55 research outputs found

    The first genetic characterization of Setaria marshalli (Nematoda, Spirurida) with reliable DNA barcoding based on a mitochondrial genetic marker

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    Setaria marshalli is a mosquito-borne filarial nematode that causes infection in calves younger than two years old. In the present study, nematodes were obtained from a calf in Japan and morphologically identified as S. marshalli. Additionally, the partial cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) region (596 bp) was analyzed for the first time to establish a reliable DNA barcode. Nucleotide sequences of COI were identical among the seven worms obtained. The COI region can be a useful marker for species discrimination in the case of S. marshalli since nucleotide variations observed between the closest congener, Setaria cervi (51/596 bp), were sufficient to allow species discrimination. However, the phylogenetic relationship of S. marshalli with its congeners was unclear in a maximum likelihood tree. We found that the partial COI sequence of S. marshalli analyzed in the present study matched a relevant section of the complete mitochondrial genome of S. labiatopapillosa that was deposited in the International Nucleotide Sequence Database. This finding suggests that S. marshalli was misdiagnosed as S. labiatopapillosa in a previous study. It is crucial to conduct accurate morphological analyses to obtain reliable molecular information regarding Setaria nematodes

    Suzaku observations of the Hydra A cluster out to the virial radius

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    We report Suzaku observations of the northern half of the Hydra A cluster out to ~1.4 Mpc, reaching the virial radius. This is the first Suzaku observations of a medium-size (kT ~3 keV) cluster out to the virial radius. Two observations were conducted, north-west and north-east offsets, which continue in a filament direction and a void direction of the large-scale structure of the Universe, respectively. The X-ray emission and distribution of galaxies elongate in the filament direction. The temperature profiles in the two directions are mostly consistent with each other within the error bars and drop to 1.5 keV at 1.5 r_500. As observed by Suzaku in hot clusters, the entropy profile becomes flatter beyond r_500, in disagreement with the r^1.1 relationship that is expected from accretion shock heating models. When scaled with the average intracluster medium (ICM) temperature, the entropy profiles of clusters observed with Suzaku are universal and do not depend on system mass. The hydrostatic mass values in the void and filament directions are in good agreement, and the Navarro, Frenk, and White universal mass profile represents the hydrostatic mass distribution up to ~ 2 r_500. Beyond r_500, the ratio of gas mass to hydrostatic mass exceeds the result of the Wilkinson microwave anisotropy probe, and at r_100, these ratios in the filament and void directions reach 0.4 and 0.3, respectively. We discuss possible deviations from hydrostatic equilibrium at cluster outskirts. We derived radial profiles of the gasmass- to-light ratio and iron-mass-to-light ratio out to the virial radius. Within r_500, the iron-mass-to-light ratio of the Hydra A cluster was compared with those in other clusters observed with Suzaku.Comment: 16 pages, 15 figures; Accepted for publication in PAS

    Reappraisal of Hydatigera taeniaeformis (Batsch, 1786) (Cestoda: Taeniidae) sensu lato with description of Hydatigera kamiyai n. sp.

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    The common cat tapeworm Hydatigera taeniaeformis is a complex of three morphologically cryptic entities, which can be differentiated genetically. To clarify the biogeography and the host spectrum of the cryptic lineages, 150 specimens of H. taeniaeformis in various definitive and intermediate hosts from Eurasia, Africa and Australia were identified with DNA barcoding using partial mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 gene sequences and compared with previously published data. Additional phylogenetic analyses of selected isolates were performed using nuclear DNA and mitochondrial genome sequences. Based on molecular data and morphological analysis, Hydatigera kamiyai n. sp. Iwaki is proposed for a cryptic lineage, which is predominantly northern Eurasian and uses mainly arvicoline rodents (voles) and mice of the genus Apodemus as intermediate hosts. Hydatigera taeniaeformis sensu stricto (s.s.) is restricted to murine rodents (rats and mice) as intermediate hosts. It probably originates from Asia but has spread worldwide. Despite remarkable genetic divergence between H. taeniaeformis s.s. and H. kamiyai, interspecific morphological differences are evident only in dimensions of rostellar hooks. The third cryptic lineage is closely related to H. kamiyai, but its taxonomic status remains unresolved due to limited morphological, molecular, biogeographical and ecological data. This Hydatigera sp. is confined to the Mediterranean and its intermediate hosts are unknown. Further studies are needed to classify Hydatigera sp. either as a distinct species or a variant of H. kamiyai. According to previously published limited data, all three entities occur in the Americas, probably due to human-mediated introductions

