165 research outputs found

    Duality and Normal Parts of Operator Modules

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    For an operator bimodule XX over von Neumann algebras A\subseteq\bh and B\subseteq\bk, the space of all completely bounded A,BA,B-bimodule maps from XX into \bkh, is the bimodule dual of XX. Basic duality theory is developed with a particular attention to the Haagerup tensor product over von Neumann algebras. To XX a normal operator bimodule \nor{X} is associated so that completely bounded A,BA,B-bimodule maps from XX into normal operator bimodules factorize uniquely through \nor{X}. A construction of \nor{X} in terms of biduals of XX, AA and BB is presented. Various operator bimodule structures are considered on a Banach bimodule admitting a normal such structure.Comment: The first version of the paper has been split into two parts, corrected and a few results added. This is the first par

    Variance of operators and derivations

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    The variance of a bounded linear operator aa on a Hilbert space HH at a unit vector hh is defined by Dh(a)=βˆ₯ahβˆ₯2βˆ’βˆ£βˆ£2D_h(a)=\|ah\|^2-||^2. We show that two operators aa and bb have the same variance at all vectors h∈Hh\in H if and only if there exist scalars Οƒ,Ξ»\sigma,\lambda with βˆ£Οƒβˆ£=1|\sigma|=1 such that b=Οƒa+Ξ»1b=\sigma a+\lambda1 or aa is normal and b=Οƒaβˆ—+Ξ»1b=\sigma a^*+\lambda1. Further, if aa is normal, then the inequality Dh(b)≀κDh(a)D_h(b)\leq\kappa D_h(a) holds for some constant ΞΊ\kappa and all unit vectors hh if and only if b=f(a)b=f(a) for a Lipschitz function ff on the spectrum of aa. Variants of these results for Cβˆ—^*-algebras are also proved. We also study the related, but more restrictive inequalities βˆ₯bxβˆ’xbβˆ₯≀βˆ₯axβˆ’xaβˆ₯\|bx-xb\|\leq \|ax-xa\| supposed to hold for all x∈B(H)x\in B(H) or for all x∈B(Hn)x\in B(H^n) and all positive integers nn. We consider the connection between such inequalities and the range inclusion db(B(H))βŠ†da(B(H))d_b(B(H))\subseteq d_a(B(H)), where dad_a and dbd_b are the derivations on B(H)B(H) induced by aa and bb. If aa is subnormal, we study these conditions in particular in the case when bb is of the form b=f(a)b=f(a) for a function ff.Comment: 31 pages, to appear in JMAA. The paper has been reorganized and the proofs of a few results corrected. The statement of the former Theorem 5.8 (now Corollary 5.4) has been change

    Fixed points of normal completely positive maps on B(H)

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    Given a sequence of bounded operators aja_j on a Hilbert space HH with βˆ‘ajβˆ—aj=1=βˆ‘ajajβˆ—\sum a_j^*a_j=1=\sum a_ja_j^*, we study the map Ξ¨\Psi defined on B(H)B(H) by Ξ¨(x)=βˆ‘ajβˆ—xaj\Psi(x)=\sum a_j^*xa_j and its restriction Ξ¦\Phi to the Hilbert-Schmidt class C2(H)C^2(H). In the case when the sum βˆ‘ajβˆ—aj\sum a_j^*a_j is norm-convergent we show in particular that the operator Ξ¦βˆ’1\Phi-1 is not invertible if and only if the Cβˆ—^*-algebra AA generated by (aj)(a_j) has an amenable trace. This is used to show that Ξ¨\Psi may have fixed points in B(H)B(H) which are not in the commutant Aβ€²A' of AA even in the case when the weak* closure of AA is injective. However, if AA is abelian, then all fixed points of Ξ¨\Psi are in Aβ€²A' even if the operators aja_j are not positive.Comment: 17 page
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