12 research outputs found


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    In this report the author reveals the significance of the priority of formation of human capital for the economic progress of the society and the role of the educational system in this process. 


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    This article reveals the features of the development of self-esteem and achievement motivation in older adolescents. Adolescence is considered a crisis period in human ontogenesis. In modern studies, there is a steady increase in the formation of unfavorable personality traits in adolescents. At this age, problems with self-esteem of the individual are more common, since the teenager's interest in himself, his self-perception and the need to understand himself are activated by the processes of puberty and psycho-physiological changes. The danger of this tendency for the future generation lies in the fact that inadequate self-esteem can cause the development of insecurity, complexes, anxiety, aggression, and can also act as a factor in suicidal behavior of adolescents. It should be noted that for many years Kazakhstan has been among the ten countries in the world in terms of the number of suicides among adolescents and youth. In modern socio-economic conditions, it is especially important to achieve a high level of development of a teenager's personality, and the formation of such qualities as self-confidence, motivation to achieve success. Therefore, the study of the relationship between self-esteem and the motivation for achieving success of the younger generation, along with modern social and revolutionary changes, is one of the urgent problems. The article presents an analysis of the results of an empirical study, the purpose of which was to identify the relationship between self-esteem and motivation for achieving success in adolescents. To achieve the goal of the study, the following psychodiagnostic methods were used: the method of G.N.Kazantseva "Study of general self-esteem"; the method of A. A. Rean "Motivation for success and fear of failure". The results suggest that there is a close positive relationship between self-esteem and achievement motivation in adolescent


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    This article discusses the problem of substantiating the need for social and pedagogical prevention of anxiety in adolescents in a general education school and the organization of the educational process, which takes into account the peculiarities of anxiety in adolescents. A theoretical analysis of the literature and the study of the experience of educational work in general education schools allow us to conclude that the educational process is not sufficiently focused on the prevention of anxiety among adolescents among the middle level.The aim of the research is to develop and approbate a program of social and pedagogical prevention of anxiety in adolescents in a comprehensive school. The structure of the study is based on the requirements of modern higher education, which is based on the professional competencies of the educational paradigm. The main results of the study allow us to determine the effectiveness of the developed program for the prevention of anxiety in adolescents. Based on the results of the analysis of the theory, the structure and methods of a social-pedagogical program for the prevention of anxiety will be revealed, using the example of the use of the methodology "Personal school of anxiety by J. Taylor" (1953). The question of the research is how to develop a program of social and pedagogical prevention of anxiety in adolescents, which will be systemic, holistic, personal and active in nature and will be effective


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    Currently Kazakhstan is among the 7 major world grain exporters, but it is the only country without an access to the sea. Therefore the complex logistics, high tariffs and the long terms of delivery make Kazakh grain expensive and noncompetitive on the world market.Authors offer to carry out the comprehensive analysis and assess the prospects of grain transportation routes taking into account financial and political risks. Lowering risks through diversification of transportation routes is possible. Statistical methods, expert marks and solution of the production-transportation problem are used as instruments of shipments stability analysis


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    The system of education at the present stage of social development is undergoing the significant changes, which are characterized by strong innovative processes demanded by the mass participation of teachers in these processes. The Medium-Term Strategy as a basis for further development of the education system is determined by the needs in teacher training, ready to work in a high-tech learning environment. As a result of innovative processes taking place in modern society is developing a new system of educational values


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    The given article is considering the problem of insufficient formulation of theoretical bases of the Formation of Professional competence of students – future teachers of Vocational training in Kazakhstan upon requirements of a new educational paradigm, this impedes the integration into the global educational space. The analysis of the theories of EU, USA and UIS scientists revealed the novelty of the research in the implementation of the main directions of international experience in accordance with the requirements of the new educational paradigm, oriented towards competencies, based on knowledge, skills and attitude. The aim of the study is to reveal the professionally-pedagogical competence for the preparation of future teachers according to the structure of using primary methods of overview-theoretical analysis, including analysis and synthesis. The study design is based on the modern requirements of higher education, based on competencies of educational paradigm. The key results of the study will determinate suggestions on the Formation of the professional competence of future teachers on the example of the specialty Vocational training. On results of theories’ analyse will be revealed the structure of the professionally-pedagogical competence. The question of the study is how to improve the preparation of future teachers in Higher Educational Institutions, which is depending on modern requirements of educational paradigm based on competencies.  

    Teachers’ readiness to use ICT in the conditions of inclusive education

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    This article focuses on the formation of future pre-school teachers’ readiness to use the information and communication technologies (ICT) in the conditions of inclusive education and their training at universities. Authors justify the necessary of formation students’ capability in modern ICT area. In the article, using of the ICT in the conditions of inclusive education for the eldest pre-school children is identified based on the theoretical analysis of scientific literature. The article shows survey results about identifying the main reasons of the obstacles of implemention ICTs in the educational process of pre-school organizations in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The structural and content model “Formation students’ professional competence of ICT using in inclusive environment” was presented. This article was written under project number АР0805340 “The development of a computer-educational program “Аlemdy Tanu” for the adaptation of pre-school children to school in the conditions of inclusive education” supported by National Scientific Council

    Experience in developing professional competences of social pedagogues in higher educational institutions of Kazakhstan

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    In the era of integration, the key resource of the country is the training of professionals in the social sphere. Global trends require the development of competences among University students. The scientific novelty and theoretical significance of the study, which consists in studying the experience of training social pedagogues at higher education institutions in Kazakhstan, taking into account the modern competency-oriented paradigm of education, is justified. The authors revealed that the competency-based approach at Kazakhstani universities is implemented in accordance with the principles of the Bologna Declaration. The relationship between educational programs and professional standards in Kazakhstan is consistent with modern international documents, primarily the European qualification framework, expressed in the Dublin descriptors. The researchers describe educational programs for training social pedagogues, the typology of competences implemented in the system of professional training of future specialists is presented. It is proved that an important element of educational programs is their modular structure and calculation of the volume of academic load in ECTS credits. The authors, based on the identification of the nature and trends in the training of social pedagogues at Kazakhstani universities as well as the analysis of regulatory documents, identified the general and special in the process of developing the competences of social pedagogues and made a forecast about the need to focus on professional competences accepted by the world community

    The problem of research and prevention of bullying in the school environment: analytical and practical aspects

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    The article considers the problem of studying and preventing, and also presents the results of the authors' practical experience - an express study to identify bullying in schools in Almaty. An analysis of the experience of foreign countries in preventing bullying shows that many of their programs are aimed at attracting all members of the teaching staff. The authors substantiate the fact that most programs do not take into account the potential "internal" resources of potential victims of bullying. The purpose of this study is an analytical study and practical justification of the problem of bullying in the school environment based on rapid research in teenage high schools. Some general characteristics typical of children at risk of bullying were noted on the basis of the results of Diagnostic methods: high level of anxiety, emotional lability, emotional volitional instability, timidity, low self-esteem, inadequate level of claims, low concentration of attention, avoidance - as the main strategy to overcome conflict situations. A “risk group” was identified based on the results of diagnostics and emotional development programs “World of Emotions” and trainings to develop skills to combat bullying, and “potential victims of bullying” were conducted with this risk group. The results showed positive dynamics, which confirmed the assumption that students need to develop skills to combat bullying - skills to combat bullying, such as: emotional stability, stability, poise, willpower, mental strength and so on

    Informatization of teaching based on interdisciplinary connections of robotics with other subjects

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    In this work, the results of a study regarding the methodological aspects of organizing training courses in robotics in a school educational process are presented. In the course of the study, an analysis of the problem was carried out and the conditions for the effective implementation of teaching robotics to students of a comprehensive school based on developing educational technologies, integration processes and interdisciplinary communications were identified. The process of development of the cognitive interests of students in robotics was investigated in one of the specialized lyceum of the Capital city of Kazakhstan. Based on the results of the study, the theoretical foundations of the process under study are summarized, the prerequisites for updating the problem are established, and the scientific and methodological aspects of teaching robotics in the conditions of the school educational process are considered. The results obtained are of theoretical and practical importance for modern education, the implementation of the leading ideas of educational informatization