6 research outputs found

    QTL analyses on genotype-specific component traits in a crop simulation model for capsicum annuum L.

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    Abstract: QTL for a complex trait like yield tend to be unstable across environments and show QTL by environment interaction. Direct improvement of complex traits by selecting on QTL is therefore difficult. For improvement of complex traits, crop growth models can be useful, as such models can dissect a target trait into a number of component traits. QTL for the component traits are assumed to be more stable across environments. The target trait can be reconstructed from its component traits together with environmental inputs. Instead of observed component traits, QTL fits for component traits may be used when QTL explain a reasonable proportion of the variation in the components. We applied this dissection approach to the target trait total shoot biomass for a population of 149 recombinant inbred lines from the intraspecific cross of Capsicum annuum ‘Yolo Wonder’ and ‘Criollo de Morelos 334’. A simple LINTUL-type simulation model was used, with rate of change of leaf area index and light use efficiency as genotype specific component traits. These two component traits were determined in four phenotyping experiments (spring and autumn cultivations in the Netherlands and Spain), and subjected to QTL analysis. Seven QTL were found for both component traits. For leaf area index development rate 40 to 50% of the observed variance was explained by the QTL, while this was slightly lower for light use efficiency (23-39%). Using the QTL fitted values of the component traits following QTL analysis, the crop simulation model explained 27-43% of the observed variation in total shoot biomass, which was higher than the variation explained by the QTL for total shoot biomass itself for most experiments. The approach of dissecting a complex trait into its component traits is therefore a promising one. Next step is to extend the model with biomass partitioning

    Phenotyping with fast fluorescence sensors approximates yield component measurements in pepper (Capsicum annuum L.)

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    Molecular breeding, a powerful technique to increase crop yield, tries to predict yield by crop growth models with genotype specific, environment-independent yield components and environmental indices as inputs. A fluorescence-trait-based approach is presented to approximate some costly and time-consuming measurements of yield components. Temporal monitoring of chlorophyll a fluorescence resulted in fluorescence traits with high heritability (0.60–0.82) that could act as proxies for model inputs. Medium-sized Pearson's correlations were calculated between fluorescence traits, light-use efficiency (LUE), and fruit related parameters up to 0.53. Multi-trait quantitative trait locus (QTL) analyses identified genomic regions of pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) involved in the phenotypic variation of the fluorescence traits. Fluorescence QTLs found on linkage groups P6, P7, and P11 corresponded to QTLs for number of fruits, partitioning into fruits, and LUE. Fluorescence parameters within 1 min of the fluorescence response curve can thus be useful to approximate yield component traits


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