324 research outputs found

    Influence of olfaction in host-selection behavior of the cassava whitefly Bemisia tabaci

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    Open Access Journal; Published online: 18 Nov 2021Cassava is a vital food-security crop in Sub-Saharan Africa. Cassava crops are, however, severely affected by viral diseases transmitted by members of the whitefly species complex Bemisia tabaci. We have here investigated the role of olfaction in host selection behavior of the cassava whitefly B. tabaci SSA-ESA biotype. Surprisingly, we find that the whiteflies appear to make little use of olfaction to find their favored host. The cassava whitely shows a highly reduced olfactory system, both at the morphological and molecular level. Whitefly antennae possess only 15 sensilla with possible olfactory function, and from the genome we identified just a handful of candidate chemoreceptors, including nine tuning odorant receptors, which would afford the whitefly with one of the smallest olfactomes identified from any insect to date. Behavioral experiments with host and non-host plants, as well as with identified specific volatiles from these sources, suggest that the few input channels present are primarily tuned toward the identification of unwanted features, rather than favored ones, a strategy quite unlike most other insects. The demonstrated repellence effect of specific volatile chemicals produced by certain plants unflavored by whiteflies suggests that intercropping with these plants could be a viable strategy to reduce whitefly infestations in cassava fields

    Dilatonic Black Holes with Gauss-Bonnet Term

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    We discuss black holes in an effective theory derived from a superstring model, which includes a dilaton field, a gauge field and the Gauss-Bonnet term. Assuming U(1) or SU(2) symmetry for the gauge field, we find four types of spherically symmetric solutions, i.e., a neutral, an electrically charged, a magnetically charged and a ``colored'' black hole, and discuss their thermodynamical properties and fate via the Hawking evaporation process. For neutral and electrically charged black holes, we find critical point and a singular end point. Below the mass corresponding to the critical point, nosolution exists, while the curvature on the horizon diverges and anaked singularity appears at the singular point. A cusp structure in the mass-entropy diagram is found at the critical point and black holes on the branch between the critical and singular points become unstable. For magnetically charged and ``colored" black holes, the solution becomes singular just at the end point with a finite mass. Because the black hole temperature is always finite even at the critical point or the singular point, we may conclude that the evaporation process will not be stopped even at the critical point or the singular point, and the black hole will move to a dynamical evaporation phase or a naked singularity will appear.Comment: 31pages, 11figures, LaTex styl

    Genotype by environment cultivar evaluation for cassava brown streak disease resistance in Tanzania

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    Open Access Article; Published online: 24 May 2020Cassava brown steak disease (CBSD), caused by Cassava brown streak virus (CBSV) and Ugandan cassava brown streak virus (UCBSV), is the most important biotic constraint to cassava production in East and Central Africa. Concerted efforts are required to prevent further spread into West Africa as well as to reduce losses in areas already affected. The study reported here was part of a five-country (Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania and Uganda) programme that aimed to identify superior cassava cultivars resistant to CBSD and to disseminate them widely in the region. Seventeen tissue-cultured and virus-tested cultivars were evaluated in Tanzania across nine sites with diverse CBSD inoculum conditions. Experiments were planted using an alpha-lattice design and assessments were made of surrounding inoculum pressure, CBSD foliar and root incidence and root yield at harvest. There were large differences in CBSD infection between sites, with greatest spread recorded from the north-western Lake (Victoria) zone. Differences were driven by Bemisia tabaci whitefly vector abundance and CBSD inoculum pressure. Both CBSV and UCBSV were almost equally represented in cassava fields surrounding experimental plots, although CBSV predominated in the north-west whilst UCBSV was more frequent in coastal and southern sites. However, the incidence of CBSV was much greater than that of UCBSV in initially virus-free experimental plots, suggesting that CBSV is more virulent. Cultivars could be categorised into three groups based on the degree of CBSD symptom expression in shoots and roots. The seven cultivars (F10_30R2, Eyope, Mkumba, Mkuranga1, Narocass1, Nase3 and Orera) in the most resistant category each had shoot and root incidences of less than 20%. Fresh root yield differed between sites and cultivars, but there was no genotype by environment interaction for this trait, probably attributable to the large fertility and soil moisture differences between sites. Susceptible cultivars and the local check performed well in the absence of CBSD pressure, highlighting the importance of exploiting quality and yield traits of local landraces in breeding programmes. Overall, our results emphasized the importance of applying a balanced strategy for CBSD management. This should use both improved and local germplasm resources to generate high yielding cultivars for specific end-user traits, and combine the deployment of improved cultivars with phytosanitary control measures including the use of healthy planting material and planting during periods of reduced CBSD infection

    Assessing the degeneration of cassava under high-virus inoculum conditions in coastal Tanzania

