4 research outputs found

    Diferentes formulações de multimisturas sobre a resposta biológica em ratos Biological response of rats fed with different multimistura formulations

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    Este estudo foi conduzido com o objetivo de avaliar a efetividade da complementação com diferentes formulações de multimistura em uma dieta padrão, consumida pelas populações assistidas pela Pastoral da Criança da Diocese de Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul. Foram usados 35 ratos machos Wistar divididos em cinco grupos de sete animais, cada qual alimentado com dieta padrão complementada com formulações distintas de multimistura (5% do total da dieta). Observou-se que a multimistura que aliou nutrientes de leguminosas e gramíneas proporcionou maior ganho de peso, consumo e coeficiente de eficiência alimentar que as demais complementações. As multimisturas com maior proporção de farelos ou com nutrientes energéticos mostraram-se limitadas quanto ao seu uso como complementos/suplementos alimentares. Não foram observadas diferenças significativas nos parâmetros de matéria seca nas fezes, digestibilidade aparente da proteína, gordura epididimal e glicemia e no peso do fígado entre os grupos estudados.The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of different multimisturas formulations in based diet, consumed by people assisted by "Pastoral da Criança da Diocese de Santa Maria", in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Thirty five male Wistar rats were divided into five groups of seven animals, each one fed with based diet complemented with different multimistura formulations (5% of the diet). The major gain weight, feed intake and feed efficiency coefficient were observed in the formulation complemented with leguminous and cereals ingredients. The treatment with major proportion of meal or energetic nutrients did not show effective results. No significant differences were observed in the feces dry matter, apparent protein digestibility, liver weight, epididimal fat and glicemic index between the groups studied

    Influence of preservation by heat and cold on the physicochemical and microbiological characteristics, bioactive compounds of pulp from sapota-do-Solimões (Quararibea cordata)

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    El objetivo fue evaluar la influencia de la preservación por calor y frío sobre las características físico-químicas y microbiológicas y los compuestos bioactivos de la pulpa de sapota-do-Solimões (Quararibea cordata) durante 180 días de almacenamiento. Los frutos fueron despulpados y sometidos a los tratamientos: congelación; pasteurización + congelación; refrigeración; y pasteurización + refrigeración. Los tratamientos afectaron los parámetros fisicoquímicos durante el almacenamiento. Destacan la reducción de la actividad de agua, la reducción del pH en las pulpas almacenadas bajo refrigeración y el aclaramiento en color de las pulpas. El ácido ascórbico se mantuvo estable durante la congelación y los niveles de carotenoides totales se mantuvieron en la pasteurización + congelación. Los fenoles totales permanecieron estables hasta 150 días y la actividad antioxidante disminuyó durante el almacenamiento para todos los tratamientos. Los coliformes fueron menores que 1 log CFU.g‒1 y Salmonella ssp. estuvo ausente. El tratamiento de pasteurización + congelación, así como el tratamiento de congelación, mantuvieron la calidad de la pulpa durante 180 días de almacenamiento.The aim was to evaluate the influence of preservation by heat and cold on the physicochemical and microbiological characteristics and bioactive compounds of pulp from sapota-do-Solimões (Quararibea cordata) for 180 days of storage. The pulps were submitted to the following treatments: freezing; pasteurization + freezing; refrigeration; and pasteurization + refrigeration. The treatments affected the physicochemical parameters during storage. Of particular note was the reduction in water activity, the reduction in pH in the pulps stored under refrigeration, and the lightening in color of the pulps. Ascorbic acid remained stable during freezing, and the levels of total carotenoids were maintained in the pasteurization + freezing treatment. The total phenolics remained stable up to 150 days, and the antioxidant activity decreased during storage for all the treatments. The coliforms were less than 1 log CFU.g−1 and Salmonella ssp. was absent. The pasteurization + freezing treatment, as well as the freezing treatment, maintained the quality of the pulp for 180 days of storage