157 research outputs found

    Bäuerliche Erbgewohnheiten in Oberösterreich am Beispiel der Bezirksgerichtssprengel Wels und Bad Leonfelden

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    Ziel dieser empirischen Untersuchung ist es, nicht nur die historische, sondern vor allem die aktuelle Praxis der Generationennachfolge in der Landwirtschaft in Oberösterreich näher zu beleuchten. Beide hängen unabdingbar zusammen. Die Untersuchung stützt sich auf die Auswertung sämtlicher Hofübergabeverträge in den Bezirksgerichtssprengeln Wels und Bad Leonfelden im Zeitraum von 1981 bis 2005 sowie auf die Befragung einer Vielzahl fachkundiger Personen im gesamten oberösterreichischen Raum. Überdies liegen dieser Arbeit Untersuchungen der Anerbenrechtsakten des Bezirksgerichtssprengels Wels und Erfahrungsberichte von Landwirten zugrunde. Zusammenfassend kann festgestellt werden, dass das mit Abstand wichtigste und am häufigesten praktizierte Instrument der bäuerlichen Generationennachfolge der Hofübergabevertrag ist, während die Intestaterbfolge sowie andere Übertragungsarten gänzlich in den Hintergrund treten. Als kritikwürdig in diesem Zusammenhang zeigt sich allerdings der Umstand, dass die Hofnachfolge mittels Übergabevertrag oftmals Regelungsgegenstand einer in Traditionalismus, Detailreichtum und Vertragsmustern befangenen Kautelarjurisprudenz ist, folglich den heutigen Ansprüchen nicht immer genügt. Eine Lösungsmöglichkeit für diese Problematik ist keineswegs die gesetzliche Regelung dieses Vertragstypus, vielmehr werden Vertragsverfasser aufgerufen die individuellen Bedürfnisse der Parteien über die Antiquiertheit starrer Vertragsmuster zu stellen. Trotz des starken Überwiegens der vorweggenommenen Erbfolge kann dem Anerbenrecht, als gesetzliche Erbfolge in Bauerngüter, keinesfalls die Nützlichkeit abgesprochen werden. Es ist ein unverzichtbares Instrumentarium, welches trotz eines gewissen Reformbedarfs im „Notfall“ den Weiterbestand eines Hofes zu garantieren vermag

    Supervised Visitation and Monitored Exchange: Review of the Literature and Annotated Bibliography

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    Though courts increasingly rely on supervised visitation services in custody disputes and child welfare cases (Salem, Kulak, & Deutsch, 2007), a search of the literature produces few studies reporting empirically validated aspects of supervised visitation programs. The current literature about supervised visitation extensively documents the rationale for providing the service and contains numerous descriptions of provider programs (Birnbaum & Alaggia, 2006). The next generation of research must focus on long-term outcomes that demonstrate effectiveness of supervised visitation programs (Birnbaum & Alaggia, 2006). This project involves a review of the literature concerning supervised visitation and child access services. The intent of the research is to summarize best practices supported by empirical evidence. It identifies emerging trends, issues, and gaps in the relevant literature. It also integrates the best practices analysis with recommendations for further consideration by the leadership of the Maryland Judiciary

    Factors Associated with Emergency Room Choice Among Medicare Patients

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    Changing macroenvironmental factors have caused hospital administrators to reassess their positions across all service lines and market segments. This pilot study explores relationships among the service experience, satisfaction and future patronage decisions among 368 Medicare patients, an often overlooked segmaent, who were recent users of a hospital emergency room

    Management of Patients with Atopic Dermatitis: The Role of Emollient Therapy

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    Atopic dermatitis is a common inflammatory skin disorder that afflicts a growing number of young children. Genetic, immune, and environmental factors interact in a complex fashion to contribute to disease expression. The compromised stratum corneum found in atopic dermatitis leads to skin barrier dysfunction, which results in aggravation of symptoms by aeroallergens, microbes, and other insults. Infants—whose immune system and epidermal barrier are still developing—display a higher frequency of atopic dermatitis. Management of patients with atopic dermatitis includes maintaining optimal skin care, avoiding allergic triggers, and routinely using emollients to maintain a hydrated stratum corneum and to improve barrier function. Flares of atopic dermatitis are often managed with courses of topical corticosteroids or calcineurin inhibitors. This paper discusses the role of emollients in the management of atopic dermatitis, with particular emphasis on infants and young children

