2 research outputs found

    2030 agenda and its considerations in the framework of artisanal fishing cooperatives in Mexico

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    Objective: Analyze the objectives proposed by the UN, linking them in a theoretical and practical way with the real situation of artisanal fishing cooperativism in Mexico, opposing the theoretical scope of the 2030 Agenda vs. the real praxis of artisanal fishing communities. Design/methodology/approach: Through the application of a Participatory Rapid Assessment Workshop, the points of the 2030 Agenda were discussed with three artisanal fishing communities in Mexico. The participants got to know in a theoretical way the objectives presented by the UN, they selected those that, in their opinion, are an important and punctual part of their fishing activity, to later analyze these objectives and compare them with their practical reality.   Results: Conclusions, proposals and points were obtained by the social subjects recognizing as a general argument that for the Mexican artisanal fishing cooperativism the objectives of the 2030 Agenda are possible as long as the action strategy promotes a cooperative culture with community values ??and social bond, respect for their environment and way of life, as well as the sustainability of the sea as an object of work. Limitations of the study/implications: The main implication was the enormous importance that exists in bringing the theoretical considerations of international organizations and decision makers to the social base where these proposals operate. , since these spaces create discussions that allow the necessary theoretical-practical analysis in the social sciences. Finding/conclusions: The neoliberal global economic system is the main disagreement of the 2030 Agenda. The Agenda encourages developed countries to support underdeveloped countries with knowledge, technology and investments to achieve sustainability, but it does not recognize local knowledge, uses and customs of developing countries as an effective alternative.Objective: To analyze the objectives proposed by the UN, linking them in a theoretical and practical way with the real condition of artisanal fishing cooperatives in Mexico, contrasting the theoretical scope of the 2030 Agenda vs. the real praxis of the communities of artisanal fishermen. Design / Methodology / Approach: Through the application of a Participatory Rapid Appraisal Workshop (PRAW) points of the Agenda 2030 were discussed with three artisanal fishing communities in Mexico. The participants learned in a theoretical way the objectives presented by the UN; selected those that in their opinion are important and punctual parts of their fishing activity; and then analyzed these objectives comparing them with their practical daily reality. Results: Conclusions and clarifications were obtained from the social subjects in which it was recognized as a general argument that for the Mexican artisanal fishing cooperatives framework the objectives of the 2030 Agenda are possible as long as the action strategy promotes a cooperative culture with community values and social bonds; respect for their environment and way of life; as well as the sustainability of the ocean as their means of work. Limitations / Implications of the study: the main implication noticed was the enormous importance that exists towards delivering theoretical considerations from international organizations and decision makers, to the social base who operates these proposals. These spaces create discussions that allow the theoretical analysis of practical needs which is mandatory in the social sciences. Findings / Conclusions: The neoliberal globalized economic system is the main disagreement for the 2030 Agenda. The 2030 Agenda encourages developed countries to support under-developed countries with knowledge, technology and investments to achieve sustainability. However, the Agenda does not recognize local knowledge, use forms and customs in those developing countries, as effective operational alternatives

    Regionalization of the artisan fisheries in Baja California Sur, Mexico using the social criteria of the fishing cooperatives

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    Objective: Generate two regionalization proposals for the coastal areas of Mexico using social and economic variables of fishing. Design/methodology/approach: Socioeconomic data from fisheries in Mexico are analyzed, generating two regionalization works with different variables. The first study makes use of the data from the Statistical Yearbook of Aquaculture and Fisheries proper from the production value section. The second work uses data collected in the field of the situation of artisanal fishing cooperativism in BCS. Subsequently, in both works, a visual georeferencing methodology linked to a database was applied, which was recategorized into nominal and ordinal statistical values, as appropriate, using a Geographical Information System (GIS) ArcView 3.2. Lastly, apply a geostatistical analysis derived from the Kriging tool. Results: Two regionalizations of artisanal fishing in Mexico are presented, visualized on maps made up of vector data. The first regionalization map is based on the economic criterion of production value by federative entity at national level classified in four zones with different fishing priority. The second regionalization is of a social and organizational nature, showing a classification of artisanal fishing cooperativism present in the fishing towns of northern Baja California Sur (BCS) Limitations/implications: The lack of socioeconomic data of the fisheries in Mexico has been an important limitation to generate a deeper regionalization of the Mexican coasts. It is necessary to lay the foundations to create analyzes with a systemic approach that combine the multiplicity of quantitative and qualitative variables that are limited to the context of fishing. Finding/conclusions: Analyzing the social and organizational factors of artisanal fishing is necessary for understanding the marine socio-ecosystems of our country. These criteria together with the use of computer tools allowed the regional geolocation of areas that share similar characteristics. Both regionalizations presented here share the same methodology with a different use of variables, so the efficiency of using Kriging as a multi-specific analysis tool can be verified.Objective: To generate a proposal for regional categorization (regionalization) of fishing villages in Baja California Sur, Mexico, following social and economic fishing criteria. Design/Methodology/Approach: Socioeconomic data on fishing in Mexico are analyzed. This regionalization uses data collected in the field on the conditions of artisanal fishing cooperatives in Baja California Sur, Mexico (BCS). Subsequently a geo-referential methodology linked to a database was applied. Database was re-categorized by nominal or ordinal statistical values, as it was the case for each. ArcView 3.2 Geographic Information System (GIS) was used to obtain the geo-referenced classification. Then, a geostatistical analysis derived from the Kriging tool was applied. Results: We obtained a regional classification of fishing in Mexico, displayed in maps with vector data. The regionalization is of a social nature, it shows a classification of cooperation level at artisanal fishing cooperatives in the fishing towns of northern Baja California Sur (BCS). Limitations/Implications: The lack of socioeconomic data on fisheries in Mexico has been an important limitation to generate a more accurate regionalization of the Mexican coasts. Findings/Conclusions: Analyzing the social and organizational factors of fishing is necessary for the understanding of marine socio-ecosystems in Mexico. These criteria joined to the use of computer tools allowed the regional geo-located categorization of areas with similar characteristics. Whit the use of this methodology the efficiency of the use of Kriging as a multi-specific analysis tool can be verifie