25 research outputs found

    Carnivora population dynamics are as slow and as fast as those of other mammals:implications for their conservation

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    Of the 285 species of Carnivora 71 are threatened, while many of these species fulfill important ecological roles in their ecosystems as top or meso-predators. Population transition matrices make it possible to study how age-specific survival and fecundity affect population growth, extinction risks, and responses to management strategies. Here we review 38 matrix models from 35 studies on 27 Carnivora taxa, covering 11% of the threatened Carnivora species. We show that the elasticity patterns (i.e. distribution over fecundity, juvenile survival and adult survival) in Carnivora cover the same range in triangular elasticity plots as those of other mammal species, despite the specific place of Carnivora in the food chain. Furthermore, reproductive loop elasticity analysis shows that the studied species spread out evenly over a slow-fast continuum, but also quantifies the large variation in the duration of important life cycles and their contributions to population growth rate. These general elasticity patterns among species, and their correlation with simple life history characteristics like body mass, age of first reproduction and life span, enables the extrapolation of population dynamical properties to unstudied species. With several examples we discuss how this slow-fast continuum, and related patterns of variation in reproductive loop elasticity, can be used in the formulation of tentative management plans for threatened species that cannot wait for the results of thorough demographic studies. We argue, however, that such management programs should explicitly include a plan for learning about the key demographic rates and how these are affected by environmental drivers and threats

    The Effect of Latitudinal Variation on Shrimp Reproductive Strategies.

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    Reproductive strategies comprise the timing and frequency of reproductive events and the number of offspring per reproductive event, depending on factors such as climate conditions. Therefore, species that exhibit plasticity in the allocation of reproductive effort can alter their behavior in response to climate change. Studying how the reproductive strategy of species varies along the latitudinal gradient can help us understand and predict how they will respond to climate change. We investigated the effects of the temporal allocation of reproductive effort on the population size of brown shrimp (Farfantepenaeus aztecus) along a latitudinal gradient. Multiple shrimp species exhibit variation in their reproductive strategies, and given the economic importance of brown shrimp to the commercial fishing sector of the Unites States, changes in the timing of their reproduction could have significant economic and social consequences. We used a stage-based, density-dependent matrix population model tailored to the life history of brown shrimp. Shrimp growth rates and environmental carrying capacity were varied based on the seasonal climate conditions at different latitudes, and we estimated the population size at equilibrium. The length of the growing season increased with decreasing latitude and the reproductive strategy leading to the highest population size changed from one annual birth pulse with high reproductive output to continuous low-output reproduction. Hence, our model confirms the classical paradigm of continuous reproduction at low latitudes, with increased seasonality of the breeding period towards the poles. Our results also demonstrate the potential for variation in climate to affect the optimal reproductive strategy for achieving maximum population sizes. Certainly, understanding these dynamics may inform more comprehensive management strategies for commercially important species like brown shrimp

    Triangular elasticity patterns in Carnivora species.

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    <p>Relation between elasticity patterns of Carnivora and (a) place in the slow-fast continuum, (b) age of first reproduction (c) taxonomic family, (d) average adult body mass, (e) matrix dimensions, (f) average life span, (g) projected population growth rate Ī». Panel h shows different studies on the same species. Age of first reproduction was deduced from the matrix models. Body mass and life span were copied from the descriptions of the various authors, or, when missing, from various internet sources.</p

    Life cycle diagram of the brown shrimp.

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    <p>Dotted arrows represent phases of the life history that were not included in the model. Solid lines indicate modeled stage transitions. <i>Ī½</i><sub><i>i</i></sub> represent survival rates, <i>Ī±</i><sub><i>i</i></sub> the stage transition rates, and <i>Ļƒ</i> fertility.</p

    Average annual adult population size for each of the three reproductive strategies for different summer lengths.

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    <p>Average annual adult population size for each of the three reproductive strategies for different summer lengths.</p

    The Carnivora species included in this paper.

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    a)<p>LCā€Š=ā€ŠLeast Concern, Vā€Š=ā€ŠVulnerable, NTā€Š=ā€ŠNear Threatened, Eā€Š=ā€ŠEndangered, CEā€Š=ā€ŠCritically Endangered.</p>b)<p>Matrix dimensions.</p>c)<p>Age of first reproduction according to matrix.</p>d)<p>Projected population growth rate.</p>e)<p>Generation time (log(R<sub>0</sub>)/log(Ī»)).</p

    Remote Sensing of 2000ā€“2016 Alpine Spring Snowline Elevation in Dall Sheep Mountain Ranges of Alaska and Western Canada

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    The lowest elevation of spring snow (ā€œsnowlineā€) is an important factor influencing recruitment and survival of wildlife in alpine areas. In this study, we assessed the spatial and temporal variability of alpine spring snowline across major Dall sheep mountain areas in Alaska and northwestern Canada. We used a daily MODIS snow fraction product to estimate the last day of 2000ā€“2016 spring snow for each 500-m pixel within 28 mountain areas. We then developed annual (2000ā€“2016) regression models predicting the elevation of alpine snowline during mid-May for each mountain area. MODIS-based regression estimates were compared with estimates derived using a Normalized Difference Snow Index from Landsat-8 Operational Land Imager (OLI) surface reflectance data. We also used 2000ā€“2009 decadal climate grids to estimate total winter precipitation and mean May temperature for each of the 28 mountain areas. Based on our MODIS regression models, the 2000ā€“2016 mean May 15 snowline elevation ranged from 339 m in the cold arctic class to 1145 m in the interior mountain class. Spring snowline estimates from MODIS and Landsat OLI were similar, with a mean absolute error of 106 m. Spring snowline elevation was significantly related to mean May temperature and total winter precipitation. The late spring of 2013 may have impacted some sheep populations, especially in the cold arctic mountain areas which were snow-covered in mid-May, while some interior mountain areas had mid-May snowlines exceeding 1000 m elevation. We found this regional (&gt;500,000 km2) remote sensing application useful for determining the inter-annual and regional variability of spring alpine snowline among 28 mountain areas