22 research outputs found

    Work locus of control and burnout in Polish physiotherapists: The mediating effect of coping styles

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    Objectives: The aim of this study was to explain the relationship between work locus of control and burnout in Polish physiotherapists through the mediation of coping styles. In particular, we hypothesized that external work locus of control may have a positive direct relationship with burnout symptoms via positive relationship with emotion-focused and avoidant coping styles, and a negative relationship with problem-focused style. Material and Methods: We tested the mediational hypothesis using structural equation modeling of self-report data from 155 Polish physiotherapists. Results: The relationship between external work locus of control and physiotherapists’ burnout was shown to be mediated by a positive relationship with emotion-focused coping and an inverse relationship with problem-focused coping. The variables included in the model explained about 15% of the variance of emotional exhaustion, 14% of depersonalization, and 14% of personal accomplishment. Conclusions: Physiotherapists perceiving the situation as difficult to control, feel more burned out when they use more emotion-focused strategies, and less problem-focused strategies. This indicates the importance of including both, problem-focused coping training and increasing the perception of the situation controllability in preventing physiotherapists’ burnout programs

    Sense of happiness in Polish patients with multiple sclerosis

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    Introduction. Happiness is crucial to patient well-being and their acceptance of their disease. The aim of this study was to assess the sense of happiness in persons with multiple sclerosis (PwMS), compare it to the level of happiness in patients with other neurological conditions, and determine which factors affect the sense of happiness in PwMS. Material and methods. Five hundred and eighty-nine PwMS and 145 control subjects (post-stroke patients with chronic pain syndromes and neuropathies) were included in the study. Due to the differences between the groups in terms of demographic variables, an adjusted group of PwMS (n = 145) was selected from the entire group of PwMS. All patients were assessed using the Oxford Happiness Questionnaire (OHQ), the Satisfaction with Life Scale (SLS), and the Family APGAR Questionnaire. Based on regression analysis, the study examined which variables affected the level of happiness in the groups. Results. Analysis of the OHQ scores showed that PwMS had a lower sense of happiness compared to the control group in the overall score [113.21 (25–42) vs. 119.88 (25–49), respectively; p = 0.031] and the subscales (OHQ subscale 1 — 54.52 vs. 57.84, respectively; p = 0.027; subscale 2 — 35.61 vs. 37.67; respectively; p = 0.044). Based on linear regression analysis, life satisfaction (β = 0.40; p < 0.001), positive orientation (β = 0.32; p < 0.001), and primary education (β = 0.08; p = 0.009) were the most significant predictors of a higher level of happiness in PwMS. Similar results were found in the control group. Conclusions. The sense of happiness in PwMS was lower than in patients with other conditions. The most important factors influencing happiness included life satisfaction and positive orientation. Influencing these predictors should be the aim of psychological interventions, especially in patients with a reduced sense of happiness

