6 research outputs found

    Pathogenitätsdeterminanten in Feld Rabies Virus Infektion und In Vivo Tracking

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    Bisherige Analysen von RABV-Pathogenitätsdeterminanten wurden mit laboradaptierten, teils attenuierten Viren durchgeführt. Es ist unklar, ob bisher untersuchte Faktoren auch für hoch virulente RABV-Feldviren relevant sind. Der hier durchgeführte systematische Vergleich von Feldviren und Laborstämmen im infizierten Tier konnte Unterschiede hinsichtlich der Fähigkeit immunkompetente Neuroglia des ZNS zu infizieren als mögliche Pathogenitätsdeterminante aufzeigen. Darüber hinaus wurden erstmals SZ-Neuroglia peripherer Nerven als Zielzellen für die RABV-Infektion identifiziert. Für die Analyse von RABV-infizierten Geweben wurde ein modernes 3D Imaging-Verfahren angewandt. Gehirne aus experimentell infizierten Mäusen und Frettchen wurden wie in Veröffentlichung 1 beschrieben immunfluoreszenz-gefärbt, optisch geklärt und hochauflösend mit einem konfokalen Laserscan Mikroskop untersucht. RABV N und P Protein konnten dreidimensional in räumlicher Umgebung zu zellulären Strukturen des Wirtes visualisiert werden. Diese Untersuchung bewies die besondere Eignung des Verfahrens zur Identifizierung vereinzelter Zielstrukturen und wurde für nachfolgende systematische Analysen im ZNS und PNS verwendet. Der RABV-Zelltropismus wurde als vermutlich wichtige Pathogenitätsdeterminante in Veröffentlichung 2 untersucht. RABV Feldviren vom Hund (rRABV Dog), Fuchs (rRABV Fox) und Waschbär (rRABV Rac) konnten im Vergleich zu den laboradaptierten Viren (rCVS-11, SAD L16 und ERA) nicht-neuronale Zellen im ZNS wie Astroglia produktiv infizieren. Der Anteil infizierter Astrozyten ist mit 7-17 % nach i.m. Inokulation vergleichbar mit dem der Neuronen (7-19 %). Interessanterweise wurde eine Inokulationsroutenabhängige Infektion von Astrozyten mit dem moderat virulenten Laborstamm rCVS-11 beobachtet. Diese systematische und quantitative Analyse des RABV-Astrozyten- und Neuronentropismus zeigt, dass mit abnehmender Virulenz die Fähigkeit der Viren produktiv in Astroglia im ZNS zu replizieren abnimmt. Die Fähigkeit eine produktive Infektion in Astrozyten auszubilden, scheint demnach ein grundlegender Unterschied zwischen Feldviren und weniger virulenten Laborstämmen zu sein. Weiterführend wurde in Veröffentlichung 3 die Virusausbreitung vom ZNS in periphere Nerven untersucht. Hinterbeine, Wirbelsäule inklusive Rückenmark, Gehirn und weitere Kopfbereiche experimentell infizierter Mäuse wurden mittels Lichtblatt- und konfokaler Laserscanmikroskopie analysiert. Zum Ersten Mal konnte eine RABV-Infektion peripherer Neuroglia dargestellt werden. Eine produktive Infektion immunkompetenter SZ im PNS ist also möglicherweise, genauso wie die Infektion von Astrozyten im ZNS, entscheidend für die RABV-Neuropathogenese. Die Detektion von RABV-Antigen im Hinterbein nach i.c. Inokulation beweist eine anterograde axonale Virusausbreitung vom ZNS in periphere Nerven. Interessanterweise konnte das Virus auch in Bereichen des Nasopharynx und des Zungenepithels nachgewiesen werden, worüber möglicherweise zusätzlich zur Speicheldrüse Virus in den Nasenrachenraum ausgeschieden wird. Zusammenfassend konnten mit dieser Arbeit neue Einblicke hinsichtlich des Zelltropismus und der Ausbreitung von RABV in vivo im Modellorganismus Maus gewonnen werden. Die Fähigkeit der untersuchten hoch virulenten Feldviren nicht-neuronale, immunkompetente Neuroglia des ZNS und PNS zu infizieren unterscheidet diese von den weniger virulenten bzw. apathogenen Virusstämmen und könnte ein entscheidender Faktor bei der Ausbildung einer Tollwut-Enzephalitis darstellen.Previous studies of rabies virus (RABV) pathogenicity determinants were implemented with lab adapted or attenuated viruses. It is unclear, if so far analyzed factors are also relevant for highly virulent RABV field viruses. Here, a systemic comparison in vivo of fixed and field viruses, revealed the ability to infect immunocompetent neuroglia in the central nervous system (CNS) as a possible pathogenicity determinant. Furthermore, for the first time Schwann cell (SC) neuroglia of peripheral nerves were identified as target cells for RABV infection. A modern 3D imaging technique was used to analyze RABV infected tissues. Brains from experimental infected mice and ferrets were stained by immunofluorescence, followed by optical clearing, as described in publication 1, and analyzed with a high-resolution confocal laser scan microscope. RABV N and P protein were visualized three-dimensional in spatial proximity to hosts cellular structures. The results demonstrated the specific suitability of this technique to identify single target structures, wherefore the technique was used for following analysis in CNS and peripheral nervous system (PNS). RABV cell tropism was investigated as presumably pathogenicity determinant in publication 2. Field RABV from dog (rRABV dog), fox (rRABV fox) and raccoon (rRABV rac) were able to infect non-neuronal cells, like astrocytes, in the CNS in contrast to lab adapted viruses (rCVS-11, SAD L16 and ERA). The amount of infected astrocytes after intra muscular (i.m.) inoculation is with 7-17 % infected astrocytes comparable to 7-19 % infected neurons. Interestingly, inoculation-route dependent infection of astrocytes with moderate virulent rCVS-11 was observed. This systemic and quantitative analysis of RABV astrocyte and neuron tropism showed, that with decreasing virulence also the ability to infect astrocytes decreases. Therefore, the ability to infect astrocytes might be a fundamental difference between field and less virulent lab strains. In publication 3 the virus spread from the CNS to peripheral nerves was investigated. Hind legs, spinal column with spinal cord, brain and heads from experimental infected mice were analyzed with light sheet and confocal laser scan microscopy. For the first time a RABV infection of peripheral neuroglia was visualized. A productive infection of immunocompetent SZ in the PNS might be, equally like the infection of astrocytes in the CNS, crucial for RABV neuropathogenesis. The detection of RABV antigen in hind legs after intra cranial (i.c.) inoculation proves an anterograde axonal virus spread from CNS in peripheral nerves. Interestingly, the virus was also detected in areas of nasopharynx and tongue epithelia, which might be an additional site of virus shedding beside the salivary glands. In summary, with this work new insights regarding cell tropism and spreading of RABV in vivo in model organism mouse were obtained. The ability of the investigated highly virulent field viruses to infect non-neuronal, immunocompetent neuroglia of CNS and PNS is a main difference to less virulent or apathogen virus strains and might be a crucial determinant of rabies encephalitis

