49 research outputs found

    Stefan Wyszyński’s Personalistic Vision of Upbringing

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    The personalistic concept of man, especially the one based on the philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas, underscores the full autonomy of the human person, his freedom, the gradual discovery of the truth and good, and choices in accord with this cognition. The key issue in Stefan Wyszyński’s personalism is the integral vision of the human person. This personalism is a system of upbringing that respects the nature and value of man who ‘humanizes’ the world and expresses himself while constantly evolving. He gives a personal, social and dynamic character to the community in which he functions. He has a right to be brought up in keeping with his nature and ultimate destiny

    Responsible parenthood : consideration on the basis of Stefan Wyszyński's teaching

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    Z perspektywy personalizmu katolickiego, który przez kilka dekad współtworzył w Polsce prymas Stefan Wyszyński, rodzicielstwo ludzkie posiada także konotację sakralności. Prokreacja nie jest tu aktem czysto ludzkim, lecz zakorzenionym w stwórczej woli Boga. Z tego względu zostaje ona naznaczona rysem odpowiedzialności nie tylko w wymiarze naturalnym, ale i nadprzyrodzonym. Odpowiedzialne rodzicielstwo, fundowane na personalistycznie rozumianym człowieku jako syntezie cielesno-duchowej, respektuje integralność ludzkiej prokreacji. Referując analizy Stefana Wyszyńskiego odnośnie do odpowiedzialnego rodzicielstwa, w prezentowanej publikacji zwrócono uwagę na jego antropologiczny wymiar, komplementarność kobiety i mężczyzny oraz zadania związane z realizacją funkcji rodzicielskiej.From the perspective of Catholic personalism, which was co-created by Primate Stefan Wyszyński in Poland for several decades, human parenthood also has a sacral connotation. Procreation is not a purely human act, but it is rooted in the creative will of God. For this reason, it is marked by the trait of responsibility not only in the natural but also in the supernatural dimension. Responsible parenthood, founded on a personalistically understood human being, as a body and spiritual synthesis, respects the integrity of human procreation. Referring to Stefan Wyszyński's analysis of responsible parenthood, the presented publication highlights its anthropological dimension, the complementarity of women and men, and tasks related to the parental function

    Insufficiency of ventral hippocampus to medial prefrontal cortex transmission explains antidepressant non-response

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    Bibliogr. s. 1261-1264Background: There is extensive evidence that antidepressant drugs restore normal brain function by repairing damage to ventral hippocampus (vHPC) and medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC). While the damage is more extensive in hippocampus, the evidence of treatments, such as deep brain stimulation, suggests that functional changes in prefrontal cortex may be more critical. We hypothesized that antidepressant non-response may result from an insufficiency of transmission from vHPC to mPFC. Method: Antidepressant non-responsive Wistar Kyoto (WKY) rats were subjected to chronic mild stress (CMS), then treated with chronic daily administration of the antidepressant drug venlafaxine (VEN) and/or repeated weekly optogenetic stimulation (OGS) of afferents to mPFC originating from vHPC or dorsal HPC (dHPC). Results: As in many previous studies, CMS decreased sucrose intake, open-arm entries on the elevated plus maze (EPM), and novel object recognition (NOR). Neither VEN nor vHPC–mPFC OGS alone was effective in reversing the effects of CMS, but the combination of chronic VEN and repeated OGS restored normal behaviour on all three measures. dHPC–mPFC OGS restored normal behaviour in the EPM and NOR test irrespective of concomitant VEN treatment, and had no effect on sucrose intake. Conclusions: The synergism between VEN and vHPC–mPFC OGS supports the hypothesis that the antidepressant non-responsiveness of WKY rats results from a failure of antidepressant treatment fully to restore transmission in the vHPC–mPFC pathway

    AMPA receptors mediate the pro-cognitive effects of electrical and optogenetic stimulation of the medial prefrontal cortex in antidepressant non-responsive Wistar-Kyoto rats

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    Background: The chronic mild stress (CMS) procedure is a widely used animal model of depression, and its application in Wistar–Kyoto (WKY) rats has been validated as a model of antidepressant-refractory depression. While not responding to chronic treatment with antidepressant drugs, WKY rats do respond to acute deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC). In antidepressant-responsive strains there is evidence suggesting a role for AMPA subtype of glutamate receptor in the action mechanism of both antidepressants and DBS. Methods: Animals were subjected to CMS for 6 to 8weeks; sucrose intake was monitored weekly and novel object recognition (NOR) test was conducted following recovery from CMS. Wistars were treated chronically with venlafaxine (VEN), while WKY were treated acutely with either DBS, optogenetic stimulation (OGS) of virally-transduced (AAV5-hSyn-ChR2-EYFP) mPFC or ventral hippocampus, or acute intra-mPFC injection of the AMPA receptor positive allosteric modulator CX-516. The AMPA receptor antagonist NBQX was administered, at identical sites in mPFC, immediately following the exposure trial in the NOR. Results: Sucrose intake and NOR were suppressed by CMS, and restored by VEN in Wistars and by DBS, OGS, or CX-516 in WKY. However, OGS of the ventral hippocampal afferents to mPFC was ineffective. A low dose of NBQX selectively blocked the procognitive effect of VEN, DBS and OGS. Conclusions: These results suggest that activation of AMPA receptors in the mPFC represents a common pathway for the antidepressant effects of both conventional (VEN) and novel (DBS, OGS) antidepressant modalities, in both antidepressant responsive (Wistar) and antidepressant-resistant (WKY) rats