    Demograficzne determinanty troski o siebie osób po zawale serca

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    Introduction: The low level of participation in cardiac rehabilitation of patients after myocardial infarction is one of the most important problems in cardiology. Participation in the cardiac rehabilitation process depends on many diverse factors and one of the fundamental ones is a self-care attitude. It is very important to find predictors which can effectively influence this attitude. If we can understand some of the self-care attitude predictors, we might be better prepared to lead a more effective and much faster form of rehabilitation. The presented studies relate to the above mentioned issues.Material and methods: The studies were performed on a group of 127 patients, 28 women and 99 men, after myocardial infarction, who were subjected to cardiac rehabilitation. The studies comprised filling out a questionnaire that appraises self-care and personal data. The results were then subjected to statistical analysis and discussion.Results: The study found that there is no correlation between the self care, age and socioeconomic status of the patients after myocardial infarction. There is a correlation between educational level and self care (0.01) and mental self care and gender (0.05). There is no correlation between general self care and gender.Conclusion: It resulted from the studies that along with the level of education the level of self care increases. Results suggest that the education of the patients after myocardial infarction can be an important factor influencing people’s self care. Results also indicate that women have a higher level of mental self care than men do. Although there was no relation between self care, age and socioeconomic status, the results show that there is a trend in this connection that might be important. Further research into this problem should be encouraged.Wstęp: Sposób w jaki człowiek troszczy się o swoje życie, jego jakość i kształt uzależniony jest od wielu czynników. Analizując ich wpływ na zachowania jednostki względem własnego zdrowia nietrudno dostrzec, że istotne znaczenie mają tak podstawowe własności podmiotu jak wiek, płeć, wykształcenie czy też poziom dochodów jednostki. Przyjmując, że troska o siebie stanowi główny czynnik kształtujący poziom aktywności własnej jednostki w procesie rehabilitacji, zasadnym wydaje się założenie, że powyższe czynniki wpływać będą także na poziom troszczenia się o siebie. Ustalenie tych zależności było głównym celem niniejszego opracowania.Materiał i metody: Badaniami objętych zostało 127 osób, które przeszły zawał serca po raz pierwszy i nie miały innych poważnych chorób towarzyszących. Przebadanych zostało 28 kobiet i 99 mężczyzn. Badanie polegało na wypełnieniu kwestionariusza KTS mierzącego poziom troski o siebie oraz metryczki pozwalającej ustalić wiek, płeć, wykształcenie oraz poziom dochodu na jednego członka rodziny badanego.Wyniki: Uzyskane wyniki badań, pozwalają stwierdzić, iż nie ma istotnego związku między wiekiem i poziomem dochodu a troską o siebie i jej rodzajami. Istnieje związek na poziomie istotności 0,01 między poziomem wykształcenia a poziomem i rodzajami troski o siebie. Badania nie wykazały związku między płcią a ogólnym poziomem troski o siebie. Istnieje natomiast związek na poziomie istotności 0,05 między płcią a troską o funkcjonowanie psychiczne. Wnioski: Z przeprowadzonych badań wynika, że wraz z poziomem wykształcenia wzrasta poziom troski o siebie. Tym samym edukacja pacjenta w rehabilitacji kardiologicznej, może być jednym z podstawowych i najprostszych środków oddziaływania, zwiększających jego poziom troszczenia się o siebie. Wiek i poziom dochodów okazały się nie mieć istotnego znaczenia dla troski o siebie jednak w przypadkach obu zmiennych daje się zaobserwować pewne tendencje, które skłaniać powinny do dalszych analiz. Płeć nie ma znaczenia dla ogólnego poziomu troski o siebie, jednak kobiety istotnie bardziej troszczą się o swoje funkcjonowanie psychiczne niż mężczyźni

