14 research outputs found

    Evaluation of effectiveness of a toothpaste containing tea tree oil and ethanolic extract of propolis on the improvement of oral health in patients using removable partial dentures

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    The aimof this studywas to evaluate the effect of toothpaste containing natural tea tree essential oil (TTO) and ethanolic extract of propolis (EEP), onmicroflora and selected indicators of oral health in patients using removable acrylic partial dentures. Fifty patients with varying conditions of hygiene were divided into two groups. The study group received the toothpaste with TTO and EEP, while the control group received the same toothpaste but without TTO and EEP. At the first visit, oral hygiene and hygiene of the prostheses were carried out. Control visits took place 7 and 28 days later and compared to baseline. Indexes like API (Approximal Plaque Index),mSBI (modified Sulcus Bleeding Index), OHI-s (simplified Oral Hygiene Index), and DPI (Denture Plaque Index) were assessed in three subsequent stages, and swabs were collected fromfloor of themouth area to assess themicrobiota. After 7 and 28 days of using the toothpaste with TTO and EEP, a statistically significant decrease of the examined indicator values were observed in the study group as compared to the values upon the initial visit. The number of isolated strains ofmicroorganisms in the study group was decreased ormaintained at the same level, whereas in the control group an increase in the number of isolated strains was observed. The observed stabilization of oralmicrobiota in patients fromthe study group confirms the beneficial activity of toothpaste containing EEP and TTO compared to the control group

    Oral Health of Patients Treated with Acrylic Partial Dentures Using a Toothpaste Containing Bee Product

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    This study was carried out to investigate the influence of a propolis and tee tree oil-containing hygienic agent on selected oral health parameters, oral microflora, and the condition of periodontal health. Thirty-seven patients who underwent oral rehabilitation with a removable acrylic denture were selected and randomly assigned into two groups: study group (A) which received a newly formulated propolis and tee tree oil-containing toothpaste or a control group (C) without an active ingredient. API, S-OHI, and mSBI were assessed in three subsequent stages. During each examination swabs were employed for microbiological inoculation: in the study group after 4 weeks use of the active toothpaste showed a decrease in the number of isolated microorganisms. In the control group, after 4 weeks use of the toothpaste without active ingredients resulted in increase in the number of the isolated microorganisms. Improvements in hygiene and the condition of periodontium were observed in patients using active toothpastes. In the study group the oral flora diversity was reduced by the decrease in the number of cultured microorganism species, while in the control group an increase in the number of cultured microorganisms and their species was observed

    Third molar agenesis

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    INTRODUCTION Teeth agenesis is the most common teeth developmental anomaly. It mostly affects third molars (5-58%). The intensity of this agenesis can be various (from one to four teeth). Hypodontia of third molars can co-exist with other teeth number disturbances. The aim of this study was to find relation between agenesis of third molars and agenesis of other teeth. MATERIAL AND METHODS Medical documentation of 980 patients was analysed. The studied group were patients with absence of one or more third molars as confirmed radiografically. The second condition was to obtain stadium G of germs formation (by Demirijan) by the second lower molars. Patients possessing all four third molars create a control group. Prevalence and type of agenesis in the studied and control group were examined. RESULTS 363 patients were qualified to the study, 296 in the control group and 67 in the studied one. The agenesis of 133 third molars were found (62 in the upper jaw and 71 in the lower one). The prevalence of other teeth agenesis in the studied group was 20.9% and concerns mainly the lower second premolars (19.4%), upper (17.9%) and upper lateral incisors (10.5%). The prevalence of other teeth agenesis in the control group was 8.8%. CONCLUSIONS The most frequent form of agenesis was the absence of singular lower third molar. In the studied group prevalence of congenital lack of other teeth was higher than in the control group.WSTĘP Niedoliczbowość zębów należy do najczęściej występujących wad rozwojowych uzębienia i najczęściej dotyczy trzecich zębów trzonowych (5-58%). Agenezja tych zębów ma różne nasilenie i może współistnieć z innymi nieprawidłowościami liczby zębów. Celem podjętych badań było ustalenie zależności między agenezją trzecich zębów trzonowych a agenezją innych zębów. MATERIAŁ I METODY Przeanalizowano dokumentację medyczną 980 osób. Grupę badawczą stanowili pacjenci, u których stwierdzono agenezję trzecich zębów trzonowych przy jednoczesnym osiągnięciu przez drugi dolny stały ząb trzonowy stadium rozwoju „G” wg Demirijana. Pacjenci, u których obecne były zawiązki wszystkich trzecich zębów trzonowych, stanowili grupę kontrolną. Zbadano częstość i rodzaj niedoliczbowości zębów w grupie badawczej i kontrolnej. WYNIKI Do badań zakwalifikowano 363 pacjentów: 296 do grupy kontrolnej, a 67 do grupy badawczej. Ujawniono agenezję 133 trzecich zębów trzonowych, w tym 62 górnych i 71 dolnych. U 20,9% pacjentów z agenezją trzecich zębów trzonowych występowały braki zawiązków innych zębów, wśród których dominowały braki zawiązków drugich zębów przedtrzonowych dolnych (19,4%) i górnych (17,9%) oraz górnych siekaczy bocznych (10,5%). W grupie kontrolnej niedoliczbowość zębów wyniosła 8,8%. WNIOSKI Agenezja najczęściej dotyczyła pojedynczego dolnego trzeciego zęba trzonowego. W grupie badawczej częstość agenezji pozostałych zębów była wyższa niż w grupie kontrolnej

