21 research outputs found

    Objective structured practical examination for formative assessment of post-graduates

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    Background: Formative evaluation has been carried out in the graduate training programme of most medical schools. These assessments play an important role in helping a student to become aware about his/her shortcomings and plan a course correction before appearing for the final assessment. Periodic formative assessment also helps the teachers/ mentors in medical education to evaluate the level of interest and appreciation of a subject. Observed structured practical examination as a tool for formative assessment of post-graduate students is an interesting option, which tests the cumulative skills acquired by a student. A study was undertaken to implement OSPE for postgraduate students followed by a feedback questionnaire to assess their perception of this type of evaluation. Methods: An OSPE designed as per the various aspects of the post graduate course in pathology was taken by the post graduate trainees. The results of the OSPE and the residents’ opinion on the feedback questionnaire were analysed. The results were compiled on a data sheet and analysed using Microsoft Excel.Results: The results of the OSPE showed an average to above average performance by the postgraduates. The feedback questionnaire showed a consensus of OSPE based formative assessment to be a better alternative to conventional examination.Conclusions: The study shows that formative assessment in a post graduate is an essential component of the programme and that OSPE as a tool for such an evaluation is well accepted by the students. Formative assessment by OSPE needs to be incorporated into the medical post graduate programme

    von Meyenburg Complex

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    Desmoplastic fibroma of the mandible: a rare gnathic bone tumor with a review of the literature

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    Desmoplastic fibroma (DF) is a rare bone tumor, which is known to involve mostly the gnathic bones. In this setting, the clinical presentation is usually represented by a bulging tumor of the face. Radiologically, the tumor is usually characterized by an expansile lytic bone lesion. The histopathology of the tumor shows a poorly circumscribed hypocellular lesion rich in collagen fibers with interspersed spindle cells having bland nuclear chromatin. Despite the lack of mitoses and nuclear pleomorphism, DF has an aggressive nature, presenting as a destructive growth causing entrapment of neuro-vascular bundles, sinusitis, or trismus. Some cases of DF show mutations in the adenomatous polyposis coli pathway shown by nuclear localization of the β-catenin protein. Few reports showed an association with tuberous sclerosis, though most of these cases were sporadic. We discuss a rare case of desmoplastic fibroma involving the mandible, and a review of the literature of the DF cases involving the gnathic bones

    Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma of the uterine cervix in an adult female

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    Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) of the female genital tract is an uncommon malignancy, presenting mainly in the pediatric and adolescent populations, primarily affecting the first two decades of life. This malignancy presentation in adulthood is rare and is seldom seen. The incidence of this tumor affecting adult females is approximately 0.4 - 1%, with the common site being the vagina. This tumor infrequently involves the cervix. RMS has a poor survival rate and once diagnosed, it requires aggressive management by radical surgery accompanied by chemoradiation. We present a case of an anaplastic variant of embryonal RMS of the uterine cervix presenting as a cervical polyp in a 36-year-old female who complained of dyspareunia and post-coital bleeding

    Liver histology and histochemistry in Wilson disease

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    Metastatic gallbladder carcinoma presenting as an ovarian mass

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    Metastatic gallbladder carcinoma to the ovaries is occasional but a recognized entity. It can mimic, clinical and morphologically, a primary ovarian tumor, challenging the diagnosis. We present the case of a patient with a lump in the hypogastrium extending into the right iliac fossa and was found to have abdominopelvic cystic lesion with enhancing solid components and multiple sub-centimetric and ill-defined abdominal lymph nodes. Also, subpleural and parenchymal nodules in the lungs were present. She subsequently underwent a laparotomy. Cholecystectomy was also done due to pre-existing symptomatic biliary lithiasis. The histologic report described the ovarian involvement as metastases from a gallbladder carcinoma. The presentation of ovarian metastases can challenge the diagnosis. Hence, careful evaluation of the digestive tract and judicious use of immunohistochemistry should be considered in patients presenting with ovarian masses

    Primary cutaneous diffuse large B-cell lymphoma of the upper limb: A fascinating entity

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    Primary cutaneous lymphomas are defined as lymphoid neoplasms that present themselves clinically on the skin and do not have extra-cutaneous disease, when the diagnosis is made or even after 6 months of the diagnosis. Primary cutaneous lymphomas of B-cells are less frequent than lymphomas of T-cells. Primary B-cell lymphomas have a better prognosis than secondary B-cell lymphomas. Primary B-cell cutaneous lymphomas are classified into five types according to the World Health Organization and European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer classification. The primary diffuse large B-cell cutaneous lymphoma - leg type corresponds to approximately 5-10% of the B-cell cutaneous lymphomas. It is predominantly seen in elderly people and has a female preponderance. Skin lesions can be single, multiple, and even grouped. A 5-year survival rate ranges from 36 to 100% of the cases. The expression of Bcl-2, presence of multiple lesions, and involvement of both the upper limbs lead to a worse prognosis. Very few cases have been described in the literature