1 research outputs found

    Amplitude variation with offset modelling and crossplot analysis for reservoir characterization in Montero field, central swamp depobelt, onshore Niger Delta Basin, Nigeria

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    The study area is a partially appraised green field with few well counts. The recent drive to minimize the number of appraisal to save cost and still fully understand the subsurface geology underlying the field for proper characterization lead to the application and advancement of quantitative seismic interpretation techniques for field appraisals. In this study, well based Rock physics Crossplot Analysis and Amplitude Versus Offset (AVO) forward modelling feasibility were carried out in Montero Field to assess the applicability of the techniques for characterization and prospectivity of undrilled areas. Results from two conventional cross plot techniques (Vp/Vs ratio against Acoustic impedance and Lambda-Mu-Rho) gave very good lithology and fluid discrimination (that can be relied on in the absence of neutron log for fluid typing and contact definition). AVO modelling results reveals the presence of type I,II,III and IV AVO  gas sand classes for sands B, B2, A2 and A respectively. &nbsp