6,476 research outputs found

    The ground state of Sr3Ru2O7 revisited; Fermi liquid close to a ferromagnetic instability

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    We show that single-crystalline Sr3Ru2O7 grown by a floating-zone technique is an isotropic paramagnet and a quasi-two dimensional metal as spin-triplet superconducting Sr2RuO4 is. The ground state is Fermi liquid with very low residual resistivity (3 micro ohm cm for in-plane currents) and a nearly ferromagnetic metal with the largest Wilson ratio Rw>10 among paramagnets so far. This contrasts with the ferromagnetic order at Tc=104 K reported on single crystals grown by a flux method [Cao et al., Phys. Rev. B 55, R672 (1997)]. We have also found a dramatic changeover from paramagnetism to ferromagnetism under applied pressure. This suggests the existence of a substantial ferromagnetic instability on the verge of a quantum phase transition in the Fermi liquid state.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev. B : Rapid co

    Linear Field Dependence of the Normal-State In-Plane Magnetoresistance of Sr2RuO4

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    The transverse and longitudinal in-plane magnetoresistances in the normal state of superconducting Sr2RuO4 single crystals have been measured. At low temperatures, both of them were found to be positive with a linear magnetic-field dependence above a threshold field, a result not expected from electronic band theory. We argue that such behavior is a manifestation of a novel coherent state characterized by a spin pseudo gap in the quasi-particle excitation spectrum in Sr2RuO4.Comment: 4 pages + 5 figure

    Impurities and orbital dependent superconductivity in Sr_2RuO_4

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    There now exists a wealth of experimental evidence that Sr_2RuO_4 is an odd-parity superconductor. Experiments further indicate that among the bands stemming from the Ru {xy,xz,yz} orbitals, the portion of the Fermi surface arising from the xy orbitals exhibits a much larger gap than the portions of the Fermi surface arising from the {xz,yz} orbitals. In this paper the role of impurities on such an orbital dependent superconducting state is examined within the Born approximation. In contrast to expected results for a nodeless p-wave superconductor the unique nature of the superconducting state in Sr_2RuO_4 implies that a low concentration of impurities strongly influences the low temperature behavior.Comment: 5 pages 3 figure

    Possible unconventional superconductivity in iron-based layered compound LaFePO: Study of heat capacity

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    Heat capacity measurements were performed on recently discovered iron based layered superconductors, non doped LaFePO and fluorine doped LaFePO. A relatively large electronic heat capacity coefficient and a small normalized heat capacity jump at Tc = 3.3 K were observed in LaFePO. LaFePO0.94F0.06 had a smaller electronic heat capacity coefficient and a larger normalized heat capacity jump at Tc = 5.8 K. These values indicate that these compounds have strong electron electron correlation and magnetic spin fluctuation, which are the signatures of unconventional superconductivity mediated by spin fluctuation.Comment: 15 Pages, 3 Figure

    Nonmagnetic Insulating States near the Mott Transitions on Lattices with Geometrical Frustration and Implications for κ\kappa-(ET)2_2Cu2(CN)3_2(CN)_3

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    We study phase diagrams of the Hubbard model on anisotropic triangular lattices, which also represents a model for κ\kappa-type BEDT-TTF compounds. In contrast with mean-field predictions, path-integral renormalization group calculations show a universal presence of nonmagnetic insulator sandwitched by antiferromagnetic insulator and paramagnetic metals. The nonmagnetic phase does not show a simple translational symmetry breakings such as flux phases, implying a genuine Mott insulator. We discuss possible relevance on the nonmagnetic insulating phase found in κ\kappa-(ET)2_2Cu2(CN)3_2(CN)_3.Comment: 4pages including 7 figure

    Antiferromagnetic Order in Disorder-Induced Insulating Phase of SrRu_{1-x}Mn_xO_3 (0.4<x<0.6)

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    We have performed the powder neutron diffraction measurements on the solid solutions of SrRu_{1-x}Mn_xO_3, and found that the itinerant ferromagnetic order observed in pure SrRuO_3 changes into the C-type antiferromagnetic (AF) order with nearly localized d electrons in the intermediate Mn concentration between x=0.4 and 0.6. With increasing x, the AF moment is strongly enhanced from 1.1 mB (x=0.4) to 2.6 mB (x=0.6), which is accompanied by the elongation of the tetragonal c/a ratio. These results suggest that the substitution of Mn for Ru suppresses the itinerant character of the d electrons, and induces the superexchange interaction through the compression in the c plane. We have also found that the magnetic and transport properties observed in our tetragonal samples are quite similar to those of recently reported orthorhombic ones.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Vortex lattice structures of Sr2_2RuO4_4

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    The vortex lattice structures of Sr2_2RuO4_4 for the odd parity representations of the superconducting state are examined for the magnetic field along the crystallographic directions. Particular emphasis is placed upon the two dimensional representation which is believed to be relevant to this material. It is shown that when the zero-field state breaks time reversal symmetry, there must exist two superconducting transitions when there is a finite field along a high symmetry direction in the basal plane. Also it is shown that a square vortex lattice is expected when the field is along the cc-axis. The orientation of the square lattice with respect to the underlying ionic lattice yields information as to which Ru 4d orbitals are relevant to the superconducting state.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Low temperature electronic properties of Sr_2RuO_4 III: Magnetic fields

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    Based on the microscopic model introduced previously the observed specific heat and ac-susceptibility data in the superconducting phase in Sr_2RuO_4 with applied magnetic fields are described consistently within a phenomenological approach. Discussed in detail are the temperature dependence of the upper critical fields H_{c2} and H_2, the dependence of the upper critical fields on the field direction, the linear specific heat below the superconducting phase transition as a function of field or temperature, the anisotropy of the two spatial components of the order parameter, and the fluctuation field H_p.Comment: 8 pages REVTEX, 4 figure

    Hadronic Annihilation Decay Rates of P-wave Heavy Quarkonia with Both Relativistic and QCD Radiative Corrections

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    Hadronic annihilation decay rates of P-wave heavy quarkonia are given to next-to-leading order in both αs\alpha_s and v2v^2. They include ten nonperturbative parameters, which can be rigorously defined as the matrix elements of color-singlet and color-octet operators in NRQCD. We expect these papameters will be determined from lattice calculations in future.Comment: 5 Pages RevTex. The paper is withdraw

    Stationary Josephson effect in a weak-link between nonunitary triplet superconductors

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    A stationary Josephson effect in a weak-link between misorientated nonunitary triplet superconductors is investigated theoretically. The non-self-consistent quasiclassical Eilenberger equation for this system has been solved analytically. As an application of this analytical calculation, the current-phase diagrams are plotted for the junction between two nonunitary bipolar ff-wave superconducting banks. A spontaneous current parallel to the interface between superconductors has been observed. Also, the effect of misorientation between crystals on the Josephson and spontaneous currents is studied. Such experimental investigations of the current-phase diagrams can be used to test the pairing symmetry in the above-mentioned superconductors.Comment: 6 pages and 6 figure