24 research outputs found

    Urząd Bezpieczeństwa i Ludowe Wojsko Polskie wobec podziemia niepodległościowego na terenie powiatu przeworskiego w latach 1944–1947

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    OFFICE OF PUBLIC SECURITY AND POLISH PEOPLE’S ARMY IN RELATION TO THE UNDERGROUND INDEPENDENCE MOVEMENT IN THE PRZEWORSK POVIAT 1944–1947 The Poviat Office of Public Security in Przeworsk, whose later organizations and methods of work were modelled after the Soviet solutions, was established in the autumn of 1944. It became an instrument allowing the communist circles gathered in the Polish Workers’ Party (PWP) to seize control of the poviat, which took place in stages from 1944 until 1947. This would not be possible had it not been for armed assistance of the Red Army and units of the Polish People’s Army.The elimination of the underground independence movement in the poviat took place with the use of operation methods practised by the security services in the whole Poland. The army was used to carry out military actions, arrest suspects, convoy the resettled Ukrainians etc. An analysis of the operations carried out by the Office of Security and Polish People’s Army indicates that only with their help was PWP able to assume power in the region. Using psychological and physical terror on the poviat community, a system hostile to national traditions was imposed. It effectively enslaved the inhabitants in the following years

    Security theory and practice: Energy security and environmental/climate protection in the second decade of the 21st century: Development trends

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    ZE WSTĘPU: W niniejszym tomie podjęte zostały aktualne zagadnienia związane z wybranymi aspektami bezpieczeństwa ekologicznego (w ujęciu przedmiotowym i narodowym), jak również implikacjami powiązania kwestii ochrony środowiska i klimatu z rozwojem społeczno-ekonomicznym oraz polityką i bezpieczeństwem energetycznym


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    A COIN operation involves both insurgents and local people. Its main goal is to neutralize all conditions enabling the development of insurgent movements or conducive to their development. In COIN operations, the basic efficiency criterion is the destruction or significant reduction of the opponent’s effectiveness and its ability to use local people for its own purposes. Military counterintelligence is responsible for analyzing the capabilities and organizational structure of the enemy’s reconnaissance system, including terrorist organizations or rebels, and planning undertakings that neutralize enemy activities, achieved, among others by recognizing its capabilities and taking remedial action on this basis. Anti-partisan operations constitute a coordinated effort to combat guerrilla activities in the theatre of war of a varied military, paramilitary, political, economic, psychological, and social character, aimed against insurgents and against their impact on the state and the society


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    The Islamic State was established as a result of many political, social and economic factors. It is currently the strongest terrorist structure in the world, which has support among the Islamic community across the globe. IS is a creation, which destabilizes the situation in the Middle East and threatens international security. Only the creation of a single international coalition sharing a common military and political policy against the IS can lead to the neutralization of this threat

    Inwigilacja mieszkańców Przeworska przez komunistyczny aparat represji w latach 1944–1956

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    During years 1944 to 1956 the communist repression apparatus has kept under surveillance every aspect of civilian life of Przeworsk’s community. There were not people, professions or business entities which could stay out of interest of. Special attention was directed to people who were connected with former Polish Armed Forces on the West and military structures which acted in occupied Poland (f. e. Homeland Army). In the area of interest communist’s security services added inhabitants of Przeworsk city who had private connections with foreigners, listened west radio broadcast or stated negative opinions about communist’s party. Also economic problems in the Przeworsk’s nationalized industry were assessed as planned by enemies of communist system and in order to weaken socialist economy. However, analysis of the documents which were made by communist repression apparatus stated that inhabitants of Przeworsk were not connected with the alleged activity of foreigner intelligence services or harmed city nationalized industry

    International delivery of armaments and military equipment for Ukraine after the invasion by the Russian Federation in 2022

