8 research outputs found

    Macrobii Aurelii Theodosii ... in somnium Scipionis libri II, Saturnaliorum libri VII

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    Ambrosius Aurelius Theodosius MacrobiusBogensignaturen: aa-cc8, a-z8, A-O

    Macrobii Ambrosii Aurelii Theodosii ... : In Somnium Scipionis : lib. II : Saturnaliorum, lib. VII. : ex uariis, ac uetustissimis codicibus recogniti, & aucti.

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    This treatise by Macrobius is a commentary in two books on the Somnium Scipionis narrated by Cicero at the end of his De re publica. The nature of the dream, in which the elder Scipio appears to his adopted grandson, and describes the life of the good after death and the constitution of the universe from the Stoic point of view. Macrobius also discourses upon many points of physics in a series of essays which show the astronomical notions then current. The moral elevation of the fragment of Cicero gave this work a great popularity in the Middle Ages and was the most widely read Latin compendium of Neoplatonism of the 5th century A.D.; This treatise includes one map on p. 154 [i.e. 144] where Europe, Africa and Asia are shown in the upper hemisphere as totally separated from a great southern continent [i.e. Antipodum Nobis Incognita] occupying the lower hemisphere by an intervening great ocean [i.e. Alveus Oceani]. He further labels his map with climatic zones according to the theory of Parmenides (as also more graphically shown on p. 119): two zones close to the poles subject to frigid air [i.e. frigida], either side of the equator a torrid zone [i.e. perusta] and between these two moderate or temperate zones [i.e. temperata]. Decoratively, he has 14 winds blowing across the globe.; In the 'Saturnalia', an account of discussions held at the house of Vettius Praetextatus during the feast of the Saturnalia, Macrobius discusses the choice and proper use of food and drink, describing the courses at a banquet with their appropriate wines. Book 5 includes substantial text in Greek.; Printer's device on t.p. ; initial.; Some pages incorrectly numbered.; Also available in an electronic version via the Internet at: http://nla.gov.au/nla.map-ra277; With the book-plate of Charles Edward Armstrong.; With the stamp: M. Blumenthal Colletion.; Signed by Maurice Blumenthal.; Contains 18th century ms. notes in Italian.; Some pages incorrectly numbered in most copies and editions.; Spine title: Macrobi

    [Recueil composite]

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    Contient : Isidorus Hispalensis, De fide catholica contra Judaeos (1-47), De ecclesiasticis officiis, liber II (47v-53), Liber VII etymologiarum (53-63). - Varia [Sentences sur le baptême, l'exorcisme, le Symbole apostolique, la nature divine, etc. empruntées à divers auteurs, parmi lesquels Johannes diaconus, Isidorus Hispalensis, Rufinus Aquileiensis] (63-68v). - Fortunatus, Commentarius in symbolum Athanasium (68v-71v). - Miracula s. Andreae (72-86v). - Laurentius, Homilia de poenitentia (87-93). - Julianus Pomerius, De vita activa et contemplativa (94-97v). - S. Augustinus, De Trinitate (98-125v) ; Fortunatus, Carmina, lib. IX-X ; I ; II [Florilège patristique et classique] ; III [Extraits divers d'auteurs patristiques et médiévaux, parmi lesquels Petrus Lombardus (Commentarius in psalmos)]Numérisation effectuée à partir d'un document de substitutionAu f. 226v figure la note suivante: « Tertia die post festum sancti Clementis obiit Maholt, mater Oliveri Mandeguerre » (fin XIIIe s.). Ce ms. a appartenu à Notre-Dame de Paris. Il porte au f. 227 la signature de Claude Joly, chantre de Notre-Dame de Paris, suivie de la date "dec. 1666".Lieu de copie : France (Tours)Lieu de copie : France (Bec-Hellouin ?)Lieu de copie : France (Bec-Hellouin ?)Lieu de copie : France (Bec-Hellouin ?

    Abbildungsverzeichnis, Literaturverzeichnis, Register

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