17 research outputs found

    Kajian Penggunaan Ciprofloxacin Terhadap Histologi Insang Dan Hati Ikan Botia (Botia Macracanthus, Bleeker) Yang Diinfeksi Bakteri Aeromonas Hydrophila

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    Aeromonas hydrophila mampu menyebabkan terjadinya infeksi dan kematian ikan botia dalam waktu yang relatif singkat pada konsentrasi yang tinggi, terbukti dengan konsentrasi 108 selml-1 menyebabkan 50% ikan uji mati. Hasil pengamatan histopatologi pada ikan terinfeksi menunjukkan ginjal yang mengalami degenerasi hyaline, munculnyavakuola yang disebabkan lisis pada glomerulus dan kemudian hancur, nekrosis pada glomerulus, terdapat banyak koloni bakteri A.hydrophila didalam ginjal, serta terjadi infiltrasi limfosit. Sel hati tidak terlihat jelas karena tertutup infiltrasi limfosit dan koloni bakteri A.hydrophila yang sangat banyak, nekrosis yang menyebabkan vakuola, terdapat infeksi sekunder bakteri yang belum teridentifikasi, serta terjadi cloudy swelling. Pada bagian insang, nekrosis lamela primer menyebabkan munculnya vakuola, kongesti pada lamela primer dan edema pada lamela sekunder, infiltrasi limfosit, poliferasi sel/fusi lamela serta hyperplasia pada lamela primer. Sementara itu pada ikan botia yang terinfeksi A.hydrophilatetapi kemudian diobati, ginjal mengalami perbaikan glomerulus dan kapsula bowman sehingga terlihat jelas, tubuli berbentuk seperti donat dengan corak titik dan garis, tidak ada lagi nekrosis dan vakuola, tidak ditemukan lagi koloni bakteri, terjadi perbaikan hyaline yang mengalami degenerasi, jaringan hematopoietic (pembentuk sel-seldarah merah) terlihat jelas dengan inti yang bulat. Pada bagian hati, tidak ditemukan lagi koloni bakteri A.hidrophila dan bakteri sekunder lainnya sehingga hepatosit terlihat jelas dengan bentuk polyhedral dengan inti 1-2, jumlah eritrosit terlihat normal, karena tidak ada lagi infiltrasi limfosit. Akan tetapi masih terdapat penyumbatan pada vena centralis yang dipenuhi oleh eritrosit. Pada insang tidak ada lagi nekrosis dan vakuola pada lamela primer sehingga jaringan terlihat solid, namun ditemukan infeksi sekunder parasit Monogenea sp. Tidak ada lagi infiltrasi limfosit, lapisan epithelium terlihat 1-2 lapis, tidak ada lagi edema dan fusi lamela sehingga lamela tampak jelas dengan ukuran panjang yang bervariasi

    Penguatan Fungsi Legislatif dan Evaluasi Kinerja Bidang Penganggaran (Studi di Dprd Kota Batu)

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    Changes in performance-based budgeting system (performance budgeting) that pro-motes community participation, provide an important role in Parliament as represen-tatives of the people drafting process, in accordance with Law no. 17 of 2003 on StateFinance. Implementation of the people's rights in the budget can be realized in com-munity involvement in participatory planningand budgeting process. This study aimsto (1) to know legislators understanding in Batu City and its implementation to thefunction of budgeting, (2) to evaluate the performance of budgeting in Batu City.Using a qualitative approach, results of this study are: (1) Legislators' understandingin Batu City tend to function as a means of budgeting “bargain” with local govern-ment, and lack of touch on the substance to the public welfare, (2)Parliament hasused “Alat Kelengkapan Dewan” associated with the budgeting of the “BadanAnggaran”, frequently board members's budget is more than the amount of budgetapproved by the municipal government of Batu City. But this condition still happenedbecause the government afraid of the revenue and expenditure budget (APBD) notapproved by parliament

    Dried Skeletonema Costatum in Feed Formulation for the Growth of Vaname Shrimp (Litopenaeus Vannamei)

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    The aim of this study was to determine the effect and the best dosage used by the Skeletonema costatum in feed formulation on the growth of Vaname shrimp. This experiment used Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with four treatments and three replications. Treatment was given by using dried S. costatum in feed formula (iso protein 37% and iso energy 3.6 kkal/g feed). Feed treatment was the substitution of fish meal protein A = 0%, B = 2.5%, C = 5% and D = 7.5% with dried S. costatum protein. The observed parameters include Survival Rate (SR), Survival Growth Rate (SGR), Feed Efficiency Ratio (FER), and Protein Efficiency Ratio (PER). The results showed that the use of dried S. costatum in feeding are effective in increasing the specific growth rate, feed efficiency ratio and the ratio of protein efficiency than controls. The best dosage in feeding formula is ranged from 4.39% to 4.75%

    Ekstraksi Fitur Roundness untuk Menghitung Jumlah Leukosit dalam Citra Sel Darah Ikan

