54 research outputs found

    Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) – epidemic of the XXI century

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    The term “non-alcoholic fatty liver disease” (NAFLD) was first introduced by Ludwig in 1980. He described NAFLD as a liver disease characterized by lipid accumulation in the hepatocytes of people who do not abuse alcohol (<20g/ethanol/day). NAFLD comprises of a range of disorders, including simple fatty liver without the symptoms of damaged hepatocytes, as well as complex fatty liver with an ongoing inflammation and developing fibrosis. It is estimated that 2-44% of adult Europeans will develop a fatty liver. The pathogenesis and development of NAFLD is a complicated process involving numerous factors, such as: dyslipidemia, insulin resistance, overweight, obesity, mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress, the development of an inflammatory state, the disorders of the metabolism of fat tissue, dysbiosis and genetic factors. Because the mechanism of the illness is based on many factors, the multiple hits hypothesis serves as the new and generally standard approach to this pathological unit. The basis of this theory is the development of insulin resistance, which is one of the main causes of steatosis. The consequence of insulin resistance is an increased glucose level (associated with impaired insulin receptors) and excessive insulin production leading to elevated levels of this hormone in the serum. Insulin resistance causes continuous stimulation of gluconeogenesis and hyperglycemia. On the other hand, hyperinsulinemia stimulates the hepatic synthesis of the de novo lipogenesis and leads to steatosis. NAFLD is also closely connected to the metabolism disorders of fatty acids. The pathomechanism of the illness includes an increased concentration of FFA in blood, an increase in the biosynthesis of fatty acids in the liver, as well as disorders in the process of β-oxidation

    Caloric Restriction Diet (CR diet) or Mediterranean Diet (MD) - Which is the Best Choice for Former Athletes?

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    Overweight or obesity which often develop in athletes who end their careers is one of the most important issues of the world of sport. During aging, an increase in the amount of intra-abdominal fat is observed; this fat increases the risk of such metabolic disease as diabetes or hypertension. The participants of the study were 94 males. The people were randomly assigned to one of 2 groups: group 1 &ndash; people using the diet based on calorie restriction CRON (n = 32), and group 2 &ndash; those who followed the recommendations of the Mediterranean diet (n = 34). The patients who at the check-up declared not following any diet were assigned to the control group (n = 28). A change in parameters was observed in each of the sub-groups after the intervention. The most significant changes were observed in the sub-group which lost &gt;2.6 kg. Both the diet based on mild calorie restriction and the Mediterranean diet had positive effect on the change of the former athlete&rsquo;s body parameters after the 6-week long dietary intervention. Both diets which were being tested changed the body composition of the athletes who ended their careers in a similar way

    Changes in the IGF-1 and TNF-α synthesis pathways before and after three-month reduction diet with low glicemic index in women with PCOS

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    Objectives: An increase in IGF-I and TNF-α may be a cardioprotective effect. To examine the relationships between IGF-I and TNF-α and test the anthropometric and biochemical parameters before and after a low-glycemic index reduction diet using a correlation matrix. Material and methods: Twenty-two women diagnosed with PCOS according to Rotterdam’s criteria were eligible for this study, which analysed the results before and after a three months dietary intervention. Body composition measurements were determined by bioimpedance and performed twice, along with the labelling of lipid, carbohydrate and hormonal profiles. IGF-I and TNF-α were also determined in the serum. Results: Before dietary intervention, a significant correlation was observed. A correlation was also noted between the increase in TNF-α and DHEA-SO4, FSH, glucose level and total cholesterol. The increase in IGF-I was not related to anth­ropometric measurements: however, its concentration was observed to be related to the level of SHBG and HDL. After dietary intervention, the correlation between TNF-α and muscle mass percentage was confirmed, as was the correlation between WHR and fasting blood glucose levels. A significant negative correlation was observed between extracellular water, provided in litres, and SHBG level. Conclusions: One important role of IGF-I in PCOS pathogenesis is the stimulation of increased synthesis of SHBG and HDL. The increased level of IGF-I after the reduction diet had a cardioprotective effect. TNF-α inhibits FSH synthesis, preventing the growth of numerous follicles. Its synthesis is also related to DHEA-SO4. After three-month reduction diet does not significantly reduce TNF-α

    Reduction of sitting time has a positive effect on the decrease of insulin resistance in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

