58 research outputs found

    Principled design guidance for the development of computer-based training materials

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    This study is concerned with the provision of guidance for designers of computer-based training (CBT) materials. Four interrelated principles - immersion, interaction, locative fit, and multiple representations - are discussed. These principles draw upon research into instruction and technology and re-frame and re-interpret established instructional factors in terms of the capabilities of the interactive computer as a training delivery medium. It will be argued that the conjoining of pedagogy and technology in the principles is crucial to the effectiveness of CBT. Furthermore, this study will also argue that the form of the guidance has a direct bearing on its usefulness. The four principles are argued to represent a coherent framework which can raise the awareness of CBT designers on key instructional issues and the ways in which the delivery medium may be used to support them, and provide a resource on which designers may draw.The relevance and effectiveness of the principles (and the issues that they address) are explored through a body of empirical work. This takes the form of two studies: a survey of designers providing comments on the content and expression of the principles and their importance to CBT design; and a series of user trials. The contrasting nature of the studies allows the comments of designers and users to be assessed and compared

    Understanding the consumption process through in-branch and e-mortgage service channels: A first-time buyer perspective

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    This article is (c) Emerald Group Publishing and permission has been granted for this version to appear here (////BURA web address here). Emerald does not grant permission for this article to be further copied/distributed or hosted elsewhere without the express permission from Emerald Group Publishing Limited.Purpose – The twin aims of this paper are to explore the differences in the consumption process between the traditional in-branch and web-based (e-mortgage) service channels and how the differences relate to any problems identified in the electronic service environment, with respect to information search and product evaluation. Design/methodology/approach – A process-oriented approach comparing the two service channels (in-branch vs e-mortgage) was conducted in two study phases. Data from the e-mortgage process were collected using protocol analysis with 12 first-time buyers (FTBs) applying on a website belonging either to a hybrid or to an internet-only bank. Results of the e-mortgage process were mapped on to stages of the in-branch process, which was captured by observation of six FTB mortgage interviews to determine the level of correspondence and emergent issues. Findings – Support for the FTB in the e-mortgage process was problematic and service provision was found to be product- rather than consumer-oriented. Practical implications – The study highlights the importance of design issues in the electronic service environment for creating confidence in the online advice and information available on home mortgages for FTBs. Originality/value – The paper promotes increased understanding by financial service providers of the characteristics that support the consultative selling process for complex products such as mortgages and inform multichannel retailing

    Introduction to the new usability

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    This paper introduces the motivation for and concept of the "new usability" and positions it against existing approaches to usability. It is argued that the contexts of emerging products and systems mean that traditional approaches to usability engineering and evaluation are likely to prove inappropriate to the needs of "digital consumers." The paper briefly reviews the contributions to this special issue in terms of their relation to the idea of the "new usability" and their individual approaches to dealing with contemporary usability issues. This helps provide a background to the "new usability" research agenda, and the paper ends by posing what are argued to be the central challenges facing the area and those which lie at the heart of the proposed research agenda

    Examining perceptions of agility in software development practice

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    This is the post-print version of the final published article that is available from the link below. Copyright @ 2010 ACM.Organizations undertaking software development are often reminded that successful practice depends on a number of non-technical issues that are managerial, cultural and organizational in nature. These issues cover aspects from appropriate corporate structure, through software process development and standardization to effective collaborative practice. Since the articulation of the 'software crisis' in the late-1960s, significant effort has been put into addressing problems related to the cost, time and quality of software development via the application of systematic processes and management practices for software engineering. Early efforts resulted in prescriptive structured methods, which have evolved and expanded over time to embrace consortia/ company-led initiatives such as the Unified Modeling Language and the Unified Process alongside formal process improvement frameworks such as the International Standards Organization's 9000 series, the Capability Maturity Model and SPICE. More recently, the philosophy behind traditional plan-based initiatives has been questioned by the agile movement, which seeks to emphasize the human and craft aspects of software development over and above the engineering aspects. Agile practice is strongly collaborative in its outlook, favoring individuals and interactions over processes and tools, working software over comprehensive documentation, customer collaboration over contract negotiation, and responding to change over following a plan (see Sidebar 1). Early experience reports on the use of agile practice suggest some success in dealing with the problems of the software crisis, and suggest that plan-based and agile practice are not mutually exclusive. Indeed, flexibility may arise from this unlikely marriage in an aim to strike a balance between the rigor of traditional plan-based approaches and the need for adaptation of those to suit particular development situations. With this in mind, this article surveys the current practice in software engineering alongside perceptions of senior development managers in relation to agile practice in order to understand the principles of agility that may be practiced implicitly and their effects on plan-based approach

    Bridging the Business/IT Gap through the Relationship Management Maturity Model

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    The gap between the IT organization and the business presents a major challenge for companies. Causes and ways of bridging the gap are uncertain as there has been a lack of research in this area. In this research project, we follow a relationship management (RM) initiative in a large financial services institution, the purpose of which was to improve the business/IT relationship. The outcome was the development of the Relationship Management Maturity Model (RMMM), a tool to define RM best practices and to enable the company to bridge the gap. This work presents the RMMM – the first model for integrating and improving the business/IT relationship


