4 research outputs found

    IoT Systems for Healthy and Safe Life Environments

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    The past two years have been sadly marked by the worldwide spread of the SARS-Cov-19 pandemic. The first line of defense against this and other pandemic threats is to respect interpersonal distances, use masks, and sanitize hands, air, and objects. Some of these countermeasures are becoming part of our daily lives, as they are now considered good practices to reduce the risk of infection and contagion. In this context, we present \emph{Safe Place}, a modular system enabled by \gls{iot} that is designed to improve the safety and healthiness of living environments. %\textcolor{blue}{ This system combines several sensors and actuators produced by different vendors with self-regulating procedures and \gls{ai} algorithms to limit the spread of viruses and other pathogens, and increase the quality and comfort offered to people while minimizing the energy consumption.%} We discuss the main objectives of the system and its implementation, showing preliminary results that assess its potentials in enhancing the conditions of living and working spaces

    Safe and Efficient Reinforcement Learning for Environmental Monitoring

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    This paper discusses the challenges of applying reinforcement techniques to real-world environmental monitoring problems and proposes innovative solutions to overcome them. In particular, we focus on safety, a fundamental problem in RL that arises when it is applied to domains involving humans or hazardous uncertain situations. We propose to use deep neural networks, formal verification, and online refinement of domain knowledge to improve the transparency and efficiency of the learning process, as well as the quality of the final policies. We present two case studies, specifically (i) autonomous water monitoring and (ii) smart control of air quality indoors. In particular, we discuss the challenges and solutions to these problems, addressing crucial issues such as anomaly detection and prevention, real-time control, and online learning. We believe that the proposed techniques can be used to overcome some limitations of RL, providing safe and efficient solutions to complex and urgent problems

    Learning State-Variable Relationships in POMCP: A Framework for Mobile Robots

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    We address the problem of learning relationships on state variables in Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes (POMDPs) to improve planning performance. Specifically, we focus on Partially Observable Monte Carlo Planning (POMCP) and represent the acquired knowledge with a Markov Random Field (MRF). We propose, in particular, a method for learning these relationships on a robot as POMCP is used to plan future actions. Then, we present an algorithm that deals with cases in which the MRF is used on episodes having unlikely states with respect to the equality relationships represented by the MRF. Our approach acquires information from the agent’s action outcomes to adapt online the MRF if a mismatch is detected between the MRF and the true state. We test this technique on two domains, rocksample, a standard rover exploration task, and a problem of velocity regulation in industrial mobile robotic platforms, showing that the MRF adaptation algorithm improves the planning performance with respect to the standard approach, which does not adapt the MRF online. Finally, a ROS-based architecture is proposed, which allows running the MRF learning, the MRF adaptation, and MRF usage in POMCP on real robotic platforms. In this case, we successfully tested the architecture on a Gazebo simulator of rocksample. A video of the experiments is available in the Supplementary Material, and the code of the ROS-based architecture is available online

    Time series segmentation for state-model generation of autonomous aquatic drones: A systematic framework

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    Autonomous surface vessels are becoming increasingly important for water monitoring. Their aim is to navigate rivers and lakes with limited intervention of human operators, to collect real-time data about water parameters. To reach this goal, these intelligent systems must interact with the environment and act according to the situations they face. In this work we propose a framework based on the integration of recent time-series clustering/segmentation methods and cluster validity indices, for detecting, modeling and evaluating aquatic drone states. The approach is completely data-driven and unsupervised. It takes unlabeled multivariate time series of sensor traces and returns both a set of statistically significant state-models (generated by different mathematical approaches) and a related segmentation of the dataset. We test the approach on a real dataset containing data of six campaigns, two in rivers and four in lakes, in different countries for about 5.6 h of navigation. Results show that the methodology is able to recognize known states and to discover unknown states, enabling novelty detection. The approach is therefore an easy-to-use tool for discovering and interpreting significant states in sensor data, that enables improved data analysis and drone autonomy