5 research outputs found

    Potencial farmacológico e toxicológico da mutamba (Guaxuma ulmifolia) e da bacaba (Oenocarpus bacaba)

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    Introduction: The bacabeira is a characteristic palm of the Brazilian Amazonian biome, of purple color, with oleaginous fruits, is part of the subfamily Arecoideae, present food importance. This plant has antioxidant action, which has received a lot of attention. The mutamba belongs to the family Malvaceae medicinally used with astringent, purifying, healing, antiseptic, sweat and unblocking properties of the liver. Objectives: The objective of this work was to study the possible pharmacological and toxicological effects of Bacaba (Oenocarpus bacaba mart) and the crude leaf extract of Guazuma ulmifolia (Mutamba). Methodology: A literature review was carried out in relation to Bacaba, where original article searches were carried out in the databases: Scielo, Pubmed, Lilacs, BVS, in Portuguese and English. A quantitative study was also carried out using crude extract of Guazuma ulmifolia leaf, where they were administered orally in mice. Results: The literature review resulted in 94 articles found 5 were selected for research, where 4 (80%) articles presented results related to the antioxidant potential of bacaba and only 1 the medicinal potential. The research conducted with Guazuma ulmifolia in acute exposure did not present hepatotoxicity or nephrotoxicity. Discussion: The great lack of research that addresses the medicinal and toxic aspects of bacaba was found in the literature review, where articles found do not include aspects such as indication, part used, mode of use among others. Further research is needed especially on chronic and synchronic exposure in Guazuma ulmifolia. Conclusion: there was a shortage of material on this subject, thus suggesting further quantitative research to better investigate the medicinal and toxic use of bacaba.Introdução: A bacabeira é uma palmeira característica do bioma amazônico brasileiro, de coloração roxa, com frutos oleaginosos, faz parte da subfamília Arecoideae, apresentam importância alimentícia. Essa planta é possui ação antioxidante, o qual tem recebido muita atenção. A mutamba pertence à família Malvaceae usada de forma medicinal com propriedades adstringentes, depurativas, cicatrizantes, antissépticas, sudoríferas e desobstruentes do fígado. Objetivos: O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar possíveis efeitos farmacológico e Toxicológico da Bacaba (Oenocarpus bacaba mart) e do extrato bruto da folha da Guazuma ulmifolia (Mutamba). Metodologia: Foi realizado uma revisão de literatura em relação a Bacaba onde foram realizadas buscas de artigos originais nas bases de dados: Scielo, Pubmed, Lilacs, BVS, nos idiomas português e inglês. Realizou-se também uma pesquisa quantitativa com a utilização extrato bruto da folha da Guazuma ulmifolia, onde foram administrados via oral em camundongos. Resultados: A revisão de literatura resultou em 94 artigos encontrados 5 foram selecionados para pesquisa, onde 4 (80%) artigos apresentaram resultados relacionados ao potencial antioxidante da bacaba e apenas 1 o potencial medicinal. A pesquisa realizada com Guazuma ulmifolia em exposição aguda não apresentou hepatotoxicidade ou nefrotoxicidade. Discussão: A grande falta de pesquisas que abordem os aspectos medicinais e tóxicos da bacaba foi constatado na revisão de literatura, onde os artigos encontrados não contemplam aspectos como indicação, parte utilizada, modo de uso entre outros. Faz- se necessário outras pesquisas especialmente em exposição crônica e subcrônica na Guazuma ulmifolia. Conclusão: através dos dados estudados podemos concluir que a bacaba apresenta uma promissora atividade antioxidante e que a mutamba não apresentou atividade tóxica

    Phytochemical Screening and Evaluation of the Antimicrobial Activity of the Ethanolic Extract of the Leaves of Morus alba L.

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    The search for knowledge of biological activities and phytochemical screening of the species Morus alba L. is non- existent, however the present study came to explore this plant. To perform the phytochemical screening and the evaluation of the antimicrobial activity of the leaves of the species Morus alba L. Experimental analysis, with the collection of leaves of the species to obtain hydroalcoholic extract at 70% and from this extract the main secondary metabolites were identified. And after contributing to the systematic knowledge of the secondary metabolites of Morus alba L., antimicrobial activity was tested from the concentrated extracts of the leaves of the species. Among the extracts tested, the one that presented the most inhibitory activity in S. aureus was the concentrate, then the aqueous and finally the alcoholic. In E. coli strains the extracts showed no effects. Phytochemical tests were performed using the concentrated extract using the methods of reference [1], where it presented the presence of reducing sugars, phenols and tannins, alkaloids and depsides and depsidones. The research emphasized the microbiological action of the species Morus alba L., as it is a poorly studied plant and may help in the future in the development of new drugs. Phytochemical studies were necessary to confirm this microbiological action, as they were essential for the identification of natural and efficient antibacterial agents

    Rational Use of Medication in Pregnant Women

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    Introduction: the use of medication in pregnancy is a worldwide health challenge, since it can cause complications for both the pregnant woman and the fetus, and this risk is potentially increased in the first gestational trimester. Objectives: The objective of this article is to conduct a literature review on the rational use of medication in pregnant women. Materials and methods: The articles published from 2013 to 2019 in Portuguese - Brazil were used for the development of this literature review through an electronic search in the platforms: SCIELO - Scientific Electronic Library Online and Google Academic. Results and Discussion: 14 articles were analyzed, which showed a reflection on the effects of the use of drugs during pregnancy, where the perceptions of the authors were divergent, between the certainty that everything is harmful or everything is beneficial. Conclusion: Great variations were observed regarding the use of medication, in the same way, that the need for intervention promoting an increase in the rational use of medication is evident

    The Indiscriminate use of Ritalin by Universities in the Health Area at the University of Gurupi – UNIRG

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    MPH methylphenidate, popularly known as Ritalin, was synthesized in 1954 in Switzerland and marketed in Brazil in 1998, belonging to the class of amphetamines. It acts in the CNS crossing the blood-brain barrier very easily. Used for cognitive improvement by college students. Its excessive consumption leads to dependence and possible side effects. The objective of this study was to analyze 91 university students who answered questionnaires on the theme. The collected data analyzed the incidence of Ritalin use among health academics at the University of Gurupi-UNIRG. After conducting the surveys, it was intended to understand the real reason that leads the student to the indiscriminate use of the drug and its possible consequences, to subsequently conduct guidance regarding the use without a prescription for academic purposes