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    Analisa hematology yang mengkaji aspek anatomi, fisiologi, dan patologi darah, merupakan tahapan yang biasa dilakukan dalam bidang kedokteran untuk mengetahui kondisi kesehatan pasien. Dalam bidang perikanan analisa hematology bisa diterapkan sebagai early detection system untuk mencegah terjadinya kematian masal dalam pembudidayaan ikan. Parameter yang penting untuk diketahui dalam analisa hematology adalah jumlah leukosit. Penghitungan manual yang biasa dilakukan selama ini sangat tergantung pada keahlian dan jam terbang laboran. Kelelahan mata, bentuk yang kecil dan jumlah yang banyak seringkali menjadi faktor yang menyebabkan tingkat akurasi penghitungan berkurang. Dalam penelitian ini penghitungan otomatis dilakukan dengan pendekatan image processing. Tingkat roundness, area dan perimeter digunakan untuk membedakan antara partikel sel darah dan bukan sel darah. Tahap preprocessing yang dilakukan untuk meningkatkan akurasi perhitungan antara lain dinamic contrast, filling dan opening. Algoritma watershed digunakan untuk memisahkan sel yang bertumpuk. Hasil pengujian terhadap 80 citra leukosit ikan menghasilkan tingkat akurasi sistem yang dibangun mencapai 96,84% Kata Kunci : pengolahan citra, leukosit, ikan roundness

    Evaluation of pond lands utilization and study of organic matter spatial distribution of Vanname shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) aquaculture in the coastal area of Lamongan Regency

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    Coastal areas have a wide range of resources that can be utilized in multiple ways. Land utilization of coastal areas has been done for various interests, one of which is for shrimp aquaculture (farming). Continuous shrimp farming activities will lead to environmental degradation, characterized by decreased water quality. Besides, the area or spatial arrangement of shrimp aquaculture development that does not pay attention to the environmental carrying capacity due to improper management can cause environmental problems with all aspects of its complications in a long period of time, one of which is the problem emerging from shrimp farming with the use of intensive technology. Intensive shrimp farming can produce organic wastes, primarily from the residual feed, feces, and dissolved matters discharged into waters that significantly affect the quality of the coastal environment. This study aimed to determine the distribution pattern of organic matters resulted from Vanname shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) aquaculture in the coastal area of Lamongan Regency. This study was conducted from January to March 2018. The study used a descriptive method with Geographical Information System (GIS) approach. The spatial distribution analysis of organic materials was carried out using geostatistical analysis, by interpolating point data into areas (polygons) using IDW method. The interpolation results of each water quality of the ponds, river, and coastal waters were arranged in the form of thematic maps. The value pollution load index (PLI) value of the shrimp farming activities was determined based on six main indicators, namely dissolved oxygen, BOD5, TOM, Ammonia, Nitrate, and Phosphate. Based on the results obtained, the highest spatial distribution value of organic matters was showed by the BOD parameter of 3.12 mg/l – 3.25 mg/l, included in the medium-polluted category. Meanwhile, the measurement result of the phosphate content as an indicator of water fertility ranged from 0.005 -0.006 mg/l. It suggests that the waters on the coastal area of Lamongan Regency are included in oligotrophic waters, indicating a low fertility rate. From the results above, it can be concluded that the largest pollution load index (PLI) value is contributed by the Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) parameter while the smallest value is contributed by the phosphate parameter, signifying a low fertility rate in the coastal area

    Molecular Expressions : Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) in Gills of Cyprinus Carpio Infected Myxobolus SP.

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    Highlight Research:It has been found that many fish died with wounds from farmers in Blitar, Indonesia.The mucosal smear test from mucosal gills of C. carpio infected with Myxobolus.In the blood smear test of C. carpio, there was no myxobolus found in the blood.In gill organ testing using SEM that Myxobolus is found in gills (C. carpio).The shape of Myxobolus resembles an imperfect ball with a hollow in the middle. AbstractThe biggest problem that is often considered to be an obstacle to Common carp culture is the emergence of disease attacks. One type of disease that often attacks the seeds of Cyprinus carpio is Myxobolus (a systemic parasite that can cause harm to fish farming). The aim of this study was to determine the molecular expression through the smear test on C. carpio gills, to determine the image of the gill organs of C. carpio using the SEM test, and to determine the description of the spores of Myxobolus sp. Data were analyzed using descriptive methods. Descriptive method used was comparative descriptive comparing molecular expression in the test of gill mucosal smear of fish using a light microscope and gill organ testing using Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) on C. carpio infected by Myxobolus sp. In this study, the results showed that in C. carpio infected with true Myxobolus found the presence of Myxobolus in the mucosal smear test and SEM test on gill tissue, but not found in the blood smear test


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    Freshwater fishery commodities are most likely to be increased production of carp (Cyprinus carpio). Intensification of cultivation which raises new problems with fish disease outbreaks caused by Aeromonas hydrophila. Providing of immunostimulatory bioactive compounds of sea cucumbers (Holothuria scabra) can enhance non-specific immune responses in the goldfish as a mechanism of defense against disease. The purpose of this study is to determine the role and optimal dose of total phenols sea cucumber in enhancing non-specific immune response seen from the hematology parameters Extraction of bioactive components from sea cucumber prepared by using methanol and fractionated with ethyl acetate solvent (v/v). Identification of total phenols in ethyl acetate fraction performed using UV-Vis spectrophotometer and infrared. Total phenol produced was tested on carp with intraperitonial injection, the concentration of 0.09, 0.18 and 0.27 mg phenol/kg fish. Challenge test was done by using the Aeromonas hydrophila (107 cells/ml) through the immersion method. The observations included hematological parameters and total plasma proteins.The observations of hematological parameters that Leukocytes, Neutrophils pre-and post-infection were significantly increased. Lymphocyte pre infection was increased significantly and post-bacterial infection was decreased significantly. Eosinophils, Monocytes pre-and post-bacterial infection were not differ significantly between treatment. The use of phenolic compounds at 0.09 mg / kg can be increase of non-specific immune response in carp (Cyprinus carpio). Key Words : Total phenol, Aeromonas hydrophila, Cyprinus carpio, nonspecific immune response </div