    Child Custody Evaluations: Review of the Literature and Annotated Bibliography

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    This review of custody evaluation literature encompasses a number of perspectives gleaned from the following: practitioners who perform the evaluations; the professional organizations that recognize the necessity to establish performance standards for practitioners; and the judges who depend on the findings and recommendations in the evaluations to assist with difficult custody decisions. General agreement exists among practitioners about the components of a comprehensive evaluation (interviews of adults responsible for child care, interviews of children and their preferences, life histories, observations, psychological testing, document review, and collateral source data), though little consensus exists about the details of performance concerning a given component. For instance, many authors recommend direct parent-child observations, but there is little agreement about observational protocols (Hynan, 2002). Choice of psychological test(s) is largely left to the discretion of the evaluator (Turkat, 2005), though evaluators are urged to choose tests that address issues of parenting capacity (AFCC Standards, 2006; DeWard, 2005). Stark differences of opinion exist concerning the suitability of using several commonly employed tests, including the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI), the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT), Rorschach, and the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory - III (MCMI-III). One author believes these tests were designed for other uses and should be excluded from the custody evaluation process (Ericson, 2007), while others assert that these tests are helpful to verify information reported by parents, children, and others in disputed custody cases (Jaffe & Mandeleew, 2008). Parent inventory tests designed for use in custody evaluations, such as the Parent-Child Relationship Inventory (Gerard, 2005) and the Parenting Stress Index (Abidin, 1995), are used more frequently since the inception of the American Psychological Association (APA) guidelines (1994) (Quinnell & Bow, 2001)

    Eine negative Geburtserfahrung: Einfluss auf Stresshormone und depressive Symptome?

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    Hintergrund: Eine negative Geburtserfahrung erhöht das Risiko, eine postpartale Depression (PPD) zu entwickeln. Veränderungen der Hypothalamus-Hypophysen-Nebennieren-Achse (HHNA) werden als ein zugrundeliegender Mechanismus diskutiert. Bisher gibt es nur wenig Forschung zu dem Zusammenhang zwischen negativen Geburtserfahrungen und langfristig integrierten Glukokortikoiden. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war zu untersuchen, ob objektive und subjektive Geburtserfahrungen mütterliche Glukokortikoide, gemessen anhand der Haarsegmentanalyse, vor-hersagen können. Methoden: Acht Wochen nach der Geburt wurden Haarproben von 257 Müttern entnommen, die in der prospektiven Kohortenstudie DREAMHAIR teilnahmen. Die Haar-Glukokortikoide wurden in den kopfhautnahen 2cm Haarsegmenten mittels der Flüssigchromatographie-Massenspektrometrie quantifiziert. Die analysierten Haarsträhnen spiegeln die Stresshormonkonzentrationen von der Geburt bis zu zwei Monaten nach der Entbindung wider. Die objektive und subjektive Geburtserfahrung sowie die PPD-Symptome wurden mittels etablierter Fragebögen gemessen. Ergebnisse: Die Geburtserfahrung war kein signifikanter Prädiktor für Cortisol oder Cortisone und Letztere sagten PPD-Symptome nicht signifikant vorher. Allerdings sagte eine negative objektive und subjektive Geburtserfahrung eine signifikant höhere Cortisol/Cortisone Ratio voraus und die Cortisol/Cortisone Ratio wiederum war ein signifikanter Prädiktor von PPD-Symptomen. Der Zusammenhang zwischen einer subjektiven negativen Geburtserfahrung und PPD-Symptomen wurde teilweise durch die Cortisol/Cortisone Ratio erklärt. Schlussfolgerungen: Die Ergebnisse legen nahe, dass eine negative Geburtserfahrung mit einer höheren mütterlichen Cortisol/Cortisone Ratio assoziiert ist. Insbesondere die subjektive Geburtserfahrung ist ein wesentlicher Risikofaktor für Veränderungen des Glukokortikoid-Stoffwechsels, welche wiederum PPD-Symptome vorhersagen. Unsere Studie deutet darauf hin, dass die Cortisol/Cortisone Ratio ein vielversprechender Biomarker sein könnte, um Frauen mit einem erhöhten Risiko für die Entwicklung einer PPD zu identifizieren.:Theoretischer Hintergrund Methoden Diskussio

