5 research outputs found

    Readiness of Zero-Emission Buildings (ZEBs) implementation in the European Union

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    The building sector plays a central role in the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the European Union (EU). The revision of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) sets out ambitious requirements to make the EU building stock decarbonised by 2050. The proposal for a recast EPBD introduces Zero-Emission Building (ZEB) as the building target for all new buildings as of 2030. This paper offers insights into the concept of ZEB, analysing its key methodological aspects, with a focus on ambition, the role of energy efficiency, and the role of renewable energy. Additionally, the paper evaluates the performance levels of new buildings in EU Member States, highlighting the gaps between current Nearly Zero-Energy Buildings’ performance levels and potential ZEB performance levels, specifically in terms of primary energy demand and renewable energy contribution. The findings emphasise the necessity to enhance initiatives aimed at improving energy efficiency and harnessing renewable energy sources to adopt the ambitious ZEB concept as of 2030. Additionally, the paper highlights the importance of addressing GHG emissions comprehensively, extending beyond the operational phase of a building to include embodied impacts, in order to achieve a life-cycle zero-emission building stock

    Progress of the Member States in implementing the Energy Performance of Building Directive

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    Overall, the EPBD policy framework laid down the foundation for:i) setting cost-optimal minimum energy performance standards in new buildings and existing buildings under major renovation;ii) ensuring that prospective buyers or renters are well informed through Energy Performance Certificates and thereby encouraged to choose higher than minimum standards in their decision making processes;iii) speeding up the rate at which investors engage in energy efficiency projectsthrough national long-term renovation strategies and financemechanisms.In accordance with the policy assessment of 2017 it is expected that the EPBD islikely to deliver the expected impacts by 2020, with 48.9 Mtoe additional final energy savings and a reduction of 63 Mt of CO2.However, the new Climate agenda set higher ambition targets and together with the Covid-19 crisis, the scenario has changed consistently and the next decade will be very challenging. The energy renovation of buildings can be a pillar of both the European decarbonisation process and the economic recovery after the pandemic.This report provides a snap shot of the EPBD implementation progresses by Member States over the last years. In particular, the focus is mainly on: cost-optimal calculations to set minimum energy performance requirements, Energy Performance Certificates (EPC), Nearly Zero-Energy Buildings (NZEB), financial incentives and market barriers, Long-term Renovation Strategies (LTRS). In order to contextualize the European scenario, some general trendsare presented and discussed in the introduction

    Transitioning to building integration of photovoltaics and greenery (BIPVGREEN): case studies up-scaling from cities informal settlements

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    To achieve the objectives of COP28 for transitioning away from fossil fuels and phasing these out, both natural and technological solutions are essential, necessitating a step-change in how we implement social innovation. Given the significant CO2 emissions produced by the building sector, there is an urgent need for a transformative shift towards a net-zero building stock by mid-century. This transition to zero-energy and zero-emission buildings is difficult due to complex processes and substantial costs. Building integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) offers a promising solution due to the benefits of enhanced energy efficiency and electricity production. The availability of roof and façade space in offices and other types of buildings, especially in large cities, permits photovoltaic integration in both opaque and transparent surfaces. This study investigates the synergistic relationship between solar conversion technologies and nature-based components. Through a meta-analysis of peer-reviewed literature and critical assessment, effective BIPVs with greenery (BIPVGREEN) combinations suitable for various climatic zones are identified. The results highlight the multi-faceted benefits of this integration across a range of techno-economic and social criteria and underscore the feasibility of up-scaling these solutions for broader deployment. Applying a SWOT analysis approach, the internal strengths and weaknesses, as well as the external opportunities and threats for BIPVGREEN deployment, are investigated. The analysis reveals key drivers of synergistic effects and multi-benefits, while also addressing the challenges associated with optimizing performance and reducing investment costs. The strengths of BIPVGREEN in terms of energy efficiency and sustainable decarbonization, along with its potential to mitigate urban and climate temperature increases, enhance its relevance to the built environment, especially for informal settlements. The significance of prioritizing this BIPVGREEN climate mitigation action in low-income vulnerable regions and informal settlements is crucial through the minimum tax financing worldwide and citizen's engagement in architectural BIPVGREEN co-integration

    Progress in the Cost-Optimal Methodology Implementation in Europe: Datasets Insights and Perspectives in Member States

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    This data article relates to the paper “Review of the cost-optimal methodology implementation in Member States in compliance with the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive”. Datasets linked with this article refer to the analysis of the latest national cost-optimal reports, providing an assessment of the implementation of the cost-optimal methodology, as established by the Energy Performance of Building Directive (EPBD). Based on latest national reports, the data provided a comprehensive update to the cost-optimal methodology implementation throughout Europe, which is currently lacking harmonization. Datasets allow an overall overview of the status of the cost-optimal methodology implementation in Europe with details on the calculations carried out (e.g., multi-stage, dynamic, macroeconomic, and financial perspectives, included energy uses, and full-cost approach). Data relate to the implemented methodology, reference buildings, assessed cost-optimal levels, energy performance, costs, and sensitivity analysis. Data also provide insight into energy consumption, efficiency measures for residential and non-residential buildings, nearly zero energy buildings (NZEBs) levels, and global costs. The reported data can be useful to quantify the cost-optimal levels for different building types, both residential (average cost-optimal level 80 kWh/m2y for new, 130 kWh/m2y for existing buildings) and non-residential buildings (140 kWh/m2y for new, 180 kWh/m2y for existing buildings). Data outline weak and strong points of the methodology, as well as future developments in the light of the methodology revision foreseen in 2026. The data support energy efficiency and energy policies related to buildings toward the EU building stock decarbonization goal within 2050

    Bottom-up energy transition through rooftop PV upscaling: Remaining issues and emerging upgrades towards NZEBs at different climatic conditions

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    In supporting the phase-out of the fossil fuels, Roof Top Photovoltaic (RTPV) deployment has been adopted worldwide as an important step of a bottom-up driving pathway of citizens’ transformation to become net energy producers within the community of their localized building environment. However, the diverse bioclimatic conditions of this environment may affect the best RTPV implementation. This is facilitated by climate-related characterization and regional adaptation. Hence, the built environment globally as a function of the global horizontal irradiation (GHI), the local environmental parameters of the different climatic zones and the associated technological developments are surveyed.In this work, we have critically assessed the RTPV effect on the building's overall energy performance and found beneficial over a diverse range of moderate and warm climates. By applying adequate insulation beneath the RTPVs, the increased heating needs in winter in cold climates or higher nighttime cooling needs in summertime can be avoided. To design low-energy buildings, we propose an analytical framework based on the space energy coverage by RTPV and the global horizontal irradiation. Moreover, RTPV cooling at elevated temperatures improves the efficiency up to 20 % and increases the generated electricity up to 15 %. Increasing the RTPV efficiency with emerging technologies could extend the decarbonization of high-rise buildings with energy efficiency and RTPV measures. To accelerate the clean energy transition, rooftop PVs should be widely adopted for sustainable solar building applications. Combined with electrical storage, this will allow renewable energy resources to cover a large fraction of future building energy needs worldwide