35 research outputs found

    The assessment of usefulness of HE4 and CA125 quantification for the diagnostics of endometrial cancer

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    Endometrial cancer is one of the most prevalent uterine malignancies. This disease occurs mostly in older women, frequently affected with other comorbidities. Hence, it is important to search for novel, less burdensome diagnostic modalities, enabling the objective assessment of the patient’s status and facilitating qualification to relevant risk groups prior to surgical treatment.The aim of this study was to verify the usefulness of CA125 and HE4 in the evaluation of endometrial cancer.The study included 308 women treated at University Hospital No. 2 in Bydgoszcz. The study group included 180 patients operated due to endometrial cancer. The control group included 128 women operated due to perineal statics disorders. The concentrations of tumour markers were measured with ELISA-based ready-to-use diagnostic kits.Patients with endometrial cancer and healthy women differed significantly in terms of HE4 concentrations (P = 0.001). The serum concentration of HE4 in stage I endometrial cancer patients was significantly higher (Me = 88.37 pM) than in healthy women (Me = 46.14) (P = 0.007). The analysis of ROC curves with the determination of the area under curve showed 66.7% sensitivity and 78.1% specificity of HE4. AUC for HE4 amounted to 0.721 and was the highest of all markers.Our analysis revealed that HE4 is useful in the detection of endometrial cancer, while Human Epididymis Protein 4 can potentially be used for screening purposes. CA125 antigen, previously used in the diagnostic process, is useless or may possess limited usefulness. There is a need for further studies on larger populations of female patients

    Analiza wskazań do amniopunkcji genetycznej w zależności od wieku pacjentek na podstawie materiału Kliniki Położnictwa, Chorób Kobiecych i Ginekologii Onkologicznej CM UMK w Bydgoszczy

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    Introduction: Genetic amniocentesis (GA) is the most common prenatal diagnostic test. One of the main indications for GA is maternal age of ≥35 years. In many countries, the age indication has been replaced by an assessment of individual risk for chromosomal abnormalities, calculated on the basis of maternal age, pregnancy duration, as well as a combination of biochemical and ultrasound markers. Objectives: The aim of the study was to investigate indications for and results of GA performed between 2010-2012 at the Department of Gynecology, Obstetrics, and Oncologic Gynecology, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Collegium Medicum, Bydgoszcz. Materials and methods: A total of 632 GA tests were performed at the Department of Gynecology, Obstetrics, and Oncologic Gynecology, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Collegium Medicum, Bydgoszcz. Average maternal age was 34 (between 17 and 47 years), with patientsWstęp: Amniopunkcja genetyczna jest najczęściej wykonywanym zabiegiem w medycynie prenatalnej. Jednym z głównych wskazań do tego zabiegu jest wiek ciężarnej ≥ 35 roku życia. W wielu krajach wskazanie to zostało zastąpione poprzez określenie indywidualnego ryzyka wystąpienia aberracji chromosomalnych opierające się na kalkulacji ryzyka wynikającego z wieku matki, czasu trwania ciąży oraz kombinacji markerów biochemicznych i ultrasonograficznych. Cel pracy: Celem pracy była analiza wskazań, wyników oraz przebiegu amniopunkcji genetycznych przeprowadzonych w latach 2010-2012 w Katedrze i Klinice Położnictwa, Chorób Kobiecych i Ginekologii Onkologicznej CM UMK w Bydgoszczy. Materiał i metody: W latach 2010-2012 w Klinice Położnictwa, Chorób Kobiecych i Ginekologii Onkologicznej CM UMK w Bydgoszczy amniopunkcję diagnostyczną wykonano u 632 pacjentek. Średni wiek badanej grupy wynosił 34 lata (17-47 lat), pacjentki < 35 roku życia stanowiły 47,9% (N = 303), ≥ 35 roku życia 52,1% (N = 329). W zależności od wieku przeanalizowano wskazania do wykonania zabiegu oraz wyniki amniopunkcji. Oceniono także wyniki przeprowadzonych wcześniej testów nieinwazyjnych. Wyniki: Najczęstszymi wskazaniami do wykonania zabiegu amniopunkcji u pacjentek < 35 roku życia były nieprawidłowości stwierdzane w badaniu USG (46,53%) oraz nieprawidłowy wynik testu połączonego. W grupie pacjentek ≥ 35 roku życia najczęściej kwalifikowano pacjentki do zabiegu amniopunkcji na podstawie nieprawidłowego wyniku testu połączonego oraz obciążonego wywiadu Wnioski: Prawidłowo przeprowadzony zabieg amniopunkcji genetycznej wykonywany pomiędzy 15 a 20 tygodniem jest bezpieczny zarówno dla matki jak i dla płodu oraz wiąże się z akceptowalnym odsetkiem powikłań. Możliwość wykonania przesiewowych badań prenatalnych w kierunku najczęściej spotykanych wad rozwojowych i aberracji chromosomowych powinny mieć wszystkie kobiety ciężarne w Polsce, bez względu na wiek

    The differences in RCAS1 and DFF45 endometrial expression between late proliferative, early secretory, and mid-secretory cycle phases.

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    RCAS1 expression is related to the regulation of activated immune cells and to connective tissue remodeling within the endometrium. DFF45 seems to play an important role in the apoptotic process, most likely by acting through the regulation of DNA fragmentation. Its expression changes within the endometrium seem to be related to the resistance of endometrial cells to apoptosis. The aim of the present study was to evaluate RCAS1 and DFF45 endometrial expressions during ovulation and the implantation period. RCAS1 and DFF45 expression was assessed by the Western-blot method in endometrial tissue samples obtained from 20 patients. The tissue samples were classified according to the menstrual cycle phases in which they were collected, with a division into three phases: late proliferative, early secretory, and mid-secretory. The lowest level of RCAS1 and the highest level of DFF45 endometrial expression was found during the early secretory cycle phase. Statistically significantly higher RCAS1 and statistically significantly lower DFF45 endometrial expression was identified in the endometrium during the late proliferative as compared to the early secretory cycle phase. Moreover, statistically significantly higher RCAS1 and statistically significantly lower DFF45 expression was found in the endometrium during the mid-secretory as compared to the early secretory cycle phase. The preparation for implantation process in the endometrium is preceded by dynamic changes in endometrial ECM and results from the proper interaction between endometrial and immune cells. The course of this process is conditioned by the immunomodulating activity of endometrial cells and their resistance to immune-mediated apoptosis. These dynamic changes are closely related to RCAS1 and DFF45 expression alterations

    Serum Anti-Müllerian Hormone Levels in Patients with Epithelial Ovarian Cancer

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    Objectives. The aim of our study was to examine serum anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) concentration in ovarian cancer patients in relation to clinicopathological features, such as a pathological subtype of the tumor, (FIGO) stage, grading, and overall 5-year survival. Material and Methods. We enrolled 72 epithelial ovarian cancer patients in our study, aged 45–79 years, who underwent optimal cytoreductive surgery. In all patients, serum AMH concentration was measured using a two-step sandwich type enzyme immunoassay before surgery. As a reference value for women over 45 years we accepted anti-Müllerian hormone concentration below 1 ng/mL. Results. In the whole group of patients with ovarian cancer, median serum concentration of AMH was 0.07 (0.0–0.37) ng/mL, whereas in the group of those with positive AMH values (≥0.14 ng/mL) it was 0.31 (0.15–0.73) ng/mL. No significant correlation was found between serum AMH levels and FIGO stage, histological subtype, or grading (). The analysis of five-year survival rate related to AMH levels showed no statistically significant differences. There were no differences in survival rates between patients with positive or negative serum AMH levels. Conclusion. Measurement of serum anti-Müllerian hormone levels was not useful in predicting clinicopathological features and survival in patients with ovarian cancer

    Multi-Domain Modeling and Simulations of the Heterogeneous Systems, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2010, nr 1

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    This paper discusses the multi-domain modeling and simulation issues of the design and analysis of heterogeneous integrated systems. Modeling and simulation methodology and tools are also discussed

    Financial management in countries of the European Union on the example of Poland and Slovakia

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    Finances of the European Union are a subject of the thesis with distinguishing two European Mambers: Poland and Slovakia. The purpose of the work is comparing the financial management of the European Union in Poland and Slovakia, with distinguishing how many these countries paid to the budget of the European Union as well as how many means received or will obtain from funds of the European Union. At the work discussed elements of payments stayed up to EU budget and elements of expenses of the European Union. They also described what financial perspectives, structural funds and convergence criteria were. All these elements were described and compared on the example of Poland and Slovakia. Balance of these states is positive what is marking, that these states paid less to budget of the European Union than got. Poland paid and got more from the budget of the European Union than Slovakia. This work has been mainly used for monographs on European Union finance, examines reports Polish and Slovak Ministries, also used the EC Council Regulations and websitesPrzedmiotem pracy dyplomowej są finanse Unii Europejskiej z wyodrębnieniem dwóch państw członkowskich: Polski i Słowacji. Celem pracy jest porównanie zarządzania finansami Unii Europejskiej w Polsce i Słowacji, z wyodrębnieniem ile państwa te wpłaciły do budżetu Unii Europejskiej oraz ile środków otrzymały bądź otrzymają z funduszy Unii Europejskiej. W pracy zostały omówione elementy wpłat do budżetu Unijnego oraz elementy wydatków Unii Europejskiej. Opisano również czym jest perspektywa finansowa, fundusze strukturalne oraz kryteria konwergencji. Wszystkie te elementy zostały przedstawione oraz porównane na przykładzie Polski i Słowacji. Bilans tych państw jest dodatni, co oznacza, że państwa te wpłaciły mniej do budżet Unii Europejskiej niż uzyskały. Polska wpłaciła i uzyskała więcej z budżetu Unii Europejskiej niż Słowacja. W pracy zostały w głównej mierze wykorzystane monografie dotyczące finansów Unii Europejskiej, przeanalizowano raporty Ministerstw Polski i Słowacji, użyto również rozporządzeń Rady WE oraz stron internetowyc