Ecological and integrated agricultural production in the water protection area of the City of Zagreb


Na vodozaštitnom području grada Zagreba zakonski je regulirana poljoprivredna proizvodnja pri čemu je na jednom dijelu potpuno zabranjena, na drugom je dozvoljena samo ekološka dok je na većem dijelu dozvoljena i ekološka i integrirana poljoprivredna proizvodnja. Za ovo područje je posebno pogodna ekološka proizvodnja i to prvenstveno zbog neposredne blizine velikog potrošačkog tržišta koje je više dohodovne izdašnosti. Blizina tržišta omogućuje i prodaju „od polja do stola“ pri čemu je to posebno pogodno za povrće i jagodičasto voće, ali ništa manje značajni su i viši iznosi potpore takvoj proizvodnji. U ovom istraživanju korišteni su rezultati ankete provedene na uzorku od 72 obiteljska poljoprivredna gospodarstva. Anketirani su pokazali zavidno poznavanje ekološke i integrirane proizvodnje te ih je značajan dio izrazio interes za ulazak u takav projekt.Agricultural production in the water protection area of the City of Zagreb is regulated by law, whereby it is completely prohibited in one part of the area, only ecological production is permitted in other parts while ecological and integrated agricultural production are both permitted in the largest part of the area. Ecological production is particularly appropriate for this area, primarily due to the proximity of a large consumer market generating higher financial returns. The proximity of the market is also conducive to farm-to-table sale, which is particularly suitable for vegetables and berries, but no less significant are the higher amounts of aid allocated to such production. The results of a survey conducted on a sample of 72 family farms were used in this study. Respondents showed great knowledge of ecological and integrated production and a significant number of them expressed interest in embarking on such a project

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