    Self-image after myocardial infarction and self-care attitude

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    Introduction: One of the factors which increase the rehabilitation efficacy and accelerate the convalescence and return to society of the patients after myocardial infarction may be the self-care attitude. Therefore it seems justifiable to seek such factors which will affect the self-care level. Self-estimation belongs to the most important determinants of coping efficacy and undertaking health behaviours. Considering that health behaviours may be treated as a behavioural manifestation of the self-care attitude, it is probable that the correlation between the self-image and self-care attitude appears to be strong. Aim: The aim of the research was determination of the strength of the correlation between the level of self-image and selfcare attitude as well as the care types in patients after myocardial infarction. Methods: The study involved 127 persons whohad myocardial infarction for the first time and did not undergo any other severe concomitant illnesses. The study covered 28 women and 99 men aged from 39 to 81, with the average age 57.74. The study consisted in completing the KTS questionnaire measuring the self-care level and OS questionnaire measuring the self-image level. The results were analysed statistically and discussed. Results: Analysis of the levels of self-care and self-image in patients after myocardial infarction showed a strong correlation between those variables at the 0.01 significance level. It is a linear correlation which means that the higher the self-image level, the higher the self-care level. This rule applies to each of the care dimensions, i.e. Responsibility, involvement and future perspective as well as each of the types of self-care. Conclusions: The research indicated a strong correlation between the self-care level and types and the self-image level in those who underwent myocardial infarction. It appeared that the higher the self-image level after myocardial infarction, the higher the self-care level and the fuller the self-care. Therefore the self-acceptance level should be increased in the patient, because in the case of those who underwent myocardial infarction it is extremely important for development of the self-care attitude. A change in the self-image from negative into positive may be directly translated into an increase in the self-care level.Wstęp: Jednym z czynników zwiększających skuteczność rehabilitacji i przyspieszających proces zdrowienia oraz powrotu do społeczeństwa osób po zawałach serca może być postawa troski o siebie. W związku z powyższym zasadne wydaje się poszukiwanie takich czynników, które wpływać będą na poziom troski o siebie. Ocena samego siebie należy do najistotniejszych wyznaczników efektywności radzenia sobie i podejmowania zachowań zdrowotnych. Biorąc pod uwagę, że zachowania zdrowotne traktować można jako behawioralny przejaw postawy troski o siebie, istnieje prawdopodobieństwo, że związek między obrazem siebie a postawą troski o siebie okaże się równie silny. Cel: Celem badań było określenie siły związku między poziomem obrazu siebie a postawą troski o siebie i rodzajami troski o siebie pacjentów po zawałach serca. Metody: Badaniami zostało objętych 127 osób, które przeszły zawał serca po raz pierwszy i nie miały innych poważnych chorób towarzyszących. Przebadanych zostało 28 kobiet i 99 mężczyzn, w przedziale wiekowym 39-81 lat, średnia wieku wynosiła 57,74 roku. Badanie polegało na wypełnieniu kwestionariusza KTS mierzącego poziom troski o siebie oraz kwestionariusza OS mierzącego poziom obrazu siebie. Wyniki badań poddano analizie statystycznej i omówieniu. Wyniki: Analiza poziomu troski o siebie i obrazu siebie pacjentów po zawałach serca wykazała silny związek między tymi zmiennymi na poziomie istotności 0,01. Związek ten ma charakter liniowy i oznacza, że im wyższy poziom obrazu siebie, tym wyższy poziom troski o siebie. Reguła ta dotyczy każdego z wymiarów troski, a więc odpowiedzialności, zaangażowania i perspektywy przyszłościowej oraz każdego z rodzajów troski o siebie. Wnioski: Przeprowadzone badania wykazały silny związek między poziomem i rodzajami troski o siebie a poziomem obrazu siebie osób po zawałach serca. Okazało się, że im wyższy poziom obrazu siebie po przebytym zawale serca, tym wyższy poziom troski o siebie i pełniejsza troska o siebie. W związku z powyższym należy zwiększać u pacjenta poziom akceptacji samego siebie, gdyż w przypadku osób po zawałach serca ma to niezwykle istotne znaczenie dla kształtowania postawy troski o siebie. Zmiana obrazu siebie z negatywnego na pozytywny może w bezpośredni sposób przełożyć się na zwiększenie poziomu troski o samego siebie

    Giedroyc before the “Kultura”- different biographical approaches

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    Praca koncentruje się na ukazaniu, jak wczesny okres życia Jerzego Giedroycia jest ukazywany w biografii i autobiografii. Autor rozprawy licencjackiej zastanawia się, jakie ogólne wnioski z tej analizy można wyciągnąć dla teorii literatury dokumentu osobistego. Za podstawowe książki ukazujące życie Redaktora służą Autobiografia na cztery ręce Jerzego Giedroycia, biografia Jerzy Giedroyc życie przed Kulturą Marka Żebrowskiego oraz Jerzy Giedroyc do Polski ze Snu Magdaleny Grochowskiej. Teksty te, które zostają skonfrontowane z teoriami biograficznymi Philippe’a Lejeune’a, Małgorzaty Czermińskiej, Jerzego Jarniewicza i Anny Legeżyńskiej. Wnioski wypływające z tych zestawień przypominają, że pisanie biografii polega na tworzeniu obrazu jej bohatera, zależnego od zamierzeń autora lub autorki. Dodatkowo, uświadamiają, że każda z biografii jest propozycją, wersją, która może być przez następnych biografów zapisana inaczej.The thesis focuses on showing how the early period of Jerzy Giedroyc's life is portrayed in biography and autobiography. The author of the BA thesis wonders what general conclusions can be drawn from this analysis for the theory of personal document literature. Jerzy Giedroyc's Autobiography on Four Hands, Marek Żebrowski's biography Jerzy Giedroyc's Life Before Culture and Magdalena Grochowska's Jerzy Giedroyc to Poland from a Dream serve as the basic books presenting the life of the Editor. These texts are confronted with the biographical theories of Philippe Lejeune, Małgorzata Czermińska, Jerzy Jarniewicz and Anna Legeżyńska. Conclusions from these juxtapositions remind us that writing a biography involves creating an image of its protagonist, depending on the author's or author's intentions. Additionally, they make us aware that each biography is a proposal, a version that may be written differently by subsequent biographers

