34 research outputs found

    Old and New Media and Participation in Czech Society (Research Report)

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    The report concludes descriptive findings of the 2014 survey in new and old media uses and civic and political engagement and participatory practices of the Czech society. The data from 1998 respondents was collected in October and December 2014 by Median; the collection employed quota sampling and computer-assisted personal interviewing. The report is published in English and Czech version

    Prodlužující se soužití s rodiči jako odkládání dospělosti?

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    Teoretická stať se zabývá otázkou prodlužování soužití dospělých dětí se svými rodiči jako jedním z indikátorů prodlužování samotné tranzice k dospělosti, a tak také možnému odkládání dalších dílčích kroků v tranzici k dospělosti - jako je manželství či plození dětí. Ve spojení s dlouhotrvajícím soužitím s rodiči se vynořují termíny jako italští „mamma boys“, „parasite singles“, „co-residing adults“, „twixters“ či „hikikomori“ v Japonsku, kde je termín spojen se sociální izolací a stává se sociálním problémem. Stať poukazuje na neexistenci univerzálního vzorce načasování odchodů dětí z domácností rodičů, ale na podstatné rozdíly mezi regiony a sociální a kulturní podmíněnost. Text se soustředí na modely tranzice k dospělosti a s ní související vzorce opouštění domácnosti rodičů, kde na jedné straně stojí model brzký (severský) a pozdní (jižní). Sleduje jejich hlavní rysy, které mohou pomoci osvětlit důvody prodlužování tranzice k dospělosti

    Miloš Brunclík, Miroslav Novák a kol.: Internetové volby. Budoucnost, nebo slepá ulička demokracie?

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    Praha: Sociologické nakladatelství 2014, 291 pages, ISBN 978807419168

    Što je na prvom mjestu – korištenje novih medija ili građanska participacija kroz nove medije? Preispitivanje uloge novih medija u građanskim praksama u Češkoj

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    The article discusses qualitative research on the mundane civic practices of some Czechs, with a specific focus on the role of new media. It works with a context-oriented approach in order to avoid media-centrism. Our research is focussed on the ways in which civic practices are structured by immediate and wider social and political contexts and how they are experienced by post-socialist citizens from villages and large cities. The role of new media and the place of civic practices in everyday life is analysed with respect to these contexts. The research based on semi-structured in-depth interviews with 22 politically and publicly active citizens indicates that Czechs experience a similar crisis in relation to institutional politics as their counterparts in long established democracies and it reveals tell-tale differences between the social spaces of villages and cities both in participatory practices and in civic uses of new media. However, the study does not indicate a radical, new media-driven transformation of citizenship, rather it suggests subtle shifts in practices and a pragmatic mixing of face-to-face communication and traditional media (print, public address systems, noticeboards) with new communication technologies.U članku predstavljamo kvalitativno istraživanje svakodnevne građanske prakse dijela Čeha, s posebnim naglaskom na ulogu novih medija. Temi smo pristupili tako da smo se orijentirali na sadržaj, a ne na medije. U fokusu našeg istraživanja jesu načini na koje su građanske prakse strukturirane u užem i širem društvenom i političkom kontekstu te kako te kontekste doživljavaju postsocijalistički građani iz sela i velikih gradova. Uzimajući u obzir navedene kontekste, analizirali smo ulogu novih medija i građanske prakse u svakodnevnom životu. Istraživanje se temelji na polustrukturiranim dubinskim intervjuima s 22 politički i javno aktivna građanina, a pokazalo je da se Česi suočavaju sa sličnom krizom u institucionalnoj politici kao što je to slučaj i u starijim demokracijama. Istraživanje je također otkrilo razlike u načinu informiranja između sela i gradova, kako u participacijskim praksama tako i u načinima kako građani koriste nove medije. Međutim, istraživanje nije dokazalo da su novi mediji radikalno transformirali građanstvo, već je pokazalo da je došlo do suptilnih pomaka u praksi i do pragmatičnog miješanja komunikacije licem u lice i tradicionalnih medija (tiskani mediji, sustavi razglasa, oglasne ploče) s novim komunikacijskim tehnologijama

    Stará a nová média, participace a česká společnost (výzkumná zpráva)

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    Výzkumná zpráva shrnuje deskriptivní zjištění kvantitativního šetření toho, jak jsou českou společností užívána nová a stará média v rámci politické a veřejné participace. Sběr dat, který formou CAPI zajistila společnost Median, proběhl v říjnu a listopadu 2014 a zahrnul 1998 respondentů starších 18 let. Zpráva je publikována současně v české a anglické verzi.The report concludes descriptive findings of the 2014 survey in new and old media uses and civic and political engagement and participatory practices of the Czech society. The data from 1998 respondents was collected in October and December 2014 by Median; the collection employed quota sampling and computer-assisted personal interviewing. The report is published in English and Czech version

    When Age Matters: Patterns of Participative and Communicative Practices in the Czech Republic

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    After a long history, research on the relation between participative and communicative practices was revived in the late 1990s because of the proliferation of new media. New studies have taken into account both online and offline participation and the ability of new media to provide citizens with easier access to information and a broader repertoire of actions. In this article, which is based on a representative survey of the adult Czech population and a survey of Czech adolescents, we address participative and communicative practices as intertwined sets that are typically preferred by certain groups of citizens. As media-related and political practices usually vary due to generational and historical experience, the aim is to discover whether people with similar generational backgrounds and with similar repertoires of action manifest similar sets of commu- nication practices, i.e. similar media ensembles. Hence, we build this study on the assumption that the politi- cal- and media-related agencies are structured by historical experience as well as by biographical experience linked with life-cycle phases. Using cluster analysis, we focus on the various participative and communicative practices employed by three distinct adult generational groups and by contemporary adolescents, all of whom experienced the process of socialization in their own specific historical contexts

    Old and new media in everyday life of Czech audiences. (Research report.)

