28 research outputs found

    A cytokine mixture of GM-CSF and IL-3 that induces a neuroprotective phenotype of microglia leading to amelioration of (6-OHDA)-induced Parkinsonism of rats

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    Dopamine (DA) agonists are widely used as primary treatments for Parkinson's disease. However, they do not prevent progressive degeneration of dopaminergic neurons, the central pathology of the disease. In this study, we found that subcutaneous injection of a cytokine mixture containing granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor and interleukin-3 (IL-3) markedly suppressed dopaminergic neurodegeneration in 6-hydroxydopamine-lesioned rats, an animal model of Parkinson's disease. The cytokine mixture suppressed the decrease of DA content in the striatum, and ameliorated motor function in the lesioned rats. In response to the cytokine injection, dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta increased expression of the antiapoptotic protein Bcl-xL. Microglial activation in the pars compacta was evident in both the saline- and cytokine-injected rats. However, the cytokine mixture suppressed expression of the proinflammatory cytokines IL-1β and tumor necrosis factors α, and upregulated the neuroprotective factors insulin-like growth factor-1 and hepatocyte growth factor. Similar responses were observed in cultured microglia. Detailed morphometric analyses revealed that NG2 proteoglycan-expressing glial cells increased in the cytokine-injected rats, while astrocytic activation with increased expression of antioxidative factors was evident only in the saline-injected rats. Thus, the present findings show that the cytokine mixture was markedly effective in suppressing neurodegeneration. Its neuroprotective effects may be mediated by increased expression of Bcl-xL in dopaminergic neurons, and the activation of beneficial actions of microglia that promote neuronal survival. Furthermore, this cytokine mixture may have indirect actions on NG2 proteoglycan-expressing glia, whose role may be implicated in neuronal survival

    Implicit and explicit effects of frequency on judgments of recency

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    幼児期から可能なストループ課題の検討 ―アンパンマン上下ストループ課題の考案―

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     Various versions of Stroop tasks, such as the Day/Night task(Gerstadt, Hong, & Diamond, 1994), have been used in young children to examine the development of inhibitory control. However, such tasks are not paradigms that produce Stroop interference, but rather reversal learning paradigms. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a true, early childhood version of the Stroop task: an upper and lower Stroop task using the stimulus of Anpanman, a well-known, beloved anime character for young children. The task consists of a picture of Anpanman with the upper or lower part of his face missing, presented on either the upper or lower part of the screen or paper. The children are asked to judge which part of the face (upper or lower) is missing, regardless of the position on the screen or paper. The use of this task would enable the measurement of the suppression of Stroop interference starting in children aged even younger than 5 – 6 years


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    現代の日本では理系分野における女性の割合を増やすことが目標とされている。女性の理系科目に対する関心や学習意欲の低下には、「理系は男性、文系は女性」といったジェンダー・ステレオタイプを背景とした教師や親の態度が影響していると考えられている。(森永, 2017)。本研究では、小学校教諭がもつジェンダー観と教科学習能力に対する性差の認識を調査し、その関連を検討した。また、同様の調査を一般人(事務職員)にも実施し、小学校教諭との比較を行った。その結果、小学校教諭は一般人よりも性別特性論に対する信念は有意に弱かったものの、いまだに強く信じている人も少なくないことがわかった。性別特性論の信念が強い教諭ほど、教科学習能力の性差を大きく認識しており、生徒の性別によって働きかけが異なるという関連がみられ、ジェンダー・ステレオタイプの強い教師が、それを再生産している可能性が示された。ステレオタイプの再生産を防止し、男女共同参画社会を実現するためには、特に教育者がステレオタイプ的な思考を抑制し、性別カテゴリーにあてはめて個人の能力を推測することなく、各個人が秘めている能力を引き出すことに努める必要がある。One of the goals currently focused on by Japanese society is to increase the percentage of female students in the field of science. The lack of academic motivation toward science-related subjects among women is believed to be impacted by the attitude of teachers and parents based on the gender stereotype that science should be studied by men and humanities by women (Morinaga, 2017). This study researched the perception of gender roles and differences toward subject learning abilities as held by elementary school teachers, then examined the correlation between the two. A similar survey was also conducted with the general public (office employees), comparing the results with that of the elementary school teachers. The results showed that although elementary school teachers\u27 conviction toward gender characteristics was significantly weaker than that orf the general public, there were some teachers who still strongly supported traditional stereotypes. Teachers who believed in gender characteristics greatly perceived a larger gender difference in regard to subject learning abilities, with a correlation seen in the way they approached students depending on their gender. This suggests the possibility that teachers who have a firm belief in gender stereotypes are propagating these views. In order to prevent the propagation of stereotypes and achieve a gender- equal society, educators in particular need to be free from such stereotypical mind-sets. Rather than making assumptions about individuals\u27 abilities by fitting them into gendered categories, educators should be striving to draw out the latent abilities of each of their students

    Memory for time and feelling of recency

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    日本人の化粧に対する意識 ―女性の化粧義務の解消に向けて―

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    現代の日本社会では、「化粧は女性の身だしなみ」といわれ、職場などで女性にのみ化粧が課されることがある。女性に対してのみ課される「身だしな み」や服装規定は、化粧だけに限らない。仕事場で、女性のみヒールの高い靴を履かされたり、眼鏡をかけることを禁止されたりすることもある。これらの規定は、健康被害を生み、職務に支障をきたしうるものであり、世界的に、このような女性に対する理不尽な服装規定を廃止する動きが広がっているが、日本ではいまだに、「仕方がないこと」として許容する人も少なくない。化粧については、日本人女性も楽しみで行う人もいるが、女性だからしなければならないという義務感にかられてのみ化粧を行う人も少なくない。逆に、男性が化粧することに対して否定的な人もいる。男女問わず化粧をしたい人がし、したくない人に強要しない社会にするためには、人々のジェンダーステレオタイプをなくしていかなければならない。本稿では、化粧行動の歴史や化粧に対する意識についての研究を紹介しつつ、ジェンダーステレオタイプにとらわれない寛容な社会を築くために考えるべきことを議論する。In Japanese society today, it is often said that makeup is an essential part of personal grooming for women, and some workplaces require women and only women to wear makeup. Dress codes and rules of personal grooming that apply only to women involve more than just makeup. In some workplaces, women are required to wear high heels or are prohibited from wearing glasses. These rules can have negative health effects or hamper employees’ ability to work, and although there is a growing global movement to abolish such unfair dress codes for women, there are still many in Japan who consider them unavoidable and thus tolerate them. While many Japanese women wear makeup because they enjoy it, some use makeup simply because they feel it is mandatoryforwomen.Conversely, some people are also opposed to men using makeup. In order to create a society where people decide their makeup use as they wish regardless of their gender, we need to eliminate gender stereotypes. This paper presents research on the history of makeup‒related behavior and perceptions of makeup, as well as discussing what needs to be considered to build a tolerant society that is not dominated by gender stereotypes