3,998 research outputs found

    Transition into a low temperature superconducting phase of unconventional pinning in Sr_2RuO_4

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    We have found a sharp transition in the vortex creep rates at a temperature T^\ast=0.05 T_c in a single crystal of Sr_2RuO_4 (T_{c}=1.03 K) by means of magnetic relaxation measurements. For T<T^\ast, the initial creep rates drop to undetectable low levels. One explanation for this transition into a phase with such extremely low vortex creep is that the low-temperature phase of Sr_2RuO_4 breaks time reversal symmetry. In that case, degenerate domain walls separating discreetly degenerate states of a superconductor can act as very strong pinning centers.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figure

    Quasi-particle Density in Sr2RuO4 Probed by means of the Phonon Thermal Conductivity

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    The thermal conductivity of Sr2RuO4 along the least conducting direction perpendicular to the RuO2 plane has been studied down to 0.3 K. In this configuration the phonons remain the dominant heat carriers down to the lowest temperature, and their conductivity in the normal state is determined by the scattering on conduction electrons. We show that the phonon mean free path in the superconducting state is sensitive to the density of the quasi-particles in the bulk. An unusual magnetic field dependence of the phonon thermal conductivity is ascribed to the anisotropic superconducting gap structure in Sr2RuO4.Comment: 14 pages, 6 eps figures, Latex. This article corresponds to the reference 25 of Phys. Rev. Lett. vol.86 page2649-2652 (2001) and cond-mat/010449

    Multiple first-order metamagnetic transitions and quantum oscillations in ultrapure

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    We present measurements on ultra clean single crystals of the bilayered ruthenate metal Sr3Ru2O7, which has a magnetic-field-tuned quantum critical point. Quantum oscillations of differing frequencies can be seen in the resistivity both below and above its metamagnetic transition. This frequency shift corresponds to a small change in the Fermi surface volume that is qualitatively consistent with the small moment change in the magnetisation across the metamagnetic transition. Very near the metamagnetic field, unusual behaviour is seen. There is a strong enhancement of the resistivity in a narrow field window, with a minimum in the resistivity as a function of temperature below 1 K that becomes more pronounced as the disorder level decreases. The region of anomalous behaviour is bounded at low temperatures by two first-order phase transitions. The implications of the results are discussed. PACS: 68.35.Rh, 71.27.+a, 72.15.-v, 74.70.PqComment: 12 pages 4 figures, submitte

    Pressure-Tuned Collapse of the Mott-Like State in Ca_{n+1}Ru_nO_{3n+1} (n=1,2): Raman Spectroscopic Studies

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    We report a Raman scattering study of the pressure-induced collapse of the Mott-like phases of Ca_3Ru_2O_7 (T_N=56 K) and Ca_2RuO_4 (T_N=110 K). The pressure-dependence of the phonon and two-magnon excitations in these materials indicate: (i) a pressure-induced collapse of the antiferromagnetic (AF) insulating phase above P* ~ 55 kbar in Ca_3Ru_2O_7 and P* ~ 5-10 kbar in Ca_2RuO_4, reflecting the importance of Ru-O octahedral distortions in stabilizing the AF insulating phase; and (ii) evidence for persistent AF correlations above the critical pressure of Ca_2RuO_4, suggestive of phase separation involving AF insulator and ferromagnetic metal phases.Comment: 3 figure

    Large spin-orbit splitting and weakly-anisotropic superconductivity revealed with single-crystalline noncentrosymmetric CaIrSi3

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    We report normal and superconducting properties of the Rashba-type noncentrosymmetric com- pound CaIrSi3, using single crystalline samples with nearly 100% superconducting volume fraction. The electronic density of states revealed by the hard x-ray photoemission spectroscopy can be well explained by the relativistic first-principle band calculation. This indicates that strong spin-orbit interaction indeed affects the electronic states of this compound. The obtained H - T phase diagram exhibits only approximately 10% anisotropy, indicating that the superconducting properties are almost three dimensional. Nevertheless, strongly anisotropic vortex pinning is observed.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Nodal Superconducting Order Parameter and Thermodynamic Phase Diagram of (TMTSF)2ClO4