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    Atak Rosji na Ukrainę spowodował reakcję państw Zachodu, które solidarnie zobowiązały się do udzielenia pomocy walczącej Ukrainie. Postawa państw zachodnich jest bardzo ważna w kontekście niepodległości Ukrainy. Wsparcie wojskowe pomimo dużej skali jest prawdopodobnie niewystarczające dla Ukrainy. Politycy tego państwa apelują o zwiększenie ilości oraz tempa dostaw uzbrojenia. Siły Zbrojne Ukrainy są obecnie całkowite uzależnione od dostaw uzbrojenia, sprzętu wojskowego oraz innych materiałów z państw Zachodu. Armia Ukrainy tylko dzięki takiej pomocy i wsparciu wojskowemu może skutecznie rywalizować z armią Rosji. Po agresji dokonanej przez Rosję wsparcie wojskowe w postaci dostaw broni, sprzętu, amunicji i zaopatrzenia zrealizowały dla Ukrainy poszczególne kraje UE oraz kraje spoza kontynentu europejskiego.Russia's attack on Ukraine provoked a reaction from Western states, which jointly pledged to provide aid to the fighting Ukraine. The attitude of Western countries is very important in terms of Ukraine's independence. Military support, despite its large scale, is probably insufficient for Ukraine. Ukraine's Armed Forces are now completely dependent on the supply of weapons, military equipment and other materials from Western countries. The Ukrainian army can successfully compete with the Russian army only thanks to such help and military support. After the aggression by Russia, military support in the form of supplies of weapons, equipment, ammunition and supplies for Ukraine was provided by individual EU countries and countries outside the European continent

    Polish military counterintelligence service in the International Security Assistance Forces in Afghanistan

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    Służba Kontrwywiadu Wojskowego (SKW) jest jedną z dwóch wojskowych służb specjalnych jakie zaangażowane były w osłonę i zabezpieczenie informacyjne dla Polskiego Kontyngentu Wojskowego (PKW) realizującego zadania mandatowe w ramach sił koalicyjnych w operacji International Security Assistance Forces (ISAF) w Afganistanie. W ocenie ekspertów do spraw bezpieczeństwa oraz polityków służba ta wywiązała się wzorowo z postawionych przed nią zadań, chociaż nie brakowało słów krytyki za rzekomo popełnione błędy. Operacje z udziałem SKW lub te realizowane na podstawie przekazywanych przez nią informacji na teatrze działań wojennych w Afganistanie w okresie trwania misji ISAF pozytywnie oceniane były przez przedstawicieli sił koalicyjnych i wpłynęły na budowanie pozytywnego wizerunku Polskich Sił Zadaniowych jako wiarygodnych i profesjonalnych partnerów.Military Counterintelligence Service (SKW) is one of two military special services which were involved in the cover and security information for the Polish Military Contingent performing the tasks mandated in the framework of coalition forces (International Security Assistance Forces - ISAF) in Afghanistan. According to security experts and politicians this service complied perfectly with the tasks set before, although there was no shortage of criticism for alleged errors. Actions involving SKW or those carried out on the basis of information provided by them during the period of the ISAF mission were positively evaluated by representatives of the coalition forces and contributed to a positive image of Polish Task Force as a reliable and professional partner

    Urząd Bezpieczeństwa i Ludowe Wojsko Polskie wobec podziemia niepodległościowego na terenie powiatu przeworskiego w latach 1944–1947

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    OFFICE OF PUBLIC SECURITY AND POLISH PEOPLE’S ARMY IN RELATION TO THE UNDERGROUND INDEPENDENCE MOVEMENT IN THE PRZEWORSK POVIAT 1944–1947 The Poviat Office of Public Security in Przeworsk, whose later organizations and methods of work were modelled after the Soviet solutions, was established in the autumn of 1944. It became an instrument allowing the communist circles gathered in the Polish Workers’ Party (PWP) to seize control of the poviat, which took place in stages from 1944 until 1947. This would not be possible had it not been for armed assistance of the Red Army and units of the Polish People’s Army.The elimination of the underground independence movement in the poviat took place with the use of operation methods practised by the security services in the whole Poland. The army was used to carry out military actions, arrest suspects, convoy the resettled Ukrainians etc. An analysis of the operations carried out by the Office of Security and Polish People’s Army indicates that only with their help was PWP able to assume power in the region. Using psychological and physical terror on the poviat community, a system hostile to national traditions was imposed. It effectively enslaved the inhabitants in the following years