32 research outputs found

    The effect of self-efficacy expectations in the adherence to a gluten free diet in celiac disease

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    Objective: To analyse the effect of general and specific self-efficacy on the adherence to a gluten free diet (GFD) in patients with celiac disease along with the effect of other relevant variables. Design: 271 patients with celiac disease participated in this transversal descriptive study and completed a series of questionnaires regarding adherence (CDAT), general self-efficacy (GSES) and specific self-efficacy (Celiac-SE) and quality of life (CD-Qol), among others. Main Outcome Measures: Dependent variable was adherence to the Gluten Free Diet (GFD). Main independent variables were general self-efficacy, specific self-efficacy and quality of life. Model tests were conducted using regression analysis. Results: 71.9% of patients show an excellent or good adherence to the diet. Higher levels of adherence are positively associated to a high expectancy of specific self-efficacy, to the perceived adoption of recommended behaviours, risk perception and better quality of life (these variables accounted for 36.4% of the variance in the adherence to a GFD, p <.001). Conclusions: Specific self-efficacy rather than general has a predictive value in adherence to a GFD. Therefore, we need to develop and transculturally adapt new instruments to assess specific self-efficacy. Celiac-SE has proved to be a useful scale for this objective

    Correlación entre el diagnóstico de depresión y la sintomatología presentada en pacientes de atención primaria

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    La depresión mayor es una enfermedad crónica con una alta prevalencia que cursa habitualmente de manera episó- dica, con una duración media del episodio de 16 semanas. No se han encontrado análisis que evalúen la concordancia entre la aparición de los mismos y la evolución del episodio. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar la concordancia entre la evolución sintomática (aparición, mantenimiento, remisión de los diversos síntomas) y la evolución del diagnóstico de depresión mayor (aparición, mantenimiento y remisión) en una cohorte de personas con y sin diagnóstico de depresión mayor. Se realizó un estudio de cohortes prospectivo a un año de seguimiento en el que se entrevistó a una muestra aleatoria de 741 sujetos que acudían a consultas de atención primaria, se elaboró el diagnóstico de depresión según criterios del DSM-IV y se analizó la sintomatología que presentaba. Estos sujetos fueron re-evaluados a los 6 meses y 12 meses. El estado de ánimo deprimido, la disminución del interés o anhedonia y los síntomas relacionados con el sueño (insomnio o hipersomnia), la agitación, el sentimiento de culpa y la fatiga o pérdida de energía son concordantes con el diagnóstico. El resto de los síntomas muestran una evolución independiente de la evolución del diagnóstico. En Atención Primaria, es importante conocer qué síntomas son claves en la evolución del diagnóstico con la finalidad de conseguir la remisión total de la depresión y evitar mantenimiento de sintomatología residual que puede dar lugar a pródromos

    Development and validation of a specific self-efficacy scale in adherence to a gluten-free diet

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    The aim of this study was to develop a scale to assess the levels of specific self-efficacy in order to enhance adherence to a gluten-free diet and the life quality of celiac patients. Celiac disease is a chronic small intestinal immune-mediated enteropathy precipitated by exposure to dietary gluten in genetically predisposed people. The only treatment is a strict lifelong gluten-free diet. Within the framework of Social Cognitive Theory, expectation of self-efficacy is understood as the degree in which a person believes himself to be capable of performing a certain task (e.g., adhering to a gluten-free diet), a construct which has been widely studied in its relation with adopting healthy behaviors, but scarcely in relation to celiac disease. A validation study was carried out in various stages: preparation of the protocol; construction of the questionnaire and a pilot run with 20 patients; validation of the scale with 563 patients and statistical analysis. A 25-item scale was developed. Feasibility was excellent (99.82% of participants completed all the questions). Factorial analysis pointed to the existence of five factors that explained 70.98% of the variance with a Cronbach alpha of 0.81 for the scale overall and between 0.64 and 0.90 for each factor. The scale showed a Spearman''s Rho coefficient of 0.279 with the General self-efficacy Scale. This easily administered scale provides good psychometric properties for evaluating specific self-efficacy of celiac patients in adhering to treatment. It seeks to be the first scale that provides not only a measurement of specific self-efficacy in celiac disease, but also to determine its levels for each of the areas as a first step toward designing interventions of self-management and empowerment programs to cope with the disease

    Variables associated with a higher awareness of gender-based violence by students of the health sciences and social work

