73 research outputs found

    Legal Responses in the Area of Migration Security after 2015 Migration Crisis in Italy, Germany and Poland. Whose Security Does National Law Protect: Migrants or Citizens?

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    The aim of the article is to analyze the changes introduced recently (2018-2019) in the national migration law of the selected Member States: Italy, Poland and Germany and to examine whether there exist guarantees of the right to migration security and guarantees for the realization of the principle of migration security priority at the level of national legislation. The second problem under investigation concerns the fact whether the changes introduced in the legislation recently ensure a higher level of migration security in comparison with the previous regulations. Finally, the analysis carried out in the current article is intended to demonstrate whether national law protects the rights of migrants and the receiving society in equal measure or whether certain fundamental rights which migrants are entitled to are at risk of being derogated due to the necessity of providing security to migration processes and the protection of the receiving society. The paper analyzes in detail the legislative initiatives and amendments introduced in migration and refugee law in Germany, Italy and Poland. What is more, the author gathers and analyzes the most representative national case law concerning the asylum and return migration.

    The role of the Court in modelling the standard of equal treatment in employment: Analysis of the judgment of the Court of Justice in case C-344/20

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    The aim of this commentary is to analyse the judgment of the Court of Justice in L.F. v. S.C.R.L., in which the Court analysed provisions of the Equal Treatment Directive (2000/78) in light of the general prohibition of discrimination on the grounds of religion or belief. The main proceedings in the case analysed concerned a Muslim woman who wore an Islamic headscarf and was doing an office internship at S.C.R.L., a cooperative limited liability company. Due to the neutrality policy at work, she was unable to manifest her religion and brought an action for a prohibitory injunction before a domestic court. In preliminary ruling, the Court decided that she was not a victim of discrimination. The F.L. judgment is a continuation of the Court’s line of judicial decisions in cases G4S and WABE referred to before. The article analyses the current case law of the CJEU and ECHR that touches on the problem of the expression of religious belief and seeks the answer to the question: Which value is more important to be protected in contemporary European society – the identity of the person or the freedom to conduct a business


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    The aim of the present paper is analysis of the European Court of Human Rights Judgment in case Tarakhel v Switzerland (judgment of 4th November 2014) where the Tribunal found that sending back the applicant family to Italy constituted the risk of violation of article 3 and article 8 of the Convention. In justification of the above mentioned decision the Court indicated the problems that Italy meets in organization of asylum system and reception centers. The article describes also the current migratory situation of Italy, national legal framework of asylum system and its implementation. Moreover the paper gives the comparative perspective, presenting the judgments of MS’ as well as international courts decisions considering the returns of asylum seekers under Dublin Regulation’s provisions.Celem niniejszego artykułu jest analiza wyroku Europejskiego Trybunału Praw Człowieka z 4 listopada 2014 r. w sprawie Tarakhel przeciwko Szwajcarii, w którym Trybunał uznał, że zawrócenie migrantów ubiegających się o status uchodźcy ze Szwajcarii do Włoch, jako państwa właściwego do rozpatrzenia ich wniosku statusowego, może naruszyć gwarancje z art. 3 i 8 Europejskiej konwencji o ochronie praw człowieka i podstawowych wolności. Uzasadniając wyrok, Trybunał oparł się w szczególności na argumentach dotyczących problemów, z jakimi boryka się Republika Włoska w organizacji systemu azylowego, w tym funkcjonowaniu ośrodków recepcyjnych. Tym samym Włochy stały się kolejnym państwem, które zdaniem Trybunału, nie zapewnia warunków godnego i humanitarnego rozpatrzenia wniosków o status uchodźcy składanych przez obywateli państw trzecich