    Neuroglia infection by rabies virus after anterograde virus spread in peripheral neurons

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    The highly neurotropic rabies virus (RABV) enters peripheral neurons at axon termini and requires long distance axonal transport and trans-synaptic spread between neurons for the infection of the central nervous system (CNS). Recent 3D imaging of field RABV-infected brains revealed a remarkably high proportion of infected astroglia, indicating that highly virulent field viruses are able to suppress astrocyte-mediated innate immune responses and virus elimination pathways. While fundamental for CNS invasion, in vivo field RABV spread and tropism in peripheral tissues is understudied. Here, we used three-dimensional light sheet and confocal laser scanning microscopy to investigate the in vivo distribution patterns of a field RABV clone in cleared high-volume tissue samples after infection via a natural (intramuscular; hind leg) and an artificial (intracranial) inoculation route. Immunostaining of virus and host markers provided a comprehensive overview of RABV infection in the CNS and peripheral nerves after centripetal and centrifugal virus spread. Importantly, we identified non-neuronal, axon-ensheathing neuroglia (Schwann cells, SCs) in peripheral nerves of the hind leg and facial regions as a target cell population of field RABV. This suggests that virus release from axons and infected SCs is part of the RABV in vivo cycle and may affect RABV-related demyelination of peripheral neurons and local innate immune responses. Detection of RABV in axon-surrounding myelinating SCs after i.c. infection further provided evidence for anterograde spread of RABV, highlighting that RABV axonal transport and spread of infectious virus in peripheral nerves is not exclusively retrograde. Our data support a new model in which, comparable to CNS neuroglia, SC infection in peripheral nerves suppresses glia-mediated innate immunity and delays antiviral host responses required for successful transport from the peripheral infection sites to the brain

    Point Mutations in the Glycoprotein Ectodomain of Field Rabies Viruses Mediate Cell Culture Adaptation through Improved Virus Release in a Host Cell Dependent and Independent Manner

