8 research outputs found

    Computational Design of a Novel VLP-Based Vaccine for Hepatitis B Virus

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    Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is a global virus responsible for a universal disease burden for millions of people. Various vaccination strategies have been developed using viral vector, nucleic acid, protein, peptide, and virus-like particles (VLPs) to stimulate favorable immune responses against HBV. Given the pivotal role of specific immune responses of hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) and hepatitis B core antigen (HBcAg) in infection control, we designed a VLP-based vaccine by placing the antibody-binding fragments of HBsAg in the major immunodominant region (MIR) epitope of HBcAg to stimulate multilateral immunity. A computational approach was employed to predict and evaluate the conservation, antigenicity, allergenicity, and immunogenicity of the construct. Modeling and molecular dynamics (MD) demonstrated the folding stability of HBcAg as a carrier in inserting Myrcludex and �a� determinant of HBsAg. Regions 1�50 and 118�150 of HBsAg were considered to have the highest stability to be involved in the designed vaccine. Molecular docking revealed appropriate interactions between the B cell epitope of the designed vaccine and the antibodies. Totally, the final construct was promising for inducing humoral and cellular responses against HBV. © Copyright © 2020 Mobini, Chizari, Mafakher, Rismani and Rismani

    Restricted genetic heterogeneity of the Plasmodium vivax transmission-blocking vaccine (TBV) candidate Pvs48/45 in a low transmission setting: Implications for the Plasmodium vivax malaria vaccine development

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    Plasmodium vivax is the most widespread malaria species parasitizing humans outside Africa, with approximately 100 million cases reported per year. Most human cases of P. vivax are asymptomatic with low parasitemia, making active case detection-based elimination programme challenging and less effective. Despite the widespread distribution of P. vivax, no effective vaccines are currently available. Transmission blocking vaccines have recently emerged as potential vaccine candidates to reduce transmission rates to below the essential levels required for the maintenance of the parasite life cycle. Here, we demonstrated that P. vivax was the predominant species found in a malaria-endemic area, although P. vivax/P. falciparum co-infections were also common. Through genomic sequence analysis and neighbor-joining algorithms, we demonstrated limited genetic heterogeneity in the P. vivax transmission-blocking vaccine candidate Pvs48/45 among clinical isolates of P. vivax. Restricted genetic polymorphism occurred at both nucleotide and amino acid levels. The most frequent mutation was A � G at nucleotide position 77 (46.7), whereas the least frequent was C � T at nucleotide position 1230 (3.3). The occurrence of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) distribution at 6/8 positions (75) led to changes in amino acid sequences in the Pvs48/45 loci, whereas 2/8 (25) of SNPs resulted in no amino acid sequence variations. Consistently, the nucleotide diversity in the Pvs48/45 locus among the P. vivax population studied was extremely low (� = 0.000525). Changes in amino acid sequences in the Pvs48/45 protein did not result in substantial conformational modifications in the tertiary structures of these proteins. Unveiling the population genetic structure and genetic heterogeneity of vaccine target antigens are necessary for rational design of transmission-blocking antibody vaccines and to monitor the vaccine efficacy in clinical trials in endemic areas for malaria. © 2021 Elsevier B.V

    Restricted genetic heterogeneity of the Plasmodium vivax transmission-blocking vaccine (TBV) candidate Pvs48/45 in a low transmission setting: Implications for the Plasmodium vivax malaria vaccine development

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    Plasmodium vivax is the most widespread malaria species parasitizing humans outside Africa, with approximately 100 million cases reported per year. Most human cases of P. vivax are asymptomatic with low parasitemia, making active case detection-based elimination programme challenging and less effective. Despite the widespread distribution of P. vivax, no effective vaccines are currently available. Transmission blocking vaccines have recently emerged as potential vaccine candidates to reduce transmission rates to below the essential levels required for the maintenance of the parasite life cycle. Here, we demonstrated that P. vivax was the predominant species found in a malaria-endemic area, although P. vivax/P. falciparum co-infections were also common. Through genomic sequence analysis and neighbor-joining algorithms, we demonstrated limited genetic heterogeneity in the P. vivax transmission-blocking vaccine candidate Pvs48/45 among clinical isolates of P. vivax. Restricted genetic polymorphism occurred at both nucleotide and amino acid levels. The most frequent mutation was A � G at nucleotide position 77 (46.7), whereas the least frequent was C � T at nucleotide position 1230 (3.3). The occurrence of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) distribution at 6/8 positions (75) led to changes in amino acid sequences in the Pvs48/45 loci, whereas 2/8 (25) of SNPs resulted in no amino acid sequence variations. Consistently, the nucleotide diversity in the Pvs48/45 locus among the P. vivax population studied was extremely low (� = 0.000525). Changes in amino acid sequences in the Pvs48/45 protein did not result in substantial conformational modifications in the tertiary structures of these proteins. Unveiling the population genetic structure and genetic heterogeneity of vaccine target antigens are necessary for rational design of transmission-blocking antibody vaccines and to monitor the vaccine efficacy in clinical trials in endemic areas for malaria. © 2021 Elsevier B.V

    Cloning and expression of staphylococcus simulans lysostaphin enzyme gene in bacillus subtilis wb600

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    Lysostaphin is a glycylglycine endopeptidase, secreted by Staphylococcus simulans, capable of specifically hydrolyzing pentaglycine crosslinks present in the peptidoglycan of the Staphylococcus aureus cell wall. In this paper, we describe the cloning and expression of the lysostaphin enzyme gene in Bacillus subtilis WB600 host using pWB980 expression system. Plasmid pACK1 of S. simulans was extracted using the alkaline lysis method. Lysostaphin gene was isolated by PCR and cloned into pTZ57R/T-Vector, then transformed into Escherichia coli DH5α. The amplified gene fragment and uncloned pWB980 vector were digested using PstI and Xba� enzymes and purified. The restricted gene fragment was ligated into the pWB980 expression vector by the standard protocols, then the recombinant plasmid was transformed into B. subtilis WB600 using electroporation method. The recombinant protein was evaluated by the SDS-PAGE method and confirmed by western immunoblot. Analysis of the target protein showed a band corresponding to 27-kDa r-lysostaphin. Protein content was estimated 91 mg/L by Bradford assay. The recombinant lysostaphin represented 90 of its maximum activity at 40 � and displayed good thermostability by keeping about 80 of its maximum activity at 45 �. Heat residual activity assay of recombinant lysostaphin demonstrated that the enzyme stability was up to 40 � and showed good stability at 40 � for 16 h incubation. © 2021 the Author(s), licensee AIMS Press