7,749 research outputs found

    Gaps below strange star crusts

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    The gap caused by a strong electric field between the quark surface and nuclear crust of a strange star is studied in an improved model including gravity and pressure as well as electrostatic forces. The transition from gap to crust is followed in detail. The properties of the gap are investigated for a wide range of parameters assuming both color-flavor locked and non color-flavor locked strange star cores. The maximally allowed crust density is generally lower than that of neutron drip. Finite temperature is shown to increase the gap width, but the effect is significant only at extreme temperatures. Analytical approximations are derived and shown to provide useful fits to the numerical results.Comment: 12 pages incl. 14 figures. To appear in Physical Review

    Charge order in Magnetite. An LDA+UU study

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    The electronic structure of the monoclinic structure of Fe3_3O4_4 is studied using both the local density approximation (LDA) and the LDA+UU. The LDA gives only a small charge disproportionation, thus excluding that the structural distortion should be sufficient to give a charge order. The LDA+UU results in a charge disproportion along the c-axis in good agreement with the experiment. We also show how the effective UU can be calculated within the augmented plane wave methods

    High-order harmonic generation from polyatomic molecules including nuclear motion and a nuclear modes analysis

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    We present a generic approach for treating the effect of nuclear motion in the high-order harmonic generation from polyatomic molecules. Our procedure relies on a separation of nuclear and electron dynamics where we account for the electronic part using the Lewenstein model and nuclear motion enters as a nuclear correlation function. We express the nuclear correlation function in terms of Franck-Condon factors which allows us to decompose nuclear motion into modes and identify the modes that are dominant in the high-order harmonic generation process. We show results for the isotopes CH4_4 and CD4_4 and thereby provide direct theoretical support for a recent experiment [Baker {\it et al.}, Science {\bf 312}, 424 (2006)] that uses high-order harmonic generation to probe the ultra-fast structural nuclear rearrangement of ionized methane.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    High Q Cavity Induced Fluxon Bunching in Inductively Coupled Josephson Junctions

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    We consider fluxon dynamics in a stack of inductively coupled long Josephson junctions connected capacitively to a common resonant cavity at one of the boundaries. We study, through theoretical and numerical analysis, the possibility for the cavity to induce a transition from the energetically favored state of spatially separated shuttling fluxons in the different junctions to a high velocity, high energy state of identical fluxon modes.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Einstein-Weyl structures and Bianchi metrics

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    We analyse in a systematic way the (non-)compact four dimensional Einstein-Weyl spaces equipped with a Bianchi metric. We show that Einstein-Weyl structures with a Class A Bianchi metric have a conformal scalar curvature of constant sign on the manifold. Moreover, we prove that most of them are conformally Einstein or conformally K\"ahler ; in the non-exact Einstein-Weyl case with a Bianchi metric of the type VII0,VIIIVII_0, VIII or IXIX, we show that the distance may be taken in a diagonal form and we obtain its explicit 4-parameters expression. This extends our previous analysis, limited to the diagonal, K\"ahler Bianchi IXIX case.Comment: Latex file, 12 pages, a minor modification, accepted for publication in Class. Quant. Gra

    Investigation of new material combinations for hard x-ray telescope designs

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    The materials chosen for depth graded multilayer designs for hard x-ray telescopes (10 keV to 80 keV) have until now been focusing on W/Si, W/SiC, Pt/C, and Pt/SiC. These material combinations have been chosen because of good stability over time and low interface roughness, However both W and Pt have absorption edges in the interesting energy range from 70 - 80 keV. If looking at the optical constants Cu and Ni would be good alternative high-Z candidates since the k-absorption edges in Cu and Ni is below 10 keV. We have investigated both of these materials as the reflecting layer in combination with SiC as the spacer layer and give the performance in terms of roughness, minimum obtainable d-spacing and stability over time as deposited in our planar magnetron sputtering facility. Likewise we review the same properties of WC/SiC coatings which we have previously developed and which allow for very small d-spacings. The combination of WC/SiC or the well established W/SiC with the above mentioned Cu and Ni-containing multilayers in the same stack allows for novel telescope designs operating up to and above 100 keV without the absorption edge structure

    Investigation of new material combinations for hard x-ray telescope designs

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    The materials chosen for depth graded multilayer designs for hard x-ray telescopes (10 keV to 80 keV) have until now been focusing on W/Si, W/SiC, Pt/C, and Pt/SiC. These material combinations have been chosen because of good stability over time and low interface roughness, However both W and Pt have absorption edges in the interesting energy range from 70 - 80 keV. If looking at the optical constants Cu and Ni would be good alternative high-Z candidates since the k-absorption edges in Cu and Ni is below 10 keV. We have investigated both of these materials as the reflecting layer in combination with SiC as the spacer layer and give the performance in terms of roughness, minimum obtainable d-spacing and stability over time as deposited in our planar magnetron sputtering facility. Likewise we review the same properties of WC/SiC coatings which we have previously developed and which allow for very small d-spacings. The combination of WC/SiC or the well established W/SiC with the above mentioned Cu and Ni-containing multilayers in the same stack allows for novel telescope designs operating up to and above 100 keV without the absorption edge structure

    Cosmological model with non-minimally coupled fermionic field

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    A model for the Universe is proposed whose constituents are: (a) a dark energy field modeled by a fermionic field non-minimally coupled with the gravitational field, (b) a matter field which consists of pressureless baryonic and dark matter fields and (c) a field which represents the radiation and the neutrinos. The coupled system of Dirac's equations and Einstein field equations is solved numerically by considering a spatially flat homogeneous and isotropic Universe. It is shown that the proposed model can reproduce the expected red-shift behaviors of the deceleration parameter, of the density parameters of each constituent and of the luminosity distance. Furthermore, for small values of the red-shift the constant which couples the fermionic and gravitational fields has a remarkable influence on the density and deceleration parameters.Comment: Accepted for publication in Europhysics Letter

    A double-layer Boussinesq-type model for highly nonlinear and dispersive waves

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    28 pages, 5 figures. Soumis à Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A.We derive and analyze in the framework of the mild-slope approximation a new double-layer Boussinesq-type model which is linearly and nonlinearly accurate up to deep water. Assuming the flow to be irrotational, we formulate the problem in terms of the velocity potential thereby lowering the number of unknowns. The model derivation combines two approaches, namely the method proposed by Agnon et al. (Agnon et al. 1999, J. Fluid Mech., 399 pp. 319-333) and enhanced by Madsen et al. (Madsen et al. 2003, Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A, 459 pp. 1075-1104) which consists in constructing infinite-series Taylor solutions to the Laplace equation, to truncate them at a finite order and to use Padé approximants, and the double-layer approach of Lynett & Liu (Lynett & Liu 2004, Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A, 460 pp. 2637-2669) allowing to lower the order of derivatives. We formulate the model in terms of a static Dirichlet-Neumann operator translated from the free surface to the still-water level, and we derive an approximate inverse of this operator that can be built once and for all. The final model consists of only four equations both in one and two horizontal dimensions, and includes only second-order derivatives, which is a major improvement in comparison with so-called high-order Boussinesq models. A linear analysis of the model is performed and its properties are optimized using a free parameter determining the position of the interface between the two layers. Excellent dispersion and shoaling properties are obtained, allowing the model to be applied up to deep water. Finally, numerical simulations are performed to quantify the nonlinear behaviour of the model, and the results exhibit a nonlinear range of validity reaching deep water areas
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