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    Molecular details of field rabies virus (RABV) adaptation to cell culture replication are insufficiently understood. A better understanding of adaptation may not only reveal requirements for efficient RABV replication in cell lines, but may also provide novel insights into RABV biology and adaptation-related loss of virulence and pathogenicity. Using two recombinant field rabies virus clones (rRABV Dog and rRABV Fox), we performed virus passages in three different cell lines to identify cell culture adaptive mutations. Ten passages were sufficient for the acquisition of adaptive mutations in the glycoprotein G and in the C-terminus of phosphoprotein P. Apart from the insertion of a glycosylation sequon via the mutation D247N in either virus, both acquired additional and cell line-specific mutations after passages on BHK (K425N) and MDCK-II (R346S or R350G) cells. As determined by virus replication kinetics, complementation, and immunofluorescence analysis, the major bottleneck in cell culture replication was the intracellular accumulation of field virus G protein, which was overcome after the acquisition of the adaptive mutations. Our data indicate that limited release of extracellular infectious virus at the plasma membrane is a defined characteristic of highly virulent field rabies viruses and we hypothesize that the observed suboptimal release of infectious virions is due to the inverse correlation of virus release and virulence in vivo

    Astrocyte Infection during Rabies Encephalitis Depends on the Virus Strain and Infection Route as Demonstrated by Novel Quantitative 3D Analysis of Cell Tropism

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    Although conventional immunohistochemistry for neurotropic rabies virus (RABV) usually shows high preference for neurons, non-neuronal cells are also potential targets, and abortive astrocyte infection is considered a main trigger of innate immunity in the CNS. While in vitro studies indicated differences between field and less virulent lab-adapted RABVs, a systematic, quantitative comparison of astrocyte tropism in vivo is lacking. Here, solvent-based tissue clearing was used to measure RABV cell tropism in infected brains. Immunofluorescence analysis of 1 mm-thick tissue slices enabled 3D-segmentation and quantification of astrocyte and neuron infection frequencies. Comparison of three highly virulent field virus clones from fox, dog, and raccoon with three lab-adapted strains revealed remarkable differences in the ability to infect astrocytes in vivo. While all viruses and infection routes led to neuron infection frequencies between 7–19%, striking differences appeared for astrocytes. Whereas astrocyte infection by field viruses was detected independent of the inoculation route (8–27%), only one lab-adapted strain infected astrocytes route-dependently [0% after intramuscular (i.m.) and 13% after intracerebral (i.c.) inoculation]. Two lab-adapted vaccine viruses lacked astrocyte infection altogether (0%, i.c. and i.m.). This suggests a model in which the ability to establish productive astrocyte infection in vivo functionally distinguishes field and attenuated lab RABV strains

    Genetic and Antigenetic Characterization of the Novel Kotalahti Bat Lyssavirus (KBLV)

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    There is a growing diversity of bat-associated lyssaviruses in the Old World. In August 2017, a dead Brandt’s bat (Myotis brandtii) tested positive for rabies and based on partial sequence analysis, the novel Kotalahti bat lyssavirus (KBLV) was identified. Because the bat was in an autolyzed state, isolation of KBLV was neither successful after three consecutive cell passages on cells nor in mice. Next generation sequencing (NGS) was applied using Ion Torrent ™ S5 technology coupled with target enrichment via hybridization-based capture (myBaits®) was used to sequence 99% of the genome, comprising of 11,878 nucleotides (nt). KBLV is most closely related to EBLV-2 (78.7% identity), followed by KHUV (79.0%) and BBLV (77.6%), supporting the assignment as phylogroup I lyssavirus. Interestingly, all of these lyssaviruses were also isolated from bat species of the genus Myotis, thus supporting that M. brandtii is likely the reservoir host. All information on antigenic and genetic divergence fulfil the species demarcation criteria by ICTV, so that we recommend KBLV as a novel species within the Lyssavirus genus. Next to sequence analyses, assignment to phylogroup I was functionally corroborated by cross-neutralization of G-deleted RABV, pseudotyped with KBLV-G by sera from RABV vaccinated humans. This suggests that conventional RABV vaccines also confer protection against the novel KBLV

    Genetic and Phenotypic Characterization of a Rabies Virus Strain Isolated from a Dog in Tokyo, Japan in the 1940s

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    The rabies virus strain Komatsugawa (Koma), which was isolated from a dog in Tokyo in the 1940s before eradication of rabies in Japan in 1957, is known as the only existent Japanese field strain (street strain). Although this strain potentially provides a useful model to study rabies pathogenesis, little is known about its genetic and phenotypic properties. Notably, this strain underwent serial passages in rodents after isolation, indicating the possibility that it may have lost biological characteristics as a street strain. In this study, to evaluate the utility of the Koma strain for studying rabies pathogenesis, we examined the genetic properties and in vitro and in vivo phenotypes. Genome-wide genetic analyses showed that, consistent with previous findings from partial sequence analyses, the Koma strain is closely related to a Russian street strain within the Arctic-related phylogenetic clade. Phenotypic examinations in vitro revealed that the Koma strain and the representative street strains are less neurotropic than the laboratory strains. Examination by using a mouse model demonstrated that the Koma strain and the street strains are more neuroinvasive than the laboratory strains. These findings indicate that the Koma strain retains phenotypes similar to those of street strains, and is therefore useful for studying rabies pathogenesis