    Solitary Median Maxillary Central Incisor Syndrome, patient descriptions. Contribution to preventive and interceptive orthodontic procedure

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    The solitary median maxillary central incisor (SMMCI) syndrome is a congenital developmental defect of the head. The prevalent symptom is a solitary median incisor of the maxilla both in primary and secondary dentition. The cause of the syndrome is related to midline defects in the migration and connection of the prechordal mesoderm between the 35th and the 38th day post conception (p.c.). Such a malformation occurs at the region of the frontonasal ridge which takes part in the formation of the median structures of the head such as the incisive bone with incisors and the corresponding region of the mouth cavity vault, the philtrum and the median part of the upper vermilion border, as well as eye sockets, nasal ducts with anterior and posterior nares, nasal septum, and the palatal wall. The remaining characteristic features of the syndrome are observed in the head region and also co-exist with other systemic developmental defects. The aim of the study was to present the SMMCI syndrome in two female patients treated at the Department of Orthodontics of the Medical University of Silesia in Zabrze, Poland. Based on patient observations, diagnosis is made late, most frequently by dentists after the occurrence of a prevalent symptom. The aim of orthodontists is to monitor the development of dentition and occlusion, detailed radiological investigation and interceptive orthodontic care.Zespół pojedynczego siekacza środkowego szczęki (solitary median maxillary central incisor – SMMCIS) to wrodzona wada rozwojowa głowy, której objawem dominującym jest pojedynczy środkowy siekacz szczęki zarówno w uzębieniu mlecznym, jak i stałym. Przyczyną wystąpienia zespołu jest zaburzenie migracji i łączenia w linii pośrodkowej mezodermy przedstrunowej w okresie między 35 a 38 dniem post conception (p.c.). Malformacja ta odbywa się w obszarze wyrostka czołowo-nosowego, który bierze udział w powstawaniu środkowych struktur głowy, takich jak: kość przysieczna wraz z siekaczami i odpowiadającą jej okolicą sklepienia jamy ustnej, filtrum i pośrodkowa część czerwieni wargi górnej, ponadto: oczodoły, przewody nosowe wraz z nozdrzami przednimi, tylnymi, przegrodą nosową oraz wałem podniebiennym. Pozostałe cechy zespołu ujawniają się w obrębie głowy oraz współwystępują z innymi układowymi wadami rozwojowymi. Celem pracy było przedstawienie zespołu SMMCI u dwóch pacjentek leczonych w Zakładzie Ortodoncji SUM w Zabrzu. Z prezentacji pacjentów wynika, że rozpoznanie tego zespołu stawiane jest późno, najczęściej przez stomatologów, po pojawieniu się objawu dominującego. Zadaniami lekarza ortodonty są monitoring rozwoju uzębienia i zgryzu, szczegółowa diagnostyka radiologiczna i interceptywna opieka ortodontyczna

    A Comparative Study of Oral Microbiota in Infants with Complete Cleft Lip and Palate or Cleft Soft Palate

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    Few reports have been published on the early microbiota in infants with various types of cleft palate. We assessed the formation of the oral microbiota in infants with complete cleft lip and palate (CLP n=30) or cleft soft palate (CSP n=25) in the neonatal period (T1 time) and again in the gum pad stage (T2 time). Culture swabs from the tongue, palate, and/or cleft margin at T1 and T2 were taken. We analysed the prevalence of the given bacterial species (the percentage) and the proportions in which the palate and tongue were colonised by each microorganism. At T1, Streptococcus mitis (S. mitis) were the most frequently detected in subjects with CLP or CSP (63% and 60%, resp.). A significantly higher frequency of methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus MSSA) was observed in CLP compared to the CSP group. At T2, significantly higher percentages of S. mitis, S. aureus MSSA, Staphylococcus epidermidis, and members of the Enterobacteriaceae family were noted in CLP infants compared to the CSP. S. mitis and Streptococcus sanguinis appeared with the greatest frequency on the tongue, whereas Streptococcus salivarius was predominant on the palate. The development of the microbiota in CLP subjects was characterised by a significant increase in the prevalence of pathogenic bacteria