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    Organisational spending on IT-systems is still on the rise, despite research indicating that majority of these IT-systems are not used optimally by employees. This has been attributed to a wide range of responses from IT users, especially in a mandatory use context. In spite of decades of research, the identification of various user responses to IT and the factors that influence these responses remain very important. This study seeks to investigate how users respond to mandated IT-induced organisational changes and what factors influence these responses over time. An interpretive case study approach was adopted, with semi-structured interviews used as the primary data source at a Radio/Television station. Preliminary findings indicate that users respond differently (i.e., opportunity and threat responses) to the proposed mandated IT implementation, and also reveal 3 factors (i.e., management support, user involvement, and social influence) that influence a user’s primary appraisal at the pre-implementation stage. The next phase of this study involves expansion of our interview questions and further in-depth interviews at an additional case site, at both the pre and post-implementation stages of Mandated IT-implementation projects. Upon completion, this research is expected to contribute to the IT use literature by deepening our understanding of different user responses to mandated IT-induced organisational changes and also inform managers involved in IT-implementation projects

    Footprints of information foragers: behaviour semantics of visual exploration

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    International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 57 (2): pp.139-163.Social navigation exploits the knowledge and experience of peer users of information resources. A wide variety of visual–spatial approaches become increasingly popular as a means to optimize information access as well as to foster and sustain a virtual community among geographically distributed users. An information landscape is among the most appealing design options of representing and communicating the essence of distributed information resources to users. A fundamental and challenging issue is how an information landscape can be designed such that it will not only preserve the essence of the underlying information structure, but also accommodate the diversity of individual users. The majority of research in social navigation has been focusing on how to extract useful information from what is in common between users’ profiles, their interests and preferences. In this article, we explore the role of modelling sequential behaviour patterns of users in augmenting social navigation in thematic landscapes. In particular, we compare and analyse the trails of individual users in thematic spaces along with their cognitive ability measures. We are interested in whether such trails can provide useful guidance for social navigation if they are embedded in a visual–spatial environment. Furthermore, we are interested in whether such information can help users to learn from each other, for example, from the ones who have been successful in retrieving documents. In this article, we first describe how users’ trails in sessions of an experimental study of visual information retrieval can be characterized by Hidden Markov Models. Trails of users with the most successful retrieval performance are used to estimate parameters of such models. Optimal virtual trails generated from the models are visualized and animated as if they were actual trails of individual users in order to highlight behavioral patterns that may foster social navigation. The findings of the research will provide direct input to the design of social navigation systems as well as to enrich theories of social navigation in a wider context. These findings will lead to the further development and consolidation of a tightly coupled paradigm of spatial, semantic and social navigation

    The effects of augmented reality-supported instruction in tertiary-level medical education

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    A significant body of the literature has documented the potential of Augmented Reality (AR) in education, but little is known about the effects of AR-supported instruction in tertiary-level Medical Education (ME). This quasi-experimental study compares a traditional instructional approach with supplementary online lecture materials using digital handout notes with a control group (n = 30) and an educational AR application with an experimental group (n = 30) to investigate any possible added-value and gauge the impact of each approach on students' academic performance and training satisfaction. This study's findings indicate considerable differences in both academic performance and training satisfaction between the two groups. The participants in the experimental group performed significantly better than their counterparts, an outcome which is also reflected in their level of training satisfaction through interacting and viewing 3D multimedia content. This study contributes by providing guidelines on how an AR-supported intervention can be integrated into ME and provides empirical evidence on the benefits that such an approach can have on students' academic performance and knowledge acquisition. Practitioner notes What is already known about this topic Several studies have applied various Augmented Reality (AR) applications across different learning disciplines. The effects of AR on students' perceptions and achievements in higher education contexts is well-documented. Despite the increasing use of AR-instruction in Medical Education (ME), there has been no explicit focus on AR's effects on students' academic performance and satisfaction. What this paper adds This quasi-experimental study compares the academic performance and training satisfaction of students in an experimental group (AR) and a control group (handout notes). This study provides instructional insights into, and recommendations that may help students achieve better academic performance in AR-supported ME courses. The experimental group reported greater training satisfaction than their counterparts. Implications for practice and policy Students who followed the AR-supported instruction achieved better academic performance that those in the control group. AR-supported interventions encourage active learning and lead to significant performance improvement. The experimental group outperformed the control group in academic performance and training satisfaction measurements, despite the lower experimental group's lower pre-test performance scores

    The assessment of usability of electronic shopping: A heuristic evaluation

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    Today there are thousands of electronic shops accessible via the Web. Some provide user-friendly features whilst others seem not to consider usability factors at all. Yet, it is critical that the electronic shopping interface is user-friendly so as to help users to obtain their desired results. This study applied heuristic evaluation to examine the usability of current electronic shopping. In particular, it focused on four UK-based supermarkets offering electronic services: including ASDA, Iceland, Sainsbury, and Tesco. The evaluation consists of two stages: a free-flow inspection and a task-based inspection. The results indicate that the most significant and common usability problems have been found to lie within the areas of ‘User Control and Freedom’ and ‘Help and Documentation’. The findings of this study are applied to develop a set of usability guidelines to support the future design of effective interfaces for electronic shopping
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