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    Open Access Article; Published online: 19 Jul 2019Cassava brown streak disease (CBSD), caused by cassava brown streak ipomoviruses (CBSIs), has become the most debilitating biotic stress to cassava production in East and Central Africa. Lack of CBSD-resistant varieties has necessitated the search for alternative control measures. Most smallholder farmers reuse stems from previous crops for planting in the new season. Recycling planting material in this way can lead to “degeneration” owing to the compounding effects of disease. In this study, degeneration was defined as the increase in CBSD incidence and reduction in marketable root yield over time. An experiment was established to study the rates of degeneration in selected cassava varieties Chereko, KBH2002_135, Kipusa, Kizimbani, and Mkuranga1 and cultivars Kiroba and Kikombe under high-CBSD inoculum conditions in Bagamoyo, Tanzania from 2013 to 2017. The experiment was replicated across two seasons: the first planted during the long rains (Masika) between March and June and the second planted during the short rains (Vuli) between October and December. Mean abundance of the whitefly vector (Bemisia tabaci) was much greater during the Vuli season (>19 insects per plant) than the Masika season (<2 insects per plant). CBSD shoot symptoms occurred naturally and were observed only on Kikombe, Kiroba, and Kipusa. New materials had overall lower CBSD shoot incidences (1.5%) compared with recycled materials (6.9%) in Masika, although no significant differences were obvious in Vuli. However, Masika (8.7%) had an overall lower CBSD shoot incidence than Vuli (16.5%) in the varieties that had shoot symptoms. CBSD root incidences were higher in Vuli (10.3%) than Masika (4.4%), and root yields in Masika (29.4 t/ha) were significantly greater than those in Vuli (22.5 t/ha). The highest percentage of roots rendered unusable owing to CBSD was observed in Vuli. There was significantly higher unusable root incidence in recycled materials (3.7%) than in new materials (1.4%) in Masika but not in Vuli. Overall root yield was similar between recycled and new materials in either season. Significant reductions in root yield over the course of the experiment were observed both in Masika and Vuli, whereas changes in marketable yield were significant only in Masika. Differences in the response of varieties to degeneration led to the identification of four degeneration patterns, namely “strong,” “moderate,” “mild,” and “delayed” degeneration. The strongest effects of degeneration were most obvious in the susceptible cultivar (Kikombe), which also had the lowest marketable yield in either season. Seasonal differences were a key driver of degeneration, because its effects were much greater in Vuli than Masika. To the best of our knowledge, this work reports the first study of degeneration caused by cassava viruses

    Geometrothermodynamics of five dimensional black holes in Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet-theory

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    We investigate the thermodynamic properties of 5D static and spherically symmetric black holes in (i) Einstein-Maxwell-Gauss-Bonnet theory, (ii) Einstein-Maxwell-Gauss-Bonnet theory with negative cosmological constant, and in (iii) Einstein-Yang-Mills-Gauss-Bonnet theory. To formulate the thermodynamics of these black holes we use the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy relation and, alternatively, a modified entropy formula which follows from the first law of thermodynamics of black holes. The results of both approaches are not equivalent. Using the formalism of geometrothermodynamics, we introduce in the manifold of equilibrium states a Legendre invariant metric for each black hole and for each thermodynamic approach, and show that the thermodynamic curvature diverges at those points where the temperature vanishes and the heat capacity diverges.Comment: New sections added, references adde

    Large-scale magnetic fields from inflation due to a CPTCPT-even Chern-Simons-like term with Kalb-Ramond and scalar fields

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    We investigate the generation of large-scale magnetic fields due to the breaking of the conformal invariance in the electromagnetic field through the CPTCPT-even dimension-six Chern-Simons-like effective interaction with a fermion current by taking account of the dynamical Kalb-Ramond and scalar fields in inflationary cosmology. It is explicitly demonstrated that the magnetic fields on 1Mpc scale with the field strength of ∌10−9\sim 10^{-9}G at the present time can be induced.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figures, version accepted for publication in Eur. Phys. J.

    Brane cosmology with curvature corrections

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    We study the cosmology of the Randall-Sundrum brane-world where the Einstein-Hilbert action is modified by curvature correction terms: a four-dimensional scalar curvature from induced gravity on the brane, and a five-dimensional Gauss-Bonnet curvature term. The combined effect of these curvature corrections to the action removes the infinite-density big bang singularity, although the curvature can still diverge for some parameter values. A radiation brane undergoes accelerated expansion near the minimal scale factor, for a range of parameters. This acceleration is driven by the geometric effects, without an inflaton field or negative pressures. At late times, conventional cosmology is recovered.Comment: RevTex4, 8 pages, no figures, minor change

    Slowly rotating charged black holes in anti-de Sitter third order Lovelock gravity

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    In this paper, we study slowly rotating black hole solutions in Lovelock gravity (n=3). These exact slowly rotating black hole solutions are obtained in uncharged and charged cases, respectively. Up to the linear order of the rotating parameter a, the mass, Hawking temperature and entropy of the uncharged black holes get no corrections from rotation. In charged case, we compute magnetic dipole moment and gyromagnetic ratio of the black holes. It is shown that the gyromagnetic ratio keeps invariant after introducing the Gauss-Bonnet and third order Lovelock interactions.Comment: 14 pages, no figur

    Concept of temperature in multi-horizon spacetimes: Analysis of Schwarzschild-De Sitter metric

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    In case of spacetimes with single horizon, there exist several well-established procedures for relating the surface gravity of the horizon to a thermodynamic temperature. Such procedures, however, cannot be extended in a straightforward manner when a spacetime has multiple horizons. In particular, it is not clear whether there exists a notion of global temperature characterizing the multi-horizon spacetimes. We examine the conditions under which a global temperature can exist for a spacetime with two horizons using the example of Schwarzschild-De Sitter (SDS) spacetime. We systematically extend different procedures (like the expectation value of stress tensor, response of particle detectors, periodicity in the Euclidean time etc.) for identifying a temperature in the case of spacetimes with single horizon to the SDS spacetime. This analysis is facilitated by using a global coordinate chart which covers the entire SDS manifold. We find that all the procedures lead to a consistent picture characterized by the following features: (a) In general, SDS spacetime behaves like a non-equilibrium system characterized by two temperatures. (b) It is not possible to associate a global temperature with SDS spacetime except when the ratio of the two surface gravities is rational (c) Even when the ratio of the two surface gravities is rational, the thermal nature depends on the coordinate chart used. There exists a global coordinate chart in which there is global equilibrium temperature while there exist other charts in which SDS behaves as though it has two different temperatures. The coordinate dependence of the thermal nature is reminiscent of the flat spacetime in Minkowski and Rindler coordinate charts. The implications are discussed.Comment: 12 page