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    Objective To determine the attitudes towards equality and prevention of gender-based violence, and analyze variables associated with a higher awareness of gender-based violence by students of the health sciences and social work degrees. Method A cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out. The sample consisted of 437 students of the health sciences and social work degrees at the University of Zaragoza (Spain) during 2018 and 2019. The variables of the study were: Socio-demographic variables, academic variables, feminism attitudes towards women''s movement using Feminism and the women''s movement scale (FWMS), attitudes on gender-based violence using the Gender Equality and Prevention of Gender-based Violence Scale (GEPGVS). A correlational study and multiple linear regression were performed, in order to analyze the associated variables. Results Differences in attitudes towards gender-based violence were observed according to sex, age and attitudes in line with the feminist movement. Regarding the linear regression model, the results showed that the FWMS is a predictor of GEPGVS, as well as sex. Conclusions Holding attitudes in line with the feminist movement is a factor that may be promoted in order to increase the awareness of gender-based violence. Objetivo Determinar las actitudes hacia la igualdad y la sensibilización en cuanto a la violencia de género, y analizar las variables asociadas a una mayor sensibilización sobre la violencia de género de los estudiantes de ciencias de la salud y trabajo social. Método Se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal. La muestra consistió en 437 estudiantes de los grados de ciencias de la salud y trabajo social de la Universidad de Zaragoza (España) durante 2018 y 2019. Las variables del estudio fueron variables sociodemográficas, variables académicas, actitudes hacia el movimiento feminista usando la Feminism and the women''s movement scale (FWMS) y actitudes hacia la violencia de género mediante la Escala sobre Igualdad y Prevención de la Violencia de Género (EIPVG). Se realizaron un estudio correlacional y una regresión lineal múltiple para conocer las variables asociadas a una mayor sensibilización. Resultados Se observaron diferencias en las actitudes hacia la violencia de género en función del sexo, la edad y las actitudes favorables al movimiento feminista. Con respecto al modelo de regresión lineal, los resultados mostraron que la FWMS es un predictor de la EIPVG, así como el sexo. Conclusiones Las actitudes favorables al movimiento feminista son un factor que puede promoverse para incrementar la sensibilización sobre la violencia de género

    The emotional well-being of Long COVID patients in relation to their symptoms, social support and stigmatization in social and health services: a qualitative study

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    Background Long COVID patients have experienced a decline in their quality of life due to, in part but not wholly, its negative emotional impact. Some of the most prevalent mental health symptoms presented by long COVID patients are anxiety, depression, and sleep disorders. As such, the need has arisen to analyze the personal experiences of these patients to understand how they are managing their daily lives while dealing with the condition. The objective of this study is to increase understanding about the emotional well-being of people diagnosed with long COVID. Methods A qualitative design was created and carried out using 35 patients, with 17 participants being interviewed individually and 18 of them taking part in two focus groups. The participating patients were recruited in November and December 2021 from Primary Health Care (PHC) centers in the city of Zaragoza (Northern Spain) and from the Association of Long COVID Patients in Aragon. The study topics were emotional well-being, social support networks, and experience of discrimination. All an inductive thematic content analyses were performed iteratively using NVivo software. Results The Long COVID patients identified low levels of self-perceived well-being due to their persistent symptoms, as well as limitations in their daily lives that had been persistent for many months. Suicidal thoughts were also mentioned by several patients. They referred to anguish and anxiety about the future as well as a fear of reinfection or relapse and returning to work. Many of the participants reported that they have sought the help of a mental health professional. Most participants identified discriminatory situations in health care. Conclusions It is necessary to continue researching the impact that Long COVID has had on mental health, as well as to provide Primary Health Care professionals with evidence that can guide the emotional treatment of these patients

    Opinions and beliefs held by Spanish teenagers regarding tobacco and alcohol consumption: A descriptive study

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    Background: Preventive strategies are the most effective approach for dealing with issues of substance abuse, particularly in teenagers. Such strategies adapt well to this target population. Our objective was to reveal the opinions and beliefs held by teenagers about tobacco and alcohol as types of drugs, and their effects on health. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, participants completed a self-administered questionnaire based on the World Health Organization “Health Behaviour of School-aged Children” study. Our sample included 1,005 schoolchildren aged between 11 and 13 years, resident in the province of Co´rdoba in Spain. Descriptive and univariate analyses were performed using a chi-squared test. Results: Of respondents, 25% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 22.2–27.6%) and 61% (95% CI: 58.0–64.1%), respectively, did not consider tobacco or alcohol to be drugs. No relationship was found between tobacco and alcohol use, and the belief that these are drugs (p = 0.477 and p = 0.217, respectively). A total 98.2% of adolescents surveyed (95% CI: 97.3–99.1%) believed that tobacco causes physical damage, mainly to the lungs, heart, and to the developing fetus. Additionally, 92.4% (95% CI: 90.6–94.0%) believed that alcohol is detrimental to health and identified the liver as the organ most frequently damaged by alcohol consumption. The media was identified as the main source of information about these substances by 78.0% of respondents (95% CI: 75.4–80.6%). Conclusions: Teenagers possess an acceptable level of knowledge and information about the negative effects of tobacco and alcohol on health; however, many of them do not consider these substances to be drug

    Factors Associated With Depressive Episode Recurrences in Primary Care: A Retrospective, Descriptive Study