    Work locus of control and burnout in Polish physiotherapists: The mediating effect of coping styles

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    Objectives: The aim of this study was to explain the relationship between work locus of control and burnout in Polish physiotherapists through the mediation of coping styles. In particular, we hypothesized that external work locus of control may have a positive direct relationship with burnout symptoms via positive relationship with emotion-focused and avoidant coping styles, and a negative relationship with problem-focused style. Material and Methods: We tested the mediational hypothesis using structural equation modeling of self-report data from 155 Polish physiotherapists. Results: The relationship between external work locus of control and physiotherapists’ burnout was shown to be mediated by a positive relationship with emotion-focused coping and an inverse relationship with problem-focused coping. The variables included in the model explained about 15% of the variance of emotional exhaustion, 14% of depersonalization, and 14% of personal accomplishment. Conclusions: Physiotherapists perceiving the situation as difficult to control, feel more burned out when they use more emotion-focused strategies, and less problem-focused strategies. This indicates the importance of including both, problem-focused coping training and increasing the perception of the situation controllability in preventing physiotherapists’ burnout programs

    The perceived impact of multiple sclerosis and self-management: The mediating role of coping strategies.

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    Low level of self-management in people with multiple sclerosis (MS) is considered to be a predominant factor that leads to poor rehabilitation efficacy. Studies focusing on the relationship between self-management and psychological variables that can be modified could contribute to expanding the knowledge needed to propose interventional programs aiming at patient activation. This study aimed to analyze whether coping strategies play a mediating role in the association between the perceived impact of MS and level of self-management in people with MS. The cross-sectional study included 382 people with MS. The participants completed the Multiple Sclerosis Self-Management Scale-Revised, Multiple Sclerosis Impact Scale-29, and Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations. The study hypothesis was evaluated using mediation analysis. The STROBE checklist specifically prepared for cross-sectional research was applied in this study for reporting. Results indicate that the emotion- and problem-focused strategies of coping can be treated as mediating the association between the MS impact and level of self-management in people with MS. A negative relationship was found between the perceived MS impact and problem-oriented coping, while a positive relationship was found between problem-oriented coping and self-management. Furthermore, a positive relationship was found between the MS impact and emotion-oriented coping, while a negative relationship was found between emotion-oriented coping and self-management. The indirect role of avoidance-oriented coping was not significant. Our study confirms the role played by coping strategies in individuals' self-management. In MS, self-management determined by perceived MS impact can be controlled by decreasing emotional-coping while increasing problem-coping strategies. Our study imparts new knowledge regarding the potential interventions for improving the level of self-management in people with MS. It indicates that recognition of individuals' illness perceptions as well as maladaptive coping strategies can help health professionals identify those who might be having lower level of self-management

    Social support as a regulator of self-care attitude in persons with myocardial infarction

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    The article presents the results of research on the relationship between social support and self-care of people with myocardial infarction. 127 patients treated in a rehabilitation centre participated in the study. The Inventory of Socially Supportive Behaviours (ISSB) and the Self-care Questionnaire (KTS) developed by the author, were used. The findings suggest that persons receiving little support are characterised by lower level of self-care than people with medium and high level of support. No such difference was noted between people with medium and high support level. This suggests that social support is of considerable importance for the changes in the level of self-care only in the case of people previously receiving little support. The research also indicates that informational support is related to higher level of self-care whereas instrumental support is related to lower level of self-care. Emotional support was significant only for the care for social functioning