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    Abstract Introduction: Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) affects a large part of the human population. One of the major environmental factors associated with the risk of NAFLD is the lack of physical activity. Aim: To compare the level of physical activity and the insulin resistance in NAFLD patients. Material and methods: Thirty patients with NAFLD underwent a six-month dietary intervention based on the principles of classical dietetics. Data about diet and physical activity was based on 72-hour nutrition diaries and International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ). Standard blood biochemical analyses were carried out before and after diet at the University Hospital Laboratory. Results: The study showed that total physical activity and physical activity in leisure time are negatively correlated with insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) (p &lt; 0.05). Insulin (p &lt; 0.05), body weight (p &lt; 0.05), and waist-hip ratio (WHR) (p &lt; 0.05) were also negatively correlated with physical activity in free time. In addition, we noticed a positive correlation between sitting time and the risk of insulin resistance, in the case of HOMA-IR and insulin concentration (p &lt; 0.05). Conclusions: Dietary intervention and a physical activity plan are important factors in the treatment of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Taking regular exercise increases insulin sensitivity and prevents further development of the disease. It seems that diet and physical activity are not the only one risk factors of NAFLD. Our study reveals that the reduction of sitting time has a positive effect on the level of insulin and it reduces insulin resistance in patients with NAFLD

    Fatty acid changes help to better understand regression of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease

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    Diet-Induced Rat Model of Gradual Development of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) with Lipopolysaccharides (LPS) Secretion

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    Background: Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is one of the most common liver disorders in industrialized Western countries. The prevalence of the disease is estimated to range from 4% to 46% worldwide. The aim of study was to develop an animal model with gradual NAFLD development. Methods: Sprague-Dawley rats were fed a high-fat and high-cholesterol (HFHCh) diet. The rats from the study and control groups were sacrificed after 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, and 20 weeks of dietary exposure. Results: Analysis of biochemical parameters showed that after only two weeks, ALT and cholesterol concentration in serum were elevated. After 4 weeks, TNF-&alpha; and HOMA-IR were significantly higher compared to the control group. NAFLD progression started after 12 weeks of diet-weight gain and increased LPS secretions were noticed. During the experiment, rats induced steatosis (from stage 0/1 after 4 weeks to stage 2/3 after 20 weeks), inflammation (from stage 0/1 after 4 weeks to stage 1/2 after 20 weeks), and fibrosis (from stage 1 after 12 weeks to stage 2 after 20 weeks). Conclusion: We can assume that the presented model based on the HFHCh diet induced gradual development of NAFLD. We confirmed that the animal NAFLD model increases LPS secretions during disease progression

    In the service of the 8th art: the photo-literary device in André Breton’s L'amour fou (1937)

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    Celem pracy magisterskiej jest przybliżenie pojęcia narzędzia foto-literackiego oraz określenie w jakim stopniu fotografie zawarte w L’amour fou (1937) André Bretona wpisują się w jego kadr. Na podstawie badań Philippa Ortela oraz publikacji Hippolyta Bayarda i Georges’a Rodenbacha przedstawiona zostaje jego właściwa definicja. Zanalizowana zostaje również panorama fotografii surrealistycznej oraz jej główne wyznaczniki, co stanowi punkt wyjścia w interpretacji zdjęć zamieszczonych w omawianym dziele. Definicja wprowadzona przez Davida Bate'a pozwala na dogłębne zbadanie surrealistycznej specyfiki fotografii. Omówione funkcje zamieszczonych w L’amour fou fotografii oraz ich związek z warstwą tekstualną pozwalają stwierdzić w jaki sposób zdjęcia te wpisują się w ruch surrealistyczny, czy ilustrują one jedynie historie opisane przez Bretona, czy też należą do tego ruchu nawet poza kontekstem literackim. Wnioski po zbadaniu rozbieżności le signifiant i le signifié w fotografiach podkreślają przynależność L’amour fou do gatunku narzędzia foto-literackiego.The aim of this Master's thesis is to present the concept of the photo-literary device and to determine the extent to which the photographs in André Breton's L'amour fou (1937) fall within this framework. Based on Philipp Ortel's research and the publications of Hippolyte Bayard and Georges Rodenbach, the pertinent definition is presented. The panorama of surrealist photography and its main determinants are also analysed, providing a starting point for interpreting the photographs included in the book in question. The definition introduced by David Bate allows for an in-depth study of the surrealist specificity of photography. The functions discussed for the images included in L'amour fou and their relationship to the textual layer allow us to see how these photographs belong to the Surrealist movement, whether they simply illustrate the stories described by Breton or whether they belong to this movement even outside the literary context. The conclusions drawn from this analysis of the difference between the signifier and the signified in the photographs underline the fact that L'amour fou belongs to the genre of the photo-literary device.L'objectif du présent mémoire de master consiste à présenter le concept du dispositif photo-littéraire et à déterminer dans quelle mesure les photographies contenues dans L'amour fou (1937) d'André Breton s'inscrivent dans ce cadre. Sur la base des recherches de Philipp Ortel et des publications d'Hippolyte Bayard et de Georges Rodenbach, sa définition pertinante est présentée. Le panorama de la photographie surréaliste et ses principaux déterminants sont également analysés, fournissant un point de départ pour l'interprétation des photographies incluses dans l'ouvrage en question. La définition introduite par David Bate permet une étude approfondie de la spécificité surréaliste de la photographie. Les fonctions discutées des images incluses dans L'amour fou et leur relation avec la couche textuelle permettent de voir comment ces photos s'inscrivent dans le mouvement surréaliste, si elles illustrent simplement les histoires décrites par Breton ou si elles appartiennent à ce mouvement même en dehors du contexte littéraire. Les conclusions résultant de cette analyse de l'écart entre le signifiant et le signifié dans les photographies soulignent l'appartenance de L'amour fou au genre du dispositif photo-littéraire

