318 research outputs found

    Hypernuclei and nuclear matter in a chiral SU(3) RMF model

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    We develop a chiral SU(3) RMF model for octet baryons, as an extension of the recently developed chiral SU(2) RMF model with logarithmic sigma potential. For Sigma-meson coupling, strong repulsion(SR) and weak repulsion(WR) cases are examined in existing atomic shift data of Sigma^-. In both of these cases, we need an attractive pocket of a few MeV depth around nuclear surface.Comment: 4 pages, 8 figures, to appear in the proceedings of the IX International Conference on Hypernuclear and Strange Particle Physics (HYP2006

    A case of histoplasmosis Report 1. Cinical, mycological and pathological observations

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    In our country it has been believed that there is no histoplasmosis here in Japan. However, from the above clinical signs, radiological characteristics, laboratory tests, pathological and mycological examinations, and experimental findings, we believe this is the first case of histoplasmosis in Japan.</p

    The primary structure of superoxide dismutase purified from anaerobically maintained Bacteroides gingivalis

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    AbstractThe superoxide dismutase (SOD) of Bacteroides gingivalis can use either iron or manganese as a cofactor in its catalytic activity. In this study, the complete amino acid sequence of this SOD purified from anaerobically maintained B. gingivalis cells was determined. The proteins consisted of 191 amino acid residues and had a molecular mass of 21 500. The sequence of B. gingivalis SOD showed 44–51% homology with those for iron-specific SODs (Fe-SODs) and 40–45% homology with manganese-specific SODs (Mn-SODs) from several bacteria. However, this sequence homology was considerably less than that seen among the Fe-SOD (65–74%) or Mn-SOD family (42–60%). This indicates that B. gingivalis SOD, which accepts either iron or manganese as metal cofactor, is a structural intermediate between the Fe-SOD and Mn-SOD families

    Tables of Hyperonic Matter Equation of State for Core-Collapse Supernovae

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    We present sets of equation of state (EOS) of nuclear matter including hyperons using an SU_f(3) extended relativistic mean field (RMF) model with a wide coverage of density, temperature, and charge fraction for numerical simulations of core collapse supernovae. Coupling constants of Sigma and Xi hyperons with the sigma meson are determined to fit the hyperon potential depths in nuclear matter, U_Sigma(rho_0) ~ +30 MeV and U_Xi(rho_0) ~ -15 MeV, which are suggested from recent analyses of hyperon production reactions. At low densities, the EOS of uniform matter is connected with the EOS by Shen et al., in which formation of finite nuclei is included in the Thomas-Fermi approximation. In the present EOS, the maximum mass of neutron stars decreases from 2.17 M_sun (Ne mu) to 1.63 M_sun (NYe mu) when hyperons are included. In a spherical, adiabatic collapse of a 15MM_\odot star by the hydrodynamics without neutrino transfer, hyperon effects are found to be small, since the temperature and density do not reach the region of hyperon mixture, where the hyperon fraction is above 1 % (T > 40 MeV or rho_B > 0.4 fm^{-3}).Comment: 23 pages, 6 figures (Fig.3 and related comments on pion potential are corrected in v3.

    Dynamic fluctuations in the superconductivity of NbN films from microwave conductivity measurements

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    We have measured the frequency and temperature dependences of complex ac conductivity, \sigma(\omega)=\sigma_1(\omega)-i\sigma_2(\omega), of NbN films in zero magnetic field between 0.1 to 10 GHz using a microwave broadband technique. In the vicinity of superconducting critical temperature, Tc, both \sigma_1(\omega) and \sigma_2(\omega) showed a rapid increase in the low frequency limit owing to the fluctuation effect of superconductivity. For the films thinner than 300 nm, frequency and temperature dependences of fluctuation conductivity, \sigma(\omega,T), were successfully scaled onto one scaling function, which was consistent with the Aslamazov and Larkin model for two dimensional (2D) cases. For thicker films, \sigma(\omega,T) data could not be scaled, but indicated that the dimensional crossover from three dimensions (3D) to 2D occurred as the temperature approached Tc from above. This provides a good reference of ac fluctuation conductivity for more exotic superconductors of current interest.Comment: 8 pages, 7 Figures, 1 Table, Accepted for publication in PR