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    The aim of the present article is to analyze an urban complex conceived by Benito Mussolini, that is district EUR42 and to point out the elements of the building plans which were meant to convey political doctrine through architectural solutions. Eur was intended to be “a city within a city”, built from the very beginning in order to illustrate in its concept the vision of the state created by Mussolini. His vision entailed, among others, a conviction that Rome was a successor to the legacy of ancient tradition and papal Rome (“La terza Roma” – the third Rome) and a special role of Italy in building the European culture. Moreover, the urban experiment was to reflect Italy’s imperial ambitions. Each element of the district was to express “religione dello stato”, that is the significance of the state as both the patron of the arts as well as a universal value, the basis for the functioning of society and a source of culture.Lo scopo di questo articolo è quello di analizzare il concetto della pianificazione urbana di EUR 42 e di identificare gli elementi che hanno contribuito alla trasmissione della dottrina politica attraverso mezzi architettonici. Il quartire EUR fu progettato per illustrare una visione dello stato creata da Benito Mussolini, convinto che Roma fosse erede della civiltà classica e della Roma papale ("La terza Roma") e che l’Italia avesse un ruolo particolare nella costruzione della cultura europea. La zona fu progettata anche per manifestare le ambizioni imperiali del regime fascista e della visione dello Stato come patrono delle arti e fonte di cultura ovvero come valore universale e bene fondamentale per il funzionamento della società.Celem niniejszego artykułu jest analiza założenia urbanistycznego, jakim jest dzielnica EUR42 oraz wskazanie na te jej elementy, które przyczyniały się do przekazu doktryny politycznej poprzez środki architektoniczne. Eur miał być „miastem mieście”, budowanym od podstaw i ilustrującym w swojej koncepcji wizję państwa stworzoną przez Benito Mussoliniego. Na wizję tę składały się m.in. przekonanie o kontynuacji tradycji antycznej i Rzymu papieskiego („La terza Roma”) oraz o szczególnej roli Włoch w budowaniu kultury Europy. Ponadto założenie miało ilustrować ambicje imperialne Włoch. Każdy element dzielnicy miał wyrażać „religione dello stato” czyli znaczenie państwa zarówno jako mecenasa sztuki, jak też jako wartości uniwersalnej, podstawy funkcjonowania społeczeństwa i źródła kultury

    Characteristics and prognostic significance of T regulatory lymphocytes in lymphoid malignancies

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    Regulatorowe limfocyty T (Treg) stanowią niewielką subpopulację komórek CD4+ odpowiedzialną za tłumienie nadmiernej odpowiedzi immunologicznej, przyczyniając się tym samym do utrzymania homeostazy układu odpornościowego. Limfocyty Treg można wykrywać na podstawie charakterystycznego immunofenotypu CD4+CD25highFOXP3+. W wielu przypadkach nowotworów litych (np. rak jelita, płuca, jajnika) obserwowano zwiększenie liczby limfocytów Treg i stan ten niekorzystnie wpływał na rokowanie. Limfocyty Treg, poprzez swoje działanie supresorowe na limfocyty T obecne w mikrośrodowisku guza, upośledzają odpowiedź odpornościową skierowaną przeciwko komórkom nowotworowym, a więc utrudniają możliwość ich eliminacji. Sytuacja nie jest tak jasna w przypadkach, w których punktem wyjścia rozwoju nowotworu są komórki układu immunologicznego. Wyniki dotychczasowych nielicznych badań wskazują, że w złośliwych rozrostach z dojrzałych limfocytów B liczba tkankowych lub obwodowych limfocytów Treg może być podwyższona lub obniżona; podobnie ich związek z rokowaniem może być zarówno pozytywny, jak i negatywny. Nie można więc przez prostą analogię do nowotworów litych wnioskować o funkcji limfocytów Treg w chłoniakach. Na podstawie badań in vitro postuluje się wręcz, że limfocyty Treg mogą pełnić funkcję kontrolną wobec chłoniakowych limfocytów B, nie dopuszczając do klonalnego rozrostu tych ostatnich. Wskazywałoby to na zupełnie nową i jeszcze słabo poznaną funkcję limfocytów Treg. Celem pracy jest podsumowanie wyników publikacji, w których oceniano rolę Treg w nowotworach układu chłonnego, oraz omówienie kontrowersji dotyczących związku Treg z rokowaniem w tej grupie nowotworów.Regulatory T lymphocytes (Treg) represent a small subpopulation of CD4+ cells responsible for inhibition of excessive immunologic response, contributing in this way to immune homeostasis. Treg cells are characterized by CD4+CD25highFOXP3+ immunophenotype. In many cases of solid tumors (e.g. colon cancer, lung cancer, ovarian cancer) the number of Treg cells is increased and its elevation is associated with unfavorable prognosis. Treg cells by their capacity to suppress other T lymphocytes present in tumor microenvironment impair immunologic response against tumor cells thus contributing to immune evasion by malignancies. The matter is more complicated in cases where the tumor originates from immune cells. Results from published studies evaluating Treg cells in B-cell malignancies are scarce and they show that the numbers of tissue or peripheral Treg cells can be either decreased or increased. Similarly, Treg number may be associated with either positive or negative prognosis. Thus, Treg function in lymphomas should not be considered by simple analogy to solid tumors. On the basis on in vitro studies it was postulated that Treg cells can control malignant B cells, preventing clonal proliferation of the latter. Therefore it is possiblethat Treg cells may play a new, so far poorly understood role in lymphoid malignancies. The aim of this paper is to review the original articles that analyzed Treg lymphocytes in lymphoid neoplasms and to discuss the controversies on associations of Tregs with prognosis in this setting

    Zakażenia chlamydiowe w astmie. Leczenie makrolidami

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    Atypical microorganism infections, including Chlamydophila pneumoniae, play an important role in asthma course. A significant influence of chlamydial infection on severity of asthma exacerbations and increase in chronic asthma symptoms has been shown. The group of medication with high antibacterial activity against atypical microorganisms are macrolides, which also have anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects. Macrolide treatment in patients with asthma can be connected with additional therapeutic benefits. Mechanism of action of these antibiotics is not ultimately clarified and further studies are required.Zakażenia drobnoustrojami atypowymi, w tym Chlamydophila pneumoniae, mogą odgrywać znaczącą rolę w przebiegu astmy. Wykazano wpływ infekcji chlamydiowej na ciężkość zaostrzeń astmy oraz nasilenie objawów w astmie przewlekłej. Grupą leków o dużej aktywności przeciwbakteryjnej skierowanej przeciwko drobnoustrojom atypowym są makrolidy, które charakteryzują się również właściwościami przeciwzapalnymi i immunomodulującymi. Ich zastosowanie u chorych na astmę może się wiązać z dodatkowymi korzyściami terapeutycznymi. Mechanizmy działania tych antybiotyków nie są jednak do końca wyjaśnione i wymagają dalszych badań

    Effect of osmotic stress and post-stress recovery on the content of phenolics and properties of antioxidants in germinating seeds of grapevine Vitis californica

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    The tested material consisted of grapevine Vitis californica stratified seeds germinated under optimum conditions (+25°C in water), under osmotic stress (-0.2 MPa in PEG solution) and submitted to recovery after stress (+25°C in water). The germinating seeds were determined to contain tannins, catechins and the following phenolic acids: gallic, caffeic, p-coumaric and ferulic. The acids occurred in free, ester- and glycoside-bound forms. The dominant form of phenolic acids was the ester-bound fraction. Gallic acid was the most abundant phenolic acid in germinating seeds, while ferulic acid appeared in the smallest amounts. Our analysis of tannins demonstrated that osmotic stress depressed their concentration. Presence of catechin group compounds such as catechin and epicatechin was also determined. In each sample epicatechin was dominant. The total concentration of catechin increased under stress conditions and declined during post-stress recovery. Catechins are a constituent of tannins and their increase under osmotic stress is most probably caused by the breakdown of some tannins in seeds germinating under stress conditions. Samples submitted to osmotic stress were also found to contain less of total phenolic compounds, whereas in samples which underwent post-stress recovery the total level of phenolic compounds increased. Compared to extracts from seeds germinating under optimum conditions, osmotic stress depressed the capacity of extract to scavenge DPPH● (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) and ABTS●+ – 2,2-Azino-bis (3-etylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) free radicals, but the antioxidant activity rose in seeds submitted to recovery after stress. Positive correlation was therefore demonstrated between the total content of phenolic acids in germinating grapevine seeds and the reducing power of extracts obtained from these seeds and their free radical scavenging activity. The results suggest that osmotic stress inhibits the activity of antioxidizing enzymes in germinating grapevine seeds. Thus, the antioxidative defence system is largely blocked under osmotic stress. It seems that a very high oxidoreductive potential in grapevine tissues prior to occurrence of osmotic stress is essential for maintaining proper homeostasis of oxidation and reduction reactions