    Quality of life after stroke - pilot study

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    Wstęp. Obecnie do oceny skuteczności postępowania rehabilitacyjnego u osób po udarze mózgu coraz częściej stosuje się różnego rodzaju skale pomiaru jakości życia. Dotychczasowe wyniki badań w tym zakresie wskazują wyraźnie, że jakość życia osób po udarze mózgu ulega obniżeniu zarówno w aspekcie dobrostanu psychicznego, jak i w wymiarze funkcjonalnym. Materiał i metody. W pilotażowych badaniach jakości życia wzięło udział 25 osób po udarze mózgu. Do oceny subiektywnej i obiektywnej jakości życia użyto odpowiednio Kwestionariusza Satysfakcji Życiowej oraz anonimowej ankiety obejmującej dane demograficzne i ocenę obiektywnych aspektów jakości życia (zatrudnienie, dochody, sposób spędzania wolnego czasu). Wyniki. Z przeprowadzonych badań wynika, że osoby po udarze mózgu nisko oceniają swoją ogólną satysfakcję życiową - jedynie 24% badanych osób było zadowolonych z życia jako całości. Najczęściej podejmowaną formą spędzania czasu wolnego przez osoby po udarze mózgu było oglądanie telewizji. Osoby po udarze mózgu najbardziej zadowolone były z życia rodzinnego oraz z relacji z partnerem, natomiast najmniej satysfakcjonującą dziedziną życia była ich sytuacja zawodowa. Wnioski. Wskutek udaru mózgu obniża się jakość życia zarówno w wymiarze obiektywnym, jak i subiektywnym. Biorąc pod uwagę znaczenie, jakie ma ocena stanu jakości życia w programowaniu procesu indywidualnego usprawniania osób po udarze, prowadzenie badań na większą skalę w tym obszarze wydaje się istotne. Gerontol. Pol. 2010; 18, 3: 128-133Introduction. Nowadays, in order to assess effectiveness of rehabilitation process in people with stroke, different scales evaluating quality of life are used. Up-to-day results of research in this area show that quality of life after stroke decreases in two dimensions of well-being, psychological as well as functional. Material and methods. Twenty five people with stroke took part in the pilot study assessing quality of life. In order to assess subjective and objective quality of life the Life Satisfaction Questionnaire and anonymous questionnaire covering demographic data and evaluation of objective aspects of life (employment, income, freetime activities) were used respectively. Results. The results of undertaken study show that people with stroke assess their global life satisfaction (life as a whole) as low. Only 24% of study participants were satisfied with their life as a whole. The most often activity undertaken by people with stroke within their free-time was watching television. People with stroke were most satisfied with their family life and partnership relations, and the least satisfying area of life was their vocational situation. Conclusion. The both dimensions of life quality, objective and subjective, decrease as a result of stroke. Taking into account the importance of quality of life assessment on individual rehabilitation program following stoke, it seems that future larger study in this area is needed. Gerontol. Pol. 2010; 18, 3: 128-13

    Relationship between Pre-Competition Mental State and Sport Result of Disabled Boccia Athletes

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    The relationship between sport result and pre-competition mental state of 109 boccia athletes was analyzed. Mental state was described by: athletic identity, self-esteem, self-efficacy for sports, hope for success, fear of failure, anxiety, and expectancy of success. Correlation analyses were made for all four boccia classes (BC1, BC2, BC3, and BC4) and revealed that only athletic identity was associated with sport result in class BC4. Four hierarchical multiple regression models (for BC1, BC2, BC3, and BC4 boccia classes) were created, with sport result as the dependent variable. Only the BC4 model was significant and included athletic identity, anxiety, self-efficacy for sports, and expectancy of success, which explained 49% of variance in sport result. BC4 class results indicate that psychological variables have a potential impact on sport performance in boccia, and the type and level of disability should be taken into account