    Roles of Proteoglycans and Glycosaminoglycans in Wound Healing and Fibrosis

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    A wound is a type of injury that damages living tissues. In this review, we will be referring mainly to healing responses in the organs including skin and the lungs. Fibrosis is a process of dysregulated extracellular matrix (ECM) production that leads to a dense and functionally abnormal connective tissue compartment (dermis). In tissues such as the skin, the repair of the dermis after wounding requires not only the fibroblasts that produce the ECM molecules, but also the overlying epithelial layer (keratinocytes), the endothelial cells, and smooth muscle cells of the blood vessel and white blood cells such as neutrophils and macrophages, which together orchestrate the cytokine-mediated signaling and paracrine interactions that are required to regulate the proper extent and timing of the repair process. This review will focus on the importance of extracellular molecules in the microenvironment, primarily the proteoglycans and glycosaminoglycan hyaluronan, and their roles in wound healing. First, we will briefly summarize the physiological, cellular, and biochemical elements of wound healing, including the importance of cytokine cross-talk between cell types. Second, we will discuss the role of proteoglycans and hyaluronan in regulating these processes. Finally, approaches that utilize these concepts as potential therapies for fibrosis are discussed

    CryoEM structure and Alphafold molecular modelling of a novel molluscan hemocyanin

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    Hemocyanins are multimeric oxygen transport proteins present in the blood of arthropods and molluscs, containing up to 8 oxygen-binding functional units per monomer. In molluscs, hemocyanins are assembled in decamer ‘building blocks’ formed of 5 dimer ‘plates’, routinely forming didecamer or higher-order assemblies with d5 or c5 symmetry. Here we describe the cryoEM structures of the didecamer (20-mer) and tridecamer (30-mer) forms of a novel hemocyanin from the slipper limpet Crepidula fornicata (SLH) at 7.0 and 4.7 Å resolution respectively. We show that two decamers assemble in a ‘tail-tail’ configuration, forming a partially capped cylinder, with an additional decamer adding on in ‘head-tail’ configuration to make the tridecamer. Analysis of SLH samples shows substantial heterogeneity, suggesting the presence of many higher-order multimers including tetra- and pentadecamers, formed by successive addition of decamers in head-tail configuration. Retrieval of sequence data for a full-length isoform of SLH enabled the use of Alphafold to produce a molecular model of SLH, which indicated the formation of dimer slabs with high similarity to those found in keyhole limpet hemocyanin. The fit of the molecular model to the cryoEM density was excellent, showing an overall structure where the final two functional units of the subunit (FU-g and FU-h) form the partial cap at one end of the decamer, and permitting analysis of the subunit interfaces governing the assembly of tail-tail and head-tail decamer interactions as well as potential sites for N-glycosylation. Our work contributes to the understanding of higher-order oligomer formation in molluscan hemocyanins and demonstrates the utility of Alphafold for building accurate structural models of large oligomeric proteins

    Increase in mammography detected breast cancer over time at a community based regional cancer center: a longitudinal cohort study 1990–2005

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    Background: Coincident with the advent of mammography screening, breast carcinoma in situ has increased in the US population. Methods: We conducted a prospective cohort study of all women presenting with primary breast cancer, aged 21-94, and biopsy confirmed Stage 0-IV from 1990-2005 identified and tracked by our registry. Clinical presentation characteristics including age, race, TNM stage, family and pregnancy history, histologic type and method of detection by patient (PtD), physician (PhysD) or mammography (MgD) were chart abstracted at time of diagnosis. Cases with unknown or other method of detection (n = 84), or unusual cell types (n = 26) were removed (n = 6074). Results: From 1990 to 1998 the percentage of PtD and MgD cases was roughly equivalent. In 1999 the percentage of MgD cases increased to 56% and PtD dropped to 37%, a significant 20% differential, constant to 2005 (Pearson chi square = 120.99, p less than .001). Overall, percent TNM stage 0 (breast carcinoma in situ) cases increased after 1990, percent stage I and III cases declined, and stage II and IV cases remained constant (Pearson chi square = 218.36, p less than .001). Increase in MgD over time differed by age group with an 8.5% increase among women age 40-49 and 12% increase among women age 50-95. Women age 21-39 rarely had MgD BC. In forward stepwise logistic regression modeling, significant predictors of MgD BC by order of entry were TNM stage, age at diagnosis, diagnosis year, and race (chi square = 1867.56, p less than .001). Conclusion: In our cohort the relative proportion of mammography detected breast cancer increased over time with a higher increase among women age 50+ and an increase of breast carcinoma in situ exclusively among MgD cases. The increase among women currently targeted by mammography screening programs (age = 50) combined with an increase of breast carcinoma in situ most often detected by mammography screening indicates a possible incidence shift to lower stage breast cancer as a result of mammographic detection.Kaplan Research Fun