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    The report concludes descriptive findings of survey in Czech media audiences. The data from 1998 respondents was collected in October and December 2014 by Median; the collection employed quota sampling and computer-assisted personal interviewing. Besides the standard socio-demographic indicators, the questionnaire included questions regarding the full range of possible media-related practices including obtaining and reception of films, TV series and other TV content, news, sports, music, books, magazines and spoken word; online activities and use of social networking sites; playing computer- and videogames; ownership of media and computer technologies and access to the Internet; respondents' political and public activities. The report is published in Czech and English version

    Što je na prvom mjestu – korištenje novih medija ili građanska participacija kroz nove medije? Preispitivanje uloge novih medija u građanskim praksama u Češkoj

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    The article discusses qualitative research on the mundane civic practices of some Czechs, with a specific focus on the role of new media. It works with a context-oriented approach in order to avoid media-centrism. Our research is focussed on the ways in which civic practices are structured by immediate and wider social and political contexts and how they are experienced by post-socialist citizens from villages and large cities. The role of new media and the place of civic practices in everyday life is analysed with respect to these contexts. The research based on semi-structured in-depth interviews with 22 politically and publicly active citizens indicates that Czechs experience a similar crisis in relation to institutional politics as their counterparts in long established democracies and it reveals tell-tale differences between the social spaces of villages and cities both in participatory practices and in civic uses of new media. However, the study does not indicate a radical, new media-driven transformation of citizenship, rather it suggests subtle shifts in practices and a pragmatic mixing of face-to-face communication and traditional media (print, public address systems, noticeboards) with new communication technologies.U članku predstavljamo kvalitativno istraživanje svakodnevne građanske prakse dijela Čeha, s posebnim naglaskom na ulogu novih medija. Temi smo pristupili tako da smo se orijentirali na sadržaj, a ne na medije. U fokusu našeg istraživanja jesu načini na koje su građanske prakse strukturirane u užem i širem društvenom i političkom kontekstu te kako te kontekste doživljavaju postsocijalistički građani iz sela i velikih gradova. Uzimajući u obzir navedene kontekste, analizirali smo ulogu novih medija i građanske prakse u svakodnevnom životu. Istraživanje se temelji na polustrukturiranim dubinskim intervjuima s 22 politički i javno aktivna građanina, a pokazalo je da se Česi suočavaju sa sličnom krizom u institucionalnoj politici kao što je to slučaj i u starijim demokracijama. Istraživanje je također otkrilo razlike u načinu informiranja između sela i gradova, kako u participacijskim praksama tako i u načinima kako građani koriste nove medije. Međutim, istraživanje nije dokazalo da su novi mediji radikalno transformirali građanstvo, već je pokazalo da je došlo do suptilnih pomaka u praksi i do pragmatičnog miješanja komunikacije licem u lice i tradicionalnih medija (tiskani mediji, sustavi razglasa, oglasne ploče) s novim komunikacijskim tehnologijama

    Analýza podmínek pohybu českých spotřebitelů mezi zdroji s legálně a nelegálně šířeným audiovizuálním obsahem

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    Výzkumná zpráva shrnuje základní zjištění kvalitativního výzkumu českých konvergentních publik vedeného v letech 2018 a 2019, a to s důrazem na motivy, jež respondenty zahrnuté do výzkumného vzorku vedou k volbě mezi jednotlivými aktuálně dostupnými zdroji audiovizuálních obsahů. Výzkumné závěry, jež jsou v této zprávě stručně shrnuty, se přitom obracejí ke dvěma klíčovým otázkám: Za jakých podmínek a z jakých důvodů současní konzumenti televizních a filmových obsahů volí jako zdroje těchto obsahů zdroje neoficiální? A co je naopak vede k tomu, aby dali přednost zdrojům oficiálním?The research report summarizes the basic findings of qualitative research of Czech convergent audiences conducted in 2018 and 2019, with an emphasis on the motives that lead respondents included in the research sample to choose between individual currently available sources of audiovisual content. The research conclusions briefly summarized in this report address two key questions: Under what conditions and for what reasons do current consumers of television and film content choose unofficial sources as sources of such content? And what, on the other hand, leads them to prefer official sources

    Trust in alternative and professional media : The case of the youth news audiences in three European countries

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    This exploratory paper applying cross-cultural and developmental perspective analyses and discusses trust in alternative media and its relation to trust in professional media, seeking to identify the national specifics of media trust and its developmental patterns. Employing 2016 survey data of Czech, Estonian and Greek youth (aged 14–25, N = 3654) collected as part of the international CATCH-EyoU project (Horizon 2020), the study outlines the typology of media trust, comprising trust in alternative and professional media, and compares social and political predictors influencing media trust in the three countries. The study illustrates the diversity of relations between the two types of media trust, concluding that differences in selected predictors of media trust and the distribution of media trust types across national sub-samples illuminate the strong role national context plays, illustrating the varying pathways development of media trust follows in these varied contexts along socioeconomic and cultural lines