9,457 research outputs found

    Crystal engineering using functionalized adamantane

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    We performed a first principles investigation on the structural, electronic, and optical properties of crystals made of chemically functionalized adamantane molecules. Several molecular building blocks, formed by boron and nitrogen substitutional functionalizations, were considered to build zincblende and wurtzite crystals, and the resulting structures presented large bulk moduli and cohesive energies, wide and direct bandgaps, and low dielectric constants (low-κ\kappa materials). Those properties provide stability for such structures up to room temperature, superior to those of typical molecular crystals. This indicates a possible road map for crystal engineering using functionalized diamondoids, with potential applications ranging from space filling between conducting wires in nanodevices to nano-electro-mechanical systems

    Electronic properties and hyperfine fields of nickel-related complexes in diamond

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    We carried out a first principles investigation on the microscopic properties of nickel-related defect centers in diamond. Several configurations, involving substitutional and interstitial nickel impurities, have been considered either in isolated configurations or forming complexes with other defects, such as vacancies and boron and nitrogen dopants. The results, in terms of spin, symmetry, and hyperfine fields, were compared with the available experimental data on electrically active centers in synthetic diamond. Several microscopic models, previously proposed to explain those data, have been confirmed by this investigation, while some models could be discarded. We also provided new insights on the microscopic structure of several of those centers.Comment: 21 pages, 8 figure

    Experimental observation of fractional topological phases with photonic qudits

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    Geometrical and topological phases play a fundamental role in quantum theory. Geometric phases have been proposed as a tool for implementing unitary gates for quantum computation. A fractional topological phase has been recently discovered for bipartite systems. The dimension of the Hilbert space determines the topological phase of entangled qudits under local unitary operations. Here we investigate fractional topological phases acquired by photonic entangled qudits. Photon pairs prepared as spatial qudits are operated inside a Sagnac interferometer and the two-photon interference pattern reveals the topological phase as fringes shifts when local operations are performed. Dimensions d=2,3d = 2, 3 and 44 were tested, showing the expected theoretical values.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Avaliação da composição química das espigas de três híbridos de milho (Zea mays L.) em quatro estádios de maturação.

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    O objetivo deste experimento foi avaliar a composição química das espigas dos três híbridos de milho BRS 1035, BRS 1031 e BRS 1001 em quatro idades de corte, a partir da determinação dos parâmetros: matéria seca (MS), proteína bruta (PB), fibra detergente neutro (FDN) e fibra detergente ácido (FDA). O delineamento utilizado foi inteiramente casualizado com fatorial3 (híbridos) x 4 (idades de corte), sendo as médias comparadas pelo teste SNK (P<0,05). Todos os híbridos demonstraram um aumento do teor de MS de 87 para 171 dias, com diferença (P<0,05) entre todos os cortes. Não houve diferença (P<0,05) nos valores de PB entre os cortes em todos os híbridos. Aos 94 dias o híbrido BRS 1001 (5,67%) demonstrou um valor de PB superior (P<0,05) ao BRS 1031 (4,66%) e ambos foram semelhantes (P<0,05) ao BRS 1035 (5,11%). Todos os híbridos apresentaram uma queda dos valores de FDN com o avanço da maturidade até 101 dias. A variação dos valores de FDA da espiga foi muito semelhante à variação do FDN já que a correlação dessas características foi 0,97 (P<0,001). Não houve diferença (P<0,05) nos valores de FDA entre os híbridos dentro dos cortes. Os híbridos avaliados neste experimento apresentaram as mesmas tendências de aumento da MS da' espiga com o avançar da maturidade fisiológica com provável acúmulo de amido na espiga, reduzindo os teores de carboidratos estruturais como FDN e FDA nessa fração da planta