    Fumarate respiration of Fasciola flukes as a potential drug target

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    Fascioliasis is a neglected tropical zoonotic disease caused by liver flukes belonging to the genus Fasciola. The emergence of resistance to triclabendazole, the only World Health Organization-recommended drug for this disease, highlights the need for the development of new drugs. Helminths possess an anaerobic mitochondrial respiratory chain (fumarate respiration) which is considered a potential drug target. This study aimed to evaluate the occurrence of fumarate respiration in Fasciola flukes. We analyzed the properties of the respiratory chain of Fasciola flukes in both adults and newly excysted juveniles (NEJs). Fasciola flukes travel and mature through the stomach, bowel, and abdominal cavity to the liver, where oxygen levels gradually decline. High fumarate reductase activity was observed in the mitochondrial fraction of adult Fasciola flukes. Furthermore, rhodoquinone-10 (RQ10 Em’= −63 mV), a low-potential electron mediator used in fumarate respiration was found to be predominant in adults. In contrast, the activity of oxygen respiration was low in adults. Rotenone, atpenin A5, and ascochlorin, typical inhibitors of mitochondrial enzymes in complexes I, II, and III, respectively, inhibit the activity of each enzyme in the adult mitochondrial fraction. These inhibitors were then used for in vitro viability tests of NEJs. Under aerobic conditions, NEJs were killed by rotenone or ascochlorin, which inhibit aerobic respiration (complex I–III), whereas atpenin A5, which inhibits complex II involved in fumarate respiration, did not affect NEJs. Moreover, ubiquinone-10 (UQ10 Em’= +110 mV), which is used in oxidative respiration, was detected in NEJs, in addition to RQ10. In contrast, under anaerobic conditions, rotenone and atpenin A5, which inhibit fumarate respiration (complex I–II), were crucial for NEJs. These findings demonstrate that NEJs have active hybrid respiration, in which they can properly use both oxygen and fumarate respiration, depending on oxygen availability. Thus, fumarate respiration is a promising drug target for Fasciola flukes, because it plays an essential role in both adults and NEJs

    Sex-inducing effects toward planarians widely present among parasitic flatworms

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    Summary Various parasitic flatworms infect vertebrates for sexual reproduction, often causing devastating diseases in their hosts. Consequently, flatworms are of great socioeconomic and biomedical importance. Although the cessation of parasitic flatworm sexual reproduction is a major target of anti-parasitic drug design, little is known regarding bioactive compounds controlling flatworm sexual maturation. Using the planarian Dugesia ryukyuensis, we observed that sex-inducing substances found in planarians are also widespread in parasitic flatworms, such as monogeneans and flukes (but not in tapeworms). Reverse-phase HPLC analysis revealed the sex-inducing substance(s) eluting around the tryptophan retention time in the fluke Calicophoron calicophorum, consistent with previous studies on the planarian Bipalium nobile, suggesting that the substance(s) is likely conserved among flatworms. Moreover, six of the 18 ovary-inducing substances identified via transcriptome and metabolome analyses are involved in purine metabolism. Our findings provide a basis for understanding and modifying the life cycles of various parasitic flatworms.journal articl

    Far-East Asian Toxoplasma isolates share ancestry with North and South/Central American recombinant lineages

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    Ihara F., Kyan H., Takashima Y., et al. Far-East Asian Toxoplasma isolates share ancestry with North and South/Central American recombinant lineages. Nature Communications 15, 4278 (2024); https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-024-47625-6.Toxoplasma gondii is a global protozoan pathogen. Clonal lineages predominate in Europe, North America, Africa, and China, whereas highly recombinant parasites are endemic in South/Central America. Far East Asian T. gondii isolates are not included in current global population genetic structure analyses at WGS resolution. Here we report a genome-wide population study that compared eight Japanese and two Chinese isolates against representative worldwide T. gondii genomes using POPSICLE, a novel population structure analyzing software. Also included were 7 genomes resurrected from non-viable isolates by target enrichment sequencing. Visualization of the genome structure by POPSICLE shows a mixture of Chinese haplogroup (HG) 13 haploblocks introgressed within the genomes of Japanese HG2 and North American HG12. Furthermore, two ancestral lineages were identified in the Japanese strains; one lineage shares a common ancestor with HG11 found in both Japanese strains and North American HG12. The other ancestral lineage, found in T. gondii isolates from a small island in Japan, is admixed with genetically diversified South/Central American strains. Taken together, this study suggests multiple ancestral links between Far East Asian and American T. gondii strains and provides insight into the transmission history of this cosmopolitan organism

    Effects of behavioural activation on the neural circuit related to intrinsic motivation

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    [Background] Behavioural activation is an efficient treatment for depression and can improve intrinsic motivation. Previous studies have revealed that the frontostriatal circuit is involved in intrinsic motivation; however, there are no data on how behavioural activation affects the frontostriatal circuit. [Aims] We aimed to investigate behavioural activation-related changes in the frontostriatal circuit. [Method] Fifty-nine individuals with subthreshold depression were randomly assigned to either the intervention or non-intervention group. The intervention group received five weekly behavioural activation sessions. The participants underwent functional magnetic resonance imaging scanning on two separate occasions while performing a stopwatch task based on intrinsic motivation. We investigated changes in neural activity and functional connectivity after behavioural activation. [Results] After behavioural activation, the intervention group had increased activation and connectivity in the frontostriatal region compared with the non-intervention group. The increased activation in the right middle frontal gyrus was correlated with an improvement of subjective sensitivity to environmental rewards. [Conclusions] Behavioural activation-related changes to the frontostriatal circuit advance our understanding of psychotherapy-induced improvements in the neural basis of intrinsic motivation. [Declaration of interest] None.This work was supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas from Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, JSPS (grants 16H06395 and 16H06399), and grant 23118004 from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan. This work was partially supported by the programme for Brain Mapping by Integrated Neurotechnologies for Disease Studies (Brain/MINDS) by Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development, AMED (grant 15dm0207012h0002) and Integrated Research on Depression, Dementia and Development Disorders by AMED (grant 16dm0107093h0001). The funders had no role in the design and conduct of the study; collection, management, analysis and interpretation of the data; preparation or review of the manuscript or decision to submit the manuscript for publication