5 research outputs found

    Social-ecological assessment of Lake Manyara basin, Tanzania: A mixed method approach.

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    This research article published by Elsevier Ltd., 2020The social-ecological system of the Lake Manyara basin (Northern Tanzania), a UNESCO Biosphere reserve (BR) suffers from social-economic and environmental problems due to decreasing water levels, erosion and land and water use conflicts. We propose an integrated assessment of the social-ecological interactions of the area to support future sustainable management. Within the Drivers-Pressures-State-Impact-Response (DPSIR) framework an integrated literature review and several methods of knowledge collection were combined to identify future management priorities and challenges. During focus groups with farmers and pastoralists, stakeholders confirmed the role played by land use changes as driver and pressure in the landscape, e.g. through increased erosion rates and siltation of the lake. Moreover, economic and social issues were identified as prominent factors being influenced by, or influencing these processes. These statements match the scientific literature. During participatory mapping exercises different spatial and resource allocation perceptions appeared amongst pastoralists and farmers. The multidisciplinary approach proved to be useful to acquire an integrated and comprehensive understanding of the state, challenges and opportunities of Lake Manyara BR, to feed into a decision support system in service of an integrated management plan. Our assessment suggests that improved water governance in a multi-actor approach (with a focus on distribution of benefits, rights, and a specific role of the water authorities) should be a priority for future integrated management strategies. Also, awareness raising amongst decision makers, scientists and local communities is needed to demonstrate the advantages of an integrated approach. And finally, visible and fair mechanisms to share conservation revenues should be designed in a way that local benefits can be obtained together with incentive mechanisms for co-management and conservation

    Data for: Social-ecological assessment of Lake Manyara basin, Tanzania: a mixed method approach

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    The social-ecological system of the Lake Manyara basin (Northern Tanzania), a UNESCO Biosphere reserve (BR) suffers from socio-economic and environmental problems due to decreasing water levels, erosion and land and water use conflicts. An integrated assessment of the social-ecological interactions of the area is required to support future sustainable management. Within the Drivers-Pressures-State-Impact-Response (DPSIR) framework an integrated literature review and several methods of knowledge collection were combined to identify future management priorities and challenges. Annex 1 provides original fragments of information found in the selected literature, and coded as COD1, both for problems and causes of problems and for solutions. Focus groups with farmers and pastoralists collected a comprehensive set of statements about the situation. Annex 2 provides maps drawn by members of the authorities, the scientists, the pastoralists and the smallholder farmers in a community mapping exercise. Annex 3 provides a list of the 26 ecosystem services assessed by the participants during Focus Group 2. Annex 4 provides the questions used in the key informants interviews. Annex 5 provides the initial codes (letters) and corresponding merged codes (numbers) from key informants interviews. Annex 6 provides benchmarking results from the literature review and key-informants interviews

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