    Concept of experimental preparation for treating dentin hypersensitivity

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    Dentinal hypersensitivity (DH) is a diagnostic and therapeutic problem that is now appearing more frequently in modern dentistry. The aim of this work was to elaborate formulation of a new, original desensitizing preparation with prolonged action based on the knowledge of similar commercializations and to compare their performance in vitro

    Influence of Propolis on Hygiene, Gingival Condition, and Oral Microflora in Patients with Cleft Lip and Palate Treated with Fixed Orthodontic Appliances

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of 3% ethanol extract of propolis (EEP) on hygiene, gingival and microbiological status of oral cavity in patients with cleft lip and palate treated with fixed orthodontic appliances. The study included forty-one nonsyndromic complete unilateral of bilateral cleft lip and palate subjects with fixed appliance on at least 10 teeth. Twenty-one subjects were instructed to brush their teeth three times a day using toothpaste with propolis. Control group included twenty subjects who were asked to brush their teeth three times a day using a toothpaste without propolis. API, OPI, GI, and supragingival bacterial plaque were taken from each subject twice: baseline and after using the toothpaste for 35 days. The final examinations showed statistically significant decrease in OPI, GI, and the percentage of the Actinomyces spp. and Capnocytophaga spp. compared with baseline in propolis group subjects. The improvement in oral health in these patients confirms antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and regenerative properties of propolis

    The Use of Photodynamic Therapy in the Treatment of Brain Tumors—A Review of the Literature

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    The treatment of neoplastic disease of the brain is still a challenge for modern medicine. Therefore, advanced methodologies are needed that can rationally and successfully contribute to the early diagnosis of primary and metastatic tumors growing within the brain. Photodynamic therapy (PDT) seems to be a valuable method of treatment for precancerous and cancerous lesions including brain tumors. The main advantage of PDT is its high efficiency, minimal invasiveness and no serious side effects, compared with chemotherapy and radiotherapy. This review was conducted through a comprehensive search of articles, scientific information databases and the websites of organizations dealing with cancer treatment. Key points from clinical trials conducted by other researchers are also discussed. The common databases such as PubMed, Google Scholar, EBSCO, Scopus, and Elsevier were used. Articles in the English language of reliable credibility were mainly analyzed. The type of publications considered included clinical and preclinical studies, systematic reviews, and case reports. Based on these collected materials, we see that scientists have already demonstrated the potential of PDT application in the field of brain tumors. Therefore, in this review, the treatment of neoplasm of the Central Nervous System (CNS) and the most common tumor, glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), have been explored. In addition, an overview of the general principles of PDT, as well as the mechanism of action of the therapy as a therapeutic platform for brain tumors, is described. The research was carried out in June 2022

    Utility of 1.5 Tesla MRI Scanner in the Management of Small Sample Sizes Driven from 3D Breast Cell Culture

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    The aim of this work was to use and optimize a 1.5 Tesla magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) system for three-dimensional (3D) images of small samples obtained from breast cell cultures in vitro. The basis of this study was to design MRI equipment to enable imaging of MCF-7 breast cancer cell cultures (about 1 million cells) in 1.5 and 2 mL glass tubes and/or bioreactors with an external diameter of less than 20 mm. Additionally, the development of software to calculate longitudinal and transverse relaxation times is described. Imaging tests were performed using a clinical MRI scanner OPTIMA 360 manufactured by GEMS. Due to the size of the tested objects, it was necessary to design additional receiving circuits allowing for the study of MCF-7 cell cultures placed in glass bioreactors. The examined sample’s volume did not exceed 2.0 mL nor did the number of cells exceed 1 million. This work also included a modification of the sequence to allow for the analysis of T1 and T2 relaxation times. The analysis was performed using the MATLAB package (produced by MathWorks). The created application is based on medical MR images saved in the DICOM3.0 standard which ensures that the data analyzed are reliable and unchangeable in an unintentional manner that could affect the measurement results. The possibility of using 1.5 T MRI systems for cell culture research providing quantitative information from in vitro studies was realized. The scanning resolution for FOV = 5 cm and the matrix was achieved at a level of resolution of less than 0.1 mm/pixel. Receiving elements were built allowing for the acquisition of data for MRI image reconstruction confirmed by images of a phantom with a known structure and geometry. Magnetic resonance sequences were modified for the saturation recovery (SR) method, the purpose of which was to determine relaxation times. An application in MATLAB was developed that allows for the analysis of T1 and T2 relaxation times. The relaxation times of cell cultures were determined over a 6-week period. In the first week, the T1 time value was 1100 ± 40 ms, which decreased to 673 ± 59 ms by the sixth week. For T2, the results were 171 ± 10 ms and 128 ± 12 ms, respectively