9 research outputs found

    Factors Influencing Trust in Online Shopping: An Indian Consumer’s Perspective

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    With deeper proliferation of Internet, the traditional ways to do business have changed significantly. Organizations across the globe have started practicing ecommerce as a primary way to conduct business. Thousands of Internet users and shoppers from all over the world, particularly in growing economies like India and China, are joining the ranks of digitally connected. With the unprecedented growth of e-commerce, the significance of trust (it being the most important factor for any exchange to take place) cannot be ignored. Consumers are bothered about the product quality, credit card frauds, availability of returns, product delivery, security and privacy of their information etc. Though significant research has been done on the trust factors pertaining to e-commerce in developed countries like US and UK, researchers and practitioners are yet to fully comprehend the trust factors influencing Indian Ecommerce space. Indians share a different culture, different psychology, different characteristics and obviously a very different online shopping behavior. Consequently, the factors attributing to the trust by an Indian consumer will be very different as compared to the trust factors exhibited by the consumers of a developed economy. This paper describes the factors influencing the trust and subsequently the willingness of the Indian consumer to buy online. This research is based on the study conducted on Indian consumers through surveys and interviews. Keywords: Ecommerce Trust; Trust; Trust Factors; Indian Customer’s Trust; Indian Consumer’s Trust; Online Trus

    COTS Evaluation

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    This article presents an extensive literature review of the empirical studies carried out in past for evaluation and selection of components during the design phase of Component Based Software Systems (CBSS). In CBSS approach the software systems can be developed by selecting appropriate components which then are assembled to form a complete software system. These Components can be either of the two (a) COTS (Commercial-off-the-Shelf) components or (b) Inhouse built components. These components are selected based on different parameters of cost, reliability, delivery time etc. Therefore, optimal selection of the components plays a vital role in development of CBSS as it saves time and effort. Related articles appearing in the International Journals from 1992 to 2014 are gathered and are critically analyzed. Based on the review it is seen that some of the important issues have not been explored fully. Hence there is scope of improvement which paves the path for future work

    An Analytical Study of the Trust Concerns of Online Buyers in India

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    Trust is an important requisite for any online transaction to take place. This paper presents an overview of various trust factors which exist in Indian e-Commerce market place and the customers’ inclination towards these factors. The study attempts to provide a tool to the e-vendors to understand what the customers expect from a website in order to make that initial purchase and hence, improve upon their online stores to attract more customers. In addition to this, the study aims at enhancing the knowledge base of the online customers by providing them a finer insight with a view to indulge in online shopping more advantageously. The study is based on the data collected through questionnaires and is conducted mainly on the experts in Indian e-Commerce market who have in depth knowledge about executing online transactions successfully. The study uses pair-wise comparisons to assess the significance of each of the trust factor within its class. Expert Choice software is used to perform sensitivity analysis on these factors. Keywords: e-Commerce Trust, Indian Customers’ Trust, Online Trust, Trust Factor

    A Practical T-P3R2 Model to Test Dynamic Websites

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    Present day web applications are very complex as they employ more objects (controls) on a web page than traditional web applications. This results in more memory leaks, more CPU utilizations and longer test executions. Furthermore, today websites are dynamic meaning that the web pages are loaded according to the users input. Higher complexity of web software means more insecure website. This increases the attack surfaces. In this paper, it is proposed to use both Test-Driven Development (TDD) and white-box testing together to handle the dynamic aspects of web applications. Also, it proposes a new practical T-P3 R2 model to cope with dynamism of websites. Keywords: Dynamic website testing, TDD, Web Application Trees (WAT), Path testing

    A Hybrid Computational Intelligence based Technique for Automatic Cryptanalysis of Playfair Ciphers

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    The Playfair cipher is a symmetric key cryptosystem-based on encryption of digrams of letters. The cipher shows higher cryptanalytic complexity compared to mono-alphabetic cipher due to the use of 625 different letter-digrams in encryption instead of 26 letters from Roman alphabets. Population-based techniques like Genetic algorithm (GA) and Swarm intelligence (SI) are more suitable compared to the Brute force approach for cryptanalysis of cipher because of specific and unique structure of its Key Table. This work is an attempt to automate the process of cryptanalysis using hybrid computational intelligence. Multiple particle swarm optimization (MPSO) and GA-based hybrid technique (MPSO-GA) have been proposed and applied in solving Playfair ciphers. The authors have attempted to find the solution key applied in generating Playfair crypts by using the proposed hybrid technique to reduce the exhaustive search space. As per the computed results of the MPSO-GA technique, correct solution was obtained for the Playfair ciphers of 100 to 200 letters length. The proposed technique provided better results compared to either GA or PSO-based technique. Furthermore, the technique was also able to recover partial English text message for short Playfair ciphers of 80 to 120 characters length