    Mesolimbic dopamine D_{2} receptor plasticity contributes to stress resilience in rats subjected to chronic mild stress

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    RATIONALE: Few studies have investigated neurobiological and biochemical differences between stress-resilient and stress-vulnerable experimental animals. OBJECTIVES: We investigated alterations in mesolimbic dopamine D(2) receptor density and mRNA expression level in stressed rats at two time points, i.e. after 2 and 5 weeks of chronic mild stress (CMS). METHODS: We used the chronic mild stress paradigm because it is a well-established animal model of depression. Two groups of stressed rats were distinguished during CMS experiments: (1) stress reactive (70 %), which displayed a decrease in the drinking of a palatable sucrose solution during the stress regimen, and (2) stress resilient (30 %), which exhibited an unaltered drinking profile when compared with the unchallenged control group. [(3)H]Domperidone was used as a ligand to label dopamine D(2) receptors, and a mixture of three specific oligonucleotides was used to evaluate dopamine D(2) receptor mRNA changes in various regions of the rat brain. RESULTS: CMS strongly affected the mesolimbic dopamine circuit in stress-resilient group after 2 weeks and stress-reactive group of rats after 5 weeks which exhibited a decrease in the level of dopamine D(2) receptor protein without alterations in D(2) mRNA expression. Stress-resilient animals, but not stress-reactive animals, effectively adapted to the extended stress and coped with it. The increase in D(2) mRNA expression returned the dopamine D(2) receptor density to control levels in stress-resilient rats after 5 weeks of CMS, but not in stress-reactive animals. CONCLUSIONS: These results clearly demonstrate that, despite earlier blunting, the activation of dopamine receptor biosynthesis in the dopamine mesoaccumbens system in stress-resilient rats is involved in active coping with stressful experiences, and it exhibits a delay in time

    CAM-related changes in chloroplastic metabolism of Mesembryanthemum crystallinum L.

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    Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) is an intriguing metabolic strategy to maintain photosynthesis under conditions of closed stomata. A shift from C3 photosynthesis to CAM in Mesembryanthemum crystallinum plants was induced by high salinity (0.4 M NaCl). In CAM-performing plants, the quantum efficiencies of photosystem II and I were observed to undergo distinct diurnal fluctuations that were characterized by a strong decline at the onset of the day, midday recovery, and an evening drop. The temporal recovery of both photosystems’ efficiency at midday was associated with a more rapid induction of the electron transport rate at PSII. This recovery of the photosynthetic apparatus at midday was observed to be accompanied by extreme swelling of thylakoids. Despite these fluctuations, a persistent effect of CAM was the acceptor side limitation of PSI during the day, which was accompanied by a strongly decreased level of Rubisco protein. Diurnal changes in the efficiency of photosystems were parallel to corresponding changes in the levels of mRNAs for proteins of PSII and PSI reaction centers and for rbcL, reaching a maximum in CAM plants at midday. This might reflect a high demand for new protein synthesis at this time of the day. Hybridization of run-on transcripts with specific probes for plastid genes of M. crystallinum revealed that the changes in plastidic mRNA levels were regulated at the level of transcription

    The impact of globalization on the development of world trade

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    Praca dotyczy wpływu globalizacji na rozwój światowego handlu. Zawiera informacje teoretyczne, dotyczące funkcjonowania globalnej gospodarki (charakterystykę procesu globalizacji, czynniki kształtujące ten proces oraz podmioty w nim uczestniczące). Opisuje również proces liberalizacji handlu po II wojnie światowej. Rolę organizacji GATT i WTO w liberalizacji handlu oraz zakres tematyczny rund rokowań. Przedstawia także analizę sytuacji w handlu światowym oraz znaczenie handlu światowego dla krajów: Chin, Niemiec i Stanów Zjednoczonych. Ukazuje, że globalizacja doprowadziła do rozwoju handlu światowego w wybranych krajach.The work concerns the impact of globalization on the development of world trade. It contains theoretical information regarding the functioning of the global economy (characterization of the process of globalization, factors affecting the process and the participating entities). It also describes the process of trade liberalization after World War II. Role of GATT and WTO trade liberalization and scope of bargaining rounds. It also presents an analysis of the situation in world trade and the importance of global trade to countries: China, Germany and the United States. Shows that globalization has led to the development of world trade in selected countries

    Stefan Wyszyński’s Personalistic Vision of Upbringing

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    The personalistic concept of man, especially the one based on the philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas, underscores the full autonomy of the human person, his freedom, the gradual discovery of the truth and good, and choices in accord with this cognition. The key issue in Stefan Wyszyński’s personalism is the integral vision of the human person. This personalism is a system of upbringing that respects the nature and value of man who ‘humanizes’ the world and expresses himself while constantly evolving. He gives a personal, social and dynamic character to the community in which he functions. He has a right to be brought up in keeping with his nature and ultimate destiny