14 research outputs found

    Proteomic analysis of the postsynaptic density implicates synaptic function and energy pathways in bipolar disorder.

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    The postsynaptic density (PSD) contains a complex set of proteins of known relevance to neuropsychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. We enriched for this anatomical structure in the anterior cingulate cortex of 16 bipolar disorder samples and 20 controls from the Stanley Medical Research Institute. Unbiased shotgun proteomics incorporating label-free quantitation was used to identify differentially expressed proteins. Quantitative investigation of the PSD identified 2033 proteins, among which 288 were found to be differentially expressed. Validation of expression changes of DNM1, DTNA, NDUFV2, SEPT11 and SSBP was performed by western blotting. Bioinformatics analysis of the differentially expressed proteins implicated metabolic pathways including mitochondrial function, the tricarboxylic acid cycle, oxidative phosphorylation, protein translation and calcium signaling. The data implicate PSD-associated proteins, and specifically mitochondrial function in bipolar disorder. They relate synaptic function in bipolar disorder and the energy pathways that underpin it. Overall, our findings add to a growing literature linking the PSD and mitochondrial function in psychiatric disorders generally, and suggest that mitochondrial function associated with the PSD is particularly important in bipolar disorder

    ApoE elevation is associated with the persistence of psychotic experiences from age 12 to age 18: Evidence from the ALSPAC birth cohort

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    Apolipoproteins, which play important roles in lipid metabolism, innate immunity and synaptic signalling, have been implicated in first episode psychosis and schizophrenia. This is the first study to investigate plasma apolipoprotein expression in children with psychotic experiences that persist into adulthood. Here, using semi-targeted proteomic analysis we compared plasma apolipoprotein expression levels in age 12 subjects who reported psychotic experiences at both age 12 and age 18 (n = 37) with age-matched subjects who only experienced psychotic experiences (PEs) at age 12 (n = 38). Participants were recruited from the UK Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC) cohort who participated in psychiatric assessment interviews at ages 12 and 18. We identified apoE, a protein with significant regulatory activity on cholesterol metabolism in the brain, to be significantly up regulated (p < 0.003) in those with persistent psychotic experiences. We confirmed this finding in these samples using ELISA. Our findings indicate elevated plasma apoE in age 12 children who experience PEs is associated with persistence psychotic experiences

    Blood-Based Protein Changes in Childhood Are Associated With increased risk for later psychotic disorder: evidence from a nested case–control study of the ALSPAC Longitudinal Birth Cohort

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    The identification of early biological changes associated with the psychotic disorder (PD) is important as it may provide clues to the underlying pathophysiological mechanisms. We undertook the first proteomic profiling of blood plasma samples of children who later develop a PD. Participants were recruited from the UK Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC) cohort who also participated in psychiatric assessment interviews at age 18. Protein expression levels at age 11 were compared between individuals who developed PD at age 18 (n = 37) with population-based age-matched controls (n = 38). Sixty out of 181 plasma proteins profiled were found to be differentially expressed (P < .05) in children with an outcome of the PD. Thirty-four of these proteins were found to be differentially expressed following correction for multiple comparisons. Pathway analysis implicated the complement and coagulation cascade. A second, targeted proteomic approach was used to verify these findings in age 11 plasma from subjects who reported psychotic experiences at age 18 (n = 40) in comparison to age-matched controls (n = 66). Our findings indicate that the complement and coagulation system is dysregulated in the blood during childhood before the development of the PD

    Reduced protein synthesis in schizophrenia patient-derived olfactory cells.

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    Human olfactory neurosphere-derived (ONS) cells have the potential to provide novel insights into the cellular pathology of schizophrenia. We used discovery-based proteomics and targeted functional analyses to reveal reductions in 17 ribosomal proteins, with an 18% decrease in the total ribosomal signal intensity in schizophrenia-patient-derived ONS cells. We quantified the rates of global protein synthesis in vitro and found a significant reduction in the rate of protein synthesis in schizophrenia patient-derived ONS cells compared with control-derived cells. Protein synthesis rates in fibroblast cell lines from the same patients did not differ, suggesting cell type-specific effects. Pathway analysis of dysregulated proteomic and transcriptomic data sets from these ONS cells converged to highlight perturbation of the eIF2α, eIF4 and mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) translational control pathways, and these pathways were also implicated in an independent induced pluripotent stem cell-derived neural stem model, and cohort, of schizophrenia patients. Analysis in schizophrenia genome-wide association data from the Psychiatric Genetics Consortium specifically implicated eIF2α regulatory kinase EIF2AK2, and confirmed the importance of the eIF2α, eIF4 and mTOR translational control pathways at the level of the genome. Thus, we integrated data from proteomic, transcriptomic, and functional assays from schizophrenia patient-derived ONS cells with genomics data to implicate dysregulated protein synthesis for the first time in schizophrenia

    Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor-Associated Periodic Syndrome (TRAPS) with a New Pathogenic Variant in TNFRSF1A Gene in a Family of the Adult Male with Renal AA Amyloidosis—Diagnostic and Therapeutic Challenge for Clinicians

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    Tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated periodic syndrome (TRAPS) belongs to systemic autoinflammatory diseases (AIDs). Many of these syndromes are genetically conditioned and can be inherited. Diagnosis relies on clinical symptoms and should be confirmed by genetic testing. One of the most serious complications is AA amyloidosis. We present the diagnostic route of a 33-year-old male with AA amyloidosis and his children, leading to diagnosis of monogenic autoinflammatory syndrome, confirmed by genetic analysis. A novel variant of the in-frame insertion type in one allele of TNFRSF1A gene was found by whole exome sequencing and confirmed by Sanger sequencing, which allowed a diagnosis of TRAPS. Three-dimensional modeling was used to assess the structural changes introduced into TNFR1 molecule by the insertion. The analysis of the 3D model revealed that accommodation of the 4AA insert induces misalignment of three cysteine bridges (especially the C70-C96 bridge) in the extracellular domain, leading to putatively misfolded and improperly functioning TNFR1. Three of the patient&rsquo;s daughters inherited the same variant of the TNFRSF1A gene and presented TRAPS symptoms. TRAPS is a very rare disease, but in the presence of suggestive symptoms the genetic diagnostic workout should be undertaken. Early diagnosis followed by appropriate clinical management can prevent irreversible complications

