency. Large fluctuations were recorded in the structure of paid support during the analyzed period