5 research outputs found

    Qualche considerazione sul vini dell'Ogliastra

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    A research on the chemical and chemical-physical characteristics of the «Cannonau» wine has been accomplished. 41 out of the 51 samples exa mined were supplied from private producing and 10 from wine wholesales. 385 The private produced wine has the following composition: alcohol from 10,27 to 17,93%, dry matter from 21 to 41,8‰, ashes from 1,4 to 4,8%, total acidity from 4 to 9,5‰, volatile acidity from O~27 to 3,43‰, fixed acidity from 2,2 to 6,4‰. The wine coming from wine wholesales has the following composition: alcohol from II,91 to 15,98%, dry matter from 19,8 to 29,1‰, ashes from 1,8 to 3,1‰, total acidity from 4,0 to 5,5‰, volatile acidity from 0,39 to 0,81‰, fixed acidity from 3,2 to 4,7‰

    La Composizione del vino Vermentino prodotto nella Sardegna Settentrionale

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    A research on the chemical and chemical-physical characteristics of the Vermentino wine has been accomplished. The 1O must samples examined have meanly a composition with 21,81% of sugars, 5,6 g/l of addity and 3,19 g/l of ashes. The 44 wine samples hawe, on the average, the 13.21% of alcohol, a fixed acidity of 4,14 g/l, a glycerine percentage equivalent to 8,68 g/l and an ashes percentage equivalent to 2,28 g/l

    Influenza dei lieviti «flor» sull'evoluzione delle caratteristiche cromatiche durante la maturazione della Vernaccia di Oristano

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    The Authors have studied the «flor» yeasts influence on the chromatic characteristics of the «Vernaccia» wine. The wine, wich is not treated with select yeasts, drows a marked tendency to darkening. The wine, inoculated with some strains of «flor» yeasts belonging to Sacch. prostoserdovii, Sacch. bayanus and less Sacch. aceti species does not present this phenomenon or does in a very attenuate way

    I Componenti azotati del latte della capra sarda

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    The Authors, in a study on the Sardinian goat milk, have found the following milk percentual composition: fats 5.02, nitrogen compounds 4.03, proteins 3.61, casein 2.86, soluble proteins 0.75, coagulable proteins 2.65, non coagulable proteins 0.96, non proteic compounds 0,42, urea 386 mg/kg, uric acid 35 mg/kg, creatinine 39 mg/kg