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    The organic materials (TMTSF)2X are unique unconventional superconductors with archetypal quasi-one-dimensional (Q1D) electronic structures. Here, based on our comprehensive field-angle-resolved calorimetry of (TMTSF)2ClO4, we succeeded in mapping the nodal gap structure for the first time in Q1D systems, by discriminating between the Fermi wavevectors and Fermi velocities. In addition, the thermodynamic phase diagrams of (TMTSF)2ClO4 for all principal field directions are obtained. These findings, providing strong evidence of nodal spin-singlet superconductivity, serves as solid bases for further elucidation of anomalous superconducting phenomena in (TMTSF)2X.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, including Supplemental Information added at the end of the manuscrip

    Gap Structure of the Spin-Triplet Superconductor Sr2RuO4 Determined from the Field-Orientation Dependence of Specific Heat

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    We report the field-orientation dependent specific heat of the spin-triplet superconductor Sr2RuO4 under the magnetic field aligned parallel to the RuO2 planes with high accuracy. Below about 0.3 K, striking 4-fold oscillations of the density of states reflecting the superconducting gap structure have been resolved for the first time. We also obtained strong evidence of multi-band superconductivity and concluded that the superconducting gap in the active band, responsible for the superconducting instability, is modulated with a minimum along the [100] direction.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Tunnelling spectroscopy of the interface between Sr2RuO4 and a single Ru micro-inclusion in eutectic crystals

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    The understanding of the zero bias conductance peak (ZBCP) in the tunnelling spectra of S/N junctions involving d-wave cuprate superconductors has been important in the determination of the phase structure of the superconducting order parameter. In this context, the involvement of a p-wave superconductor such as Sr2RuO4 in tunnelling studies is indeed of great importance. We have recently succeeded in fabricating devices that enable S/N junctions forming at interfaces between Sr2RuO4 and Ru micro-inclusions in eutectic crystals to be investigated.3 We have observed a ZBCP and have interpreted it as due to the Andreev bound state, commonly seen in unconventional superconductors. Also we have proposed that the onset of the ZBCP may be used to delineate the phase boundary for the onset of a time reversal symmetry broken (TRSB) state within the superconducting state, which does not always coincide with the onset of the superconducting state. However, these measurements always involved two interfaces between Sr2RuO4 and Ru. In the present study, we have extended the previous measurements to obtain a deeper insight into the properties of a single interface between Sr2RuO4 and Ru.Comment: To appear in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. Vol. 75 No.12 issu

    Cyclotron Resonance in the Layered Perovskite Superconductor Sr2RuO4

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    We have measured the cyclotron masses in Sr2RuO4 through the observation of periodic-orbit-resonances - a magnetic resonance technique closely related to cyclotron resonance. We obtain values for the alpha, beta and gamma Fermi surfaces of (4.33+/-0.05)me, (5.81+/-0.03)me and (9.71+/-0.11)me respectively. The appreciable differences between these results and those obtained from de Haas- van Alphen measurements are attributable to strong electron-electron interactions in this system. Our findings appear to be consistent with predictions for a strongly interacting Fermi liquid; indeed, semi-quantitative agreement is obtained for the electron pockets beta and gamma.Comment: 4 pages + 3 figure

    The influence of chiral surface states on the London penetration depth in Sr2_2RuO4_4

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    The London penetration depth for the unconventional superconductor Sr2_2RuO4_4 is analyzed assuming an order parameter which breaks time reversal symmetry and parity simultaneously. Such a superconducting state possesses chiral quasiparticle states with subgap energies at the surface. We show that these subgap states can give a significant contribution to the low-temperature behavior of the London penetration depth yielding a T2 T^2 power-law even though bulk quasiparticle spectrum is gapped. The presence of several electron bands gives rise to interband transition among the subgap surface states and influences the properties of the surface impedance. Furthermore, the surface states lead also to a non-linear Meissner effect.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, the definition of the Nambu field operator introduced, and some typos correcte