    Complement pathway changes at age 12 are associated with psychotic experiences at age 18 in a longitudinal population-based study: evidence for a role of stress

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    The complement cascade is a major component of the immune defence against infection, and there is increasing evidence for a role of dysregulated complement in major psychiatric disorders. We undertook a directed proteomic analysis of the complement signalling pathway (n = 29 proteins) using data-independent acquisition. Participants were recruited from the UK avon longitudinal study of parents and children (ALSPAC) cohort who participated in psychiatric assessment interviews at ages 12 and 18. Protein expression levels at age 12 among individuals who reported psychotic experiences (PEs) at age 18 (n = 64) were compared with age-matched controls (n = 67). Six out of the 29 targeted complement proteins or protein subcomponents were significantly upregulated following correction for multiple comparisons (VTN↑, C1RL↑, C8B↑, C8A↑, CFH↑, and C5↑). We then undertook an unbiased plasma proteomic analysis of mice exposed to chronic social stress and observed dysregulation of 11 complement proteins, including three that were altered in the same direction in individuals with PE (C1R↑, CFH↑, and C5↑). Our findings indicate that dysregulation of the complement protein pathway in blood is associated with incidence of psychotic experiences and that these changes may reflect exposure to stress

    Knowledge Management : En Studie Av SAAB Barracuda AB

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    Flera forskare går så långt att de säger att kunskap kan vara den enda bestående konkurrensfördelen ett företag har i dagens föränderliga omvärld. Knowledge Management som begrepp tog fart i början av 1990-talet och har sedan dess varit föremål för omfattande forskning. Samtidigt sägs det att kunskap kan vara svår att kommunicera och överföra. Vi började fundera på vilka företag som kan tänkas använda strategier för att hantera kunskap, och om Knowledge Management är så utbrett bland företagen som forskarna ger sken av, är det en så betydelsefull komponent i utvecklandet av företags konkurrensfördelar? Vi valde att undersöka Saab Barracuda AB som är världsledande inom signaturanpassning och titta på hur de, som svenskt multinationellt företag, hanterar tillvaratagande och överföring av kunskap. Undersökningen genomfördes genom en intervju med ekonomichefen på Saab Barracuda AB på plats vid huvudkontoret i Gamleby. I uppsatsen presenteras teorier kring kunskap, Knowledge Management och multinationella företag med dotterbolag. Utifrån dessa teorier analyserades Saab Barracuda AB:s syn på och strategier för tillvaratagande, spridning och skapande av kunskap. I vår undersökning fann vi att man inom Saab Barracuda AB inte arbetar med strategier för kunskapsspridning, men att det ändå fanns en del inslag av spridning på det sätt det beskrivs i teorierna. Det var dock förvånande att se att ett så framgångsrikt företag, vars främsta resurs ansågs vara kunskap, enligt oss endast omedvetet hanterade kunskap. Kunskapsvinster var mer en bieffekt av andra strategier. Det framgick även tydligt av undersökningen att e-post är det verktyg som användes mest frekvent vid utbyten och interaktion

    ApoE elevation is associated with the persistence of psychotic experiences from age 12 to age 18: Evidence from the ALSPAC birth cohort.

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    Apolipoproteins, which play important roles in lipid metabolism, innate immunity and synaptic signalling, have been implicated in first episode psychosis and schizophrenia. This is the first study to investigate plasma apolipoprotein expression in children with psychotic experiences that persist into adulthood. Here, using semi-targeted proteomic analysis we compared plasma apolipoprotein expression levels in age 12 subjects who reported psychotic experiences at both age 12 and age 18 (n = 37) with age-matched subjects who only experienced psychotic experiences (PEs) at age 12 (n = 38). Participants were recruited from the UK Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC) cohort who participated in psychiatric assessment interviews at ages 12 and 18. We identified apoE, a protein with significant regulatory activity on cholesterol metabolism in the brain, to be significantly up regulated (p < 0.003) in those with persistent psychotic experiences. We confirmed this finding in these samples using ELISA. Our findings indicate elevated plasma apoE in age 12 children who experience PEs is associated with persistence psychotic experiences

    Blood-based protein changes in childhood are associated with increased risk for later psychotic disorder: evidence from a nested case-control study of the ALSPAC longitudinal birth cohort

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    The identification of early biological changes associated with the psychotic disorder (PD) is important as it may provide clues to the underlying pathophysiological mechanisms. We undertook the first proteomic profiling of blood plasma samples of children who later develop a PD. Participants were recruited from the UK Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC) cohort who also participated in psychiatric assessment interviews at age 18. Protein expression levels at age 11 were compared between individuals who developed PD at age 18 (n = 37) with population-based age-matched controls (n = 38). Sixty out of 181 plasma proteins profiled were found to be differentially expressed (P < .05) in children with an outcome of the PD. Thirty-four of these proteins were found to be differentially expressed following correction for multiple comparisons. Pathway analysis implicated the complement and coagulation cascade. A second, targeted proteomic approach was used to verify these findings in age 11 plasma from subjects who reported psychotic experiences at age 18 (n = 40) in comparison to age-matched controls (n = 66). Our findings indicate that the complement and coagulation system is dysregulated in the blood during childhood before the development of the PD. </p