    Passage to the surreal in Mad Love (1937) by André Breton

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    Celem mojej pracy było ukazanie możliwości przejścia w nadrealność na przykładzie „L’amour fou" André Bretona. „L’amour fou" jest próbą odnalezienia przez autora elementów surrealistycznych w swoim codziennym życiu. Analiza motywu miłości, przypadkowych spotkań, znalezionych przedmiotów oraz mitycznych miejsc pozwoliła mi ukazać co składa się na tajemniczą substancję nadrealności i co ona oznacza dla autora.The aim of my thesis was to present the possibility of a passage to the surreal in 'Mad Love' by André Breton. 'Mad Love' is the author’s attempt to find surreal elements in his everyday life. The analysis of the motifs of love, random encounters, found objects and mythical places allowed me to show what constitutes the mysterious substance of surreality and what it means to the author.Le but de mon mémoire était de montrer la possibilité du passage vers le surréel dans « L'amour fou » d'André Breton. « L'amour fou » est une tentative de Breton de trouver des éléments surréels dans sa vie quotidienne. L'analyse des motifs de l'amour, des rencontres aléatoires, des objets trouvés et des lieux mythiques m'a permis de démontrer ce qui constitue la substance mystérieuse du surréel et ce qu'elle signifie pour l'auteur

    The Relationship between Prebiotic Supplementation and Anthropometric and Biochemical Parameters in Patients with NAFLD—A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials

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    We aim to systematically review the efficacy of prebiotics in reducing anthropometric and biochemical parameters in individuals with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). A systematic search using PubMed/MEDLINE, Embase, clinicaltrials.gov, Cinahl, and Web of Science of articles published up to 20 March 2020 was performed for randomized controlled trials enrolling &gt;20 adult patients. Random-effect meta-analysis for metabolic outcomes in NAFLD patients was performed for anthropometric data in addition to liver enzyme, carbohydrate, and lipid parameters. We found six trials (comprising a total of 242 patients) with NAFLD, with subjects aged 38&ndash;52 years. The mean time of fiber administration varied between 10 and 12 weeks. The main fiber types were psyllium (seeds or powder), Ocimum basilicum (seeds), and high-performance inulin and oligofructose powder at doses of either 10 or 16 g per day. The control group received either maltodextrin (powder or capsules) or crushed wheat (powder). Patients on the diet with added fiber had improvements in body mass index (BMI) (standardized mean difference (SMD) = &minus;0.494, 95% confidence interval (CI): &minus;0.864 to &minus;0.125, p = 0.009); alanine aminotransferase (ALT) (SMD = &minus;0.667, 95% CI: &minus;1.046 to &minus;0.288, p = 0.001); aspartate aminotransferase (AST) (SMD = &minus;0.466, 95% CI: &minus;0.840 to &minus;0.091, p = 0.015); fasting insulin (SMD = &minus;0.705, 95% CI: &minus;1.115 to &minus;0.295, p = 0.001); and homeostasis model assessment for insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) (SMD = &minus;0.619, 95% CI: &minus;1.026 to &minus;0.211, p = 0.003). Hence, the results show that fiber supplements result in favorable changes as reflected in the measurement of anthropometric, metabolic, and liver-related biomarkers, i.e., body mass index (BMI), homeostasis model assessment for insulin resistance (HOMA-IR), insulin, alanine aminotransferase (ALT), and aspartate aminotransferase (AST). These effects suggest the potential benefits of fiber consumption for NAFLD populations. More prospective, controlled studies should be conducted to reveal specific details regarding the fiber type, dosage, and duration for optimal intervention