264 research outputs found

    Sussex School backyard nature area project

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    Guidelines for Using the Q Test in Meta-Analysis

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    The Q test is regularly used in meta-analysis to examine variation in effect sizes. However, the assumptions of Q are unlikely to be satisfied in practice prompting methodological researchers to conduct computer simulation studies examining its statistical properties. Narrative summaries of this literature are available but a quantitative synthesis of study findings for using the Q test has not appeared. We quantitatively synthesized estimated Type I error rates and power values of a sample of computer simulation studies of the Q test. The results suggest that Q should not be used for standardized mean difference effect sizes like Hedges’ g unless the number of studies and primary study sample sizes are at least 40. Use of the Fisher’s r-to-z transformed effect size, on the other hand, resulted in Q performing well in almost all conditions studied. We summarize our findings in a table that provides guidelines for using this important test

    Differentiation as Measured by the Classroom Practices Survey: A Validity Study Updating the Original Instrument

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    The Classroom Practices Survey is an instrument developed to collect information on educators’ use of differentiated instruction with students achieving at average and high levels. The purposes of this study were to investigate if the Classroom Practices Survey (1) yields reliable and valid data from the groups it was originally designed for, and (2) can be used to evaluate teachers’ differentiation practices for students who achieve at low levels. Participants included 648 elementary teachers who completed the Classroom Practices Survey on students achieving at high, average, and low levels. Results of confirmatory factor analyses revealed that the original six-factor model was not supported by the current data. Model fit was improved with a four-factor model, but did not reach the recommended values for good model fit. Further research and possibly modifications are needed before this tool is used by researchers and schools. This study highlights the importance of periodically evaluating instruments and revising them if necessary

    IL-17A deficiency promotes periosteal bone formation in a model of inflammatory arthritis

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    BACKGROUND: Interleukin-17A (IL-17A) plays a pathogenic role in several rheumatic diseases including spondyloarthritis and, paradoxically, has been described to both promote and protect from bone formation. We therefore examined the effects of IL-17A on osteoblast differentiation in vitro and on periosteal bone formation in an in vivo model of inflammatory arthritis. METHODS: K/BxN serum transfer arthritis was induced in IL-17A-deficient and wild-type mice. Clinical and histologic inflammation was assessed and periosteal bone formation was quantitated. Murine calvarial osteoblasts were differentiated in the continuous presence of IL-17A with or without blockade of secreted frizzled related protein (sFRP)1 and effects on differentiation were determined by qRT-PCR and mineralization assays. The impact of IL-17A on expression of Wnt signaling pathway antagonists was also assessed by qRT-PCR. Finally, regulation of Dickkopf (DKK)1 expression in murine synovial fibroblasts was evaluated after treatment with IL-17A, TNF, or IL-17A plus TNF. RESULTS: IL-17A-deficient mice develop significantly more periosteal bone than wild-type mice at peak inflammation, despite comparable severity of inflammation and bone erosion. IL-17A inhibits calvarial osteoblast differentiation in vitro, inducing mRNA expression of the Wnt antagonist sFRP1 in osteoblasts, and suppressing sFRP3 expression, both potentially contributing to inhibition of osteoblast differentiation. Furthermore, a blocking antibody to sFRP1 reduced the inhibitory effect of IL-17A on differentiation. Although treatment with IL-17A suppresses DKK1 mRNA expression in osteoblasts, IL-17A plus TNF synergistically upregulate DKK1 mRNA expression in synovial fibroblasts. CONCLUSIONS: IL-17A may limit the extent of bone formation at inflamed periosteal sites in spondyloarthritis. IL-17A inhibits calvarial osteoblast differentiation, in part by regulating expression of Wnt signaling pathway components. These results demonstrate that additional studies focusing on the role of IL-17A in bone formation in spondyloarthritis are indicated

    A Meta-Analysis of Gifted and Talented Identification Practices

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    Researchers consider the underrepresentation of Black, Hispanic, and Native American students is largely due to the use of traditional methods of identification (i.e., IQ and standardized achievement tests). To address this concern, researchers created novel nontraditional identification methods (e.g., nonverbal tests, student portfolios, affective checklists). This meta-analysis of 54 studies, consisting of 85 effect sizes representing 191,287,563 students, provides evidence that nontraditional identification methods, while able to narrow the proportional identification gap between underrepresented (Black, Hispanic, and Native American) and represented (Asian and White American) populations, are still unable to address the issue of education inequity. An overall risk ratio of 0.34 was calculated for nontraditional methods of identification in comparison with a 0.27 risk ratio for traditional methods. While the nontraditional methods help identify more underrepresented students as gifted, the results of this meta-analysis show that better identification methods are needed to address inequities in identification

    The Relationship Among Autistic Traits, Metacognition, and Communication Skills in University Students

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    This study aims to investigate the relationship among autistic traits, metacognition, and communication skills. Three-hundred and nine undergraduate students completed the Autism-Spectrum Quotient (AQ); the ENDCOREs scale, which measures general communication skills; and the Adults\u27 Metacognition Scale. We used Structural equation modeling to evaluate the hypothetical model. Autistic traits had a significant negative effect on metacognition and communication skills. Metacognition had a significant positive effect on communication skills. These results suggest that autistic traits negatively affected communication skills directly and indirectly via metacognition. Further, these results suggest that undergraduate students with autistic tendencies tend to have low communicative and metacognitive abilities. This study suggests that autistic students\u27 poor metacognition is a mediator of communicative difficulties.自閉スペクトラム症(Autism Spectrum Disorder, 以下ASD)傾向,メタ認知,コミュニケーション・スキルの変数間の関連を明らかにするために,大学生309名を対象にAQ, ENDCOREs,成人用メタ認知尺度を用いて調査を実施した。ASD傾向とメタ認知がコミュニケーション・スキルに与える影響を検討するために,構造方程式モデリングによる解析を行ったところ,ASD傾向からメタ認知とコミュニケーション・スキルに対して有意な負のパスが示され,メタ認知からコミュニケーション・スキルへ有意な正のパスが示された。このことから,メタ認知が低くなるとコミュニケーション・スキルも低くなり,ASD傾向の大学生が抱えるコミュニケーションの問題には,メタ認知が介在している可能性が示唆された

    Heme oxygenase-1 induction in the brain during lipopolysaccharide-induced acute inflammation

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    Delirium occurs in 23% of sepsis patients, in which pro-inflammatory cytokines and nitric oxide are suggested to be involved. However, in animal experiments, even a subseptic dose of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) injection induces both pro-inflammatory cytokines and inducible nitric oxide synthase in the brain, suggesting that the brain oxidative reaction can be induced in the subseptic condition. Then, we evaluated the changes of heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1), a sensitive oxidative marker, as well as interleukin (IL)-1β, IL-6, and inductible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) mRNA in the hypothalamus and hippocampus of rats using real-time PCR after peripheral injection of LPS (2.0 mg/kg). As a result, these four kinds of mRNAs were induced significantly in both areas after LPS injection. These results suggest that peripheral inflammation induces an oxidative reaction in the brain, even if the inflammation is not lethal. It is also considered that several pathways are involved in brain HO-1 induction