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    Introduction and Objective: The early identification of depressive patients having a poor evolution, with frequent relapses and/or recurrences, is one of the priority challenges in this study of high prevalence mental disorders, and specifically in depression. So, this study aims to analyze the factors that may be associated with an increased risk of recurrence of major depression episodes in patients treated in primary care. Methods: A retrospective, descriptive study of cases-controls was proposed. The cases consisted of patients who had been diagnosed with major depression and who had presented recurrences (n = 101), in comparison with patients who had experienced a single major depression episode with no recurrence (n = 99). The variables of the study are age at first episode; number of episodes; perception of severity of the depression episode suffered prior to recurrence; number of residual symptoms; physical and psychiatric comorbidity; history of anxiety disorders; family psychiatric history; high incidence of stressful life events (SLEs); and experiences of physical, psychological, or sexual abuse in childhood. The differences of the variables were compared between the case subjects and the control subjects, using the Mann–Whitney, chi-square, and Fisher’s U statistics. A multivariate analysis (ordinary logistic regression) was performed. Results: The average age of those suffering more than one depressive episode is significantly older (5 years), and a higher percentage of subjects who have experienced more than one depressive episode have a history of anxiety disorders. In the multivariate analysis, the variables that obtained a significant value in the logistic regression analysis were age (OR: 1.03; value: 0.007) and having suffered sexual abuse during childhood (OR: 1.64; value: 0.072). Conclusion: These indicators should be considered by primary care physicians when attending patients suffering from major depression

    Interventions to facilitate shared decision-making using decision aids with patients in Primary Health Care: A systematic review

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    BACKGROUND: Shared decision making (SDM) is a process within the physician-patient relationship applicable to any clinical action, whether diagnostic, therapeutic, or preventive in nature. It has been defined as a process of mutual respect and participation between the doctor and the patient. The aim of this study is to determine the effectiveness of decision aids (DA) in primary care based on changes in adherence to treatments, knowledge, and awareness of the disease, conflict with decisions, and patients'' and health professionals'' satisfaction with the intervention. METHODS: A systematic review following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines was conducted in Medline, CINAHL, Embase, the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, and the NHS Economic Evaluation Database. The inclusion criteria were randomized clinical trials as study design; use of SDM with DA as an intervention; primary care as clinical context; written in English, Spanish, and Portuguese; and published between January 2007 and January 2019. The risk of bias of the included studies in this review was assessed according to the Cochrane Collaboration''s tool. RESULTS: Twenty four studies were selected out of the 201 references initially identified. With the use of DA, the use of antibiotics was reduced in cases of acute respiratory infection and decisional conflict was decreased when dealing with the treatment choice for atrial fibrillation and osteoporosis. The rate of determination of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in the prostate cancer screening decreased and colorectal cancer screening increased. Both professionals and patients increased their knowledge about depression, type 2 diabetes, and the perception of risk of acute myocardial infarction at 10 years without statins and with statins. The satisfaction was greater with the use of DA in choosing the treatment for depression, in cardiovascular risk management, in the treatment of low back pain, and in the use of statin therapy in diabetes. Blinding of outcomes assessment was the most common bias. CONCLUSIONS: DA used in primary care are effective to reduce decisional conflict and improve knowledge on the disease and treatment options, awareness of risk, and satisfaction with the decisions made. More studies are needed to assess the impact of shared decision making in primary care

    Influence of Compliance to Diet and Self-Efficacy Expectation on Quality of Life in Patients with Celiac Disease in Spain

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    The purpose of this study is to understand the health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in patients with celiac disease (CD) and analyze its main determinants. A transversal descriptive study of 738 patients with celiac disease was carried out. A series of questionnaires were answered related to their HRQoL, adherence to a gluten-free diet (GFD), and self-efficacy beliefs among other relevant variables. Regression analyses were carried out in order to explore the predictive variables in adherence to the GFD and HRQoL. A total of 61.2% showed a good HRQoL, and the main predictors of HRQoL were specific self-efficacy, adherence to the diet, risk perception, time since diagnosis, and age. While 68.7% of participants showed good or excellent adherence to the GFD, and the main predictors of adherence were specific self-efficacy, perceived adoption of recommended behaviors, HRQoL and gender. The HRQoL of patients with CD, and adherence to the GFD in Spain, are good. It is the self-efficacy expectation, measured specifically and not generally, which is the best predictor of both adherence and HRQoL. It is necessary to develop programs to improve the HRQoL of patients with CD that focus on improving specific self-efficacy

    Cuidados familiares prestados por los ancianos del ámbito rural a distintas generaciones

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    Objectives: To describe the profile of caregivers higher in rural areas, to analyze sociodemographic differences in health and social relations between family caregivers and non-caregivers, and service needs unmet. Methodology: We surveyed 787 people over 64 noninstitutionalized belonging to the Basic Health Area of Zaragoza. Variables were collected through the questionnaire OARS-MAFQ (OARS): sociodemographic, need for services, assessment of social, economic and physical health. Other variables were: functional capacity for activities of daily living, basic and instrumental, body mass index and physical activity undertaken. Results: All caregivers of children/grandchildren were independent for activities of daily living, performed more physically active, had good physical and so perceived. Noncaregivers had the highest proportion of dependence and depression. The three groups had good social and economic resources, although significantly higher in those who care for children/grandchildren in which needs were perceived as more public transport and travel more. Non-caregivers reported more need for help with bathing, dressing, household chores and meal preparation. Caregivers of spouses/parents needed more treatment to personal or family problems. There was a great need for nursing care in the three groups. Conclusions: The profile, characteristics and needs of caregiver and no-caregiver were different, coinciding only in high need for nursing care