5 research outputs found

    Wnętrza w polskim filmie fabularnym lat 60-tych jako źródło wiedzy i punkt odniesienia dla współczesnych projektów architektonicznych

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    The aim of the article is to draw attention to the relationship between the 1960's design trends, based on the example of the Polish film, and contemporary trends in furniture design. The reference to films of the 1960s as one of the crucial sources of knowledge about the interiors of that period is to be a pretext for further discussion on the timelessness of the 1960s designs, taking into consideration the particular political context in the Polish People's Republic. The article, moreover, aims to show how film sources, analysed by architects, can be used in other disciplines of science, within the framework of interdisciplinary research. Summing up, the feature film is an important supplementary source of knowledge about architectural forms and interiors.Celem artykułu jest zwrócenie uwagi na relację pomiędzy trendami wzorniczymi lat 60-tych, na przykładzie filmu  polskiego, a współczesnymi trendami we wzornictwie i projektowaniu mebla. Odwołanie się do filmów z okresu lat 60-tych,  jako jednego z istotnych źródeł wiedzy o wnętrzach tamtego okresu, ma stanowić pretekst do dyskusji na temat ponadczasowości ówczesnych projektów. W szczególności, uwzględniając kontekst polityczny i okres PRL. Jednocześnie celem jest pokazanie, w jaki sposób wykorzystywać można źródła filmowe w innych dziedzinach nauki, w ramach badań interdyscyplinarnych, poprzez analizę obrazu filmowego dokonaną przez architekta. Film fabularny jest w więc istotnym uzupełniającym inne, źródłem wiedzy o formach i wnętrzach architektonicznych

    Perception and functionality of space in view of potential and dysfunction of senses

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    This article is of an illustrative nature. It is intended to juxtapose the possible options of architectural perception and the potential capabilities and dysfunctions of senses. It is, further, aimed at highlighting the co-dependence of the perception of architecture on mental and physical abilities of man (its observer and user). The way space is perceived is dictated by the perceptual capabilities of our senses. Understanding the physiology and the role of the senses can sensitise the designers to the fact that the users’ responses to his/her works might diverge from the perceptual processes in the brain of the creator him/herself. More importantly, architecture itself can generate sensory feedback and exert a therapeutic effect in view of sensory dysfunctions

    Housing Expectations of Future Seniors Based on an Example of the Inhabitants of Poland

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    A longer life span, which entails a dynamic increase in the numbers of seniors, poses a wide range of global challenges, among others for engineers and architects. The said challenges include, among others, a well-organised medical care system, proper legislation and social education. The respective planning process should also recognise the important role of a well-designed environment. This paper is intended to analyse the current senior housing solutions in Poland and to define the desirable development of those housing forms that can successfully meet the needs of future seniors. For this purpose, we have analysed the current structure of elderly care. Further, this research was conducted using the diagnostic poll method (“Housing needs of the future seniors”), in order to define the current housing preferences of the young (future seniors). The results thereof provide relevant guidance in the search for spatial solutions that can ensure a high-quality housing environment for seniors in the future, which, at the same time, will facilitate their independent living

    Inclusiveness of Urban Space and Tools for the Assessment of the Quality of Urban Life—A Critical Approach

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    This article aims to compare the international tools assessing the quality of life and to carry out their multifaceted qualitative analysis, emphasizing spatial aspects (architecture, urban planning) and demographic changes. Comparative analysis of three guidelines and 13 rankings includes a comparison of a wide range of domains (2–15), criteria (4–66), and indices (22–223). The already observed worldwide trends of aging societies and increasing urban populations have largely drawn the attention of researchers to the urban life quality. Since the early 1990s, many international tools have been developed for that purpose. Although urban practitioners progressively rely on instruments measuring urban quality of life, in the development of urban policy, there is still little research comparing the already available appraisal instruments in view of their measurement criteria. The results of the research on the global tools show that there are major differences between them, either in view of the purpose, the contracting authorities, research focus group, scale, or in view of the importance of spatial and demographic factors. Such findings can contribute to the development of local guidelines and recommendations for self-government authorities and communities, in this the seniors and future generations, in view of improving the urban life quality

    Psychosomatic aspects of healthcare facility design solutions

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    The purpose of this paper is to present the social and psychological aspects of the impact of architecture of a hospital on all its users. The authors analyse the impact of factors shaping the architectural space of a hospital on the behaviour of patients and on the mutual relations between all the participants of the hospitalisation process. The hospital space has been presented from the point of view of the psychophysical needs of a patient, from the point of view of the medical staff and the visitors. The analysis includes the assessment of the quality of architectural space of a hospital as a place intended for the medical treatment, which is to facilitate the recovery of